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Archive July-December 2003
Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: Archive July-December 2003
- "unseen" movie/TV violence and the effect on our kids 3/17 02:38am
- Quite a Miracle - OT Vest - Prayer - Seit teacher 11/5 02:48pm
- Tubes, Tonsils and Adenoids - THIS Thursday!
- Nanny with vacation room.. Taken from Nassau country moms at yahoo 9/18 11:41am
- 15 week old - acid reflux? gas? food allergy? 12/30 09:24pm
- Fun healthy snack for kids in the "KIDS" recipe topic 12/30 03:02pm
- Normal stools for a baby?? 12/29 08:42pm
- Cold or Allergy ? 12/26 02:03pm
- A Christmas Story 12/25 02:10am
- Trying to CIO, need help!!! 12/23 10:28am
- Sick cousin - should I take my baby to her house?? 12/22 08:21pm
- Slow weight gainer 12/22 11:47am
- Cradle Cap Fixes 12/21 06:07pm
- A great Mommy moment 12/20 08:23am
- Advice on disclipline measures 12/17 10:33am
- Family issues has made my two kids misserable 12/17 12:12am
- DD is sick & has terrible smelling breath. 12/16 05:57pm
- Isn't it weird? 12/16 04:57pm
- Congested Child 12/16 09:37am
- Windyo-my story on autism (this is so long) 12/15 11:50pm
- Smushed in the sling? 12/14 11:15am
- Explaining sex 12/13 10:00pm
- Their on their way!!!!!!!!! 12/11 04:38pm
- Am I over reacting? 12/11 01:52am
- Shes one 12/10 11:49pm
- How do I get my kids to go to bed?! 12/10 07:34pm
- Cold and Allergy Question 12/10 11:59am
- A Mom to Be. What advice would you give? 12/9 06:52pm
- Getting a new Car 12/9 03:29pm
- I am wondering how many people use Claritin or allergy medicine for their kids? 12/9 03:08pm
- A Child's Wonder 12/9 11:19am
- Infant Tossing and turning 12/8 07:23pm
- Predisposed Y Chromosome Syndrome? 12/8 12:33am
- Speech converence today 12/4 11:16pm
- Should I start being concerned? 12/4 08:50pm
- Love and Logic Question 12/4 03:44pm
- He's BITING me! 12/1 02:52pm
- Need some BTDT stories - Re: allergies 11/28 12:32pm
- Dispensing medicine 11/27 07:12pm
- What is a healthy baby scrotum SUPPOSED to feel like? 11/27 11:20am
- 11 month old just wants to nurse. 11/27 03:52am
- Need some suggestions re: playschool 11/26 11:53pm
- 20 Month Old's Eating Habits 11/26 07:58pm
- This is kinda touchy......... 11/24 03:59pm
- Is this normal? Or have I caused irrevocable damage? 11/24 10:30am
- She's growing up.....Again (Waaa...Waaaa) 11/22 09:39pm
- We're Potty Training! Help!! 11/22 09:30pm
- Do I ignore her or not?? 11/21 03:57pm
- I have a strong willed do i parent this problem? 11/21 05:29am
- Difficult children 11/19 11:25pm
- Can anyone recommend 11/18 03:06pm
- Moving back home for the baby. 11/18 08:05am
- Bad self comfort habit 11/17 11:15pm
- Changing schools 11/16 06:07pm
- Parent Teacher Conferences
11/15 09:03pm
- Are Power Puff Girls Appropriate? 11/15 11:27am
- Ds's new school is K-8th 11/14 07:03pm
- Rocking/banging head babies 11/13 02:00pm
- Very upset with the school 11/11 10:22pm
- We Have A Problem 11/11 05:44pm
- Unkind comments 11/10 05:39pm
- Food burns my little boo-bugs face
11/10 11:14am
- Can babies cut teeth at 3 months?? 11/10 07:44am
- Question for Kim 11/8 06:40pm
- Boys and circumcision (sp?) 4/20 09:23pm
- Mom's Major Mistake With Bottles! 11/6 08:17pm
- Too much sleep? 11/5 02:19pm
- At what age... 11/5 02:11pm
- Free Potty training charts 11/5 01:51pm
- Caillou 11/4 04:29pm
- *New Poisoning Info* 11/3 05:55pm
- HELP! Leg-shaking in an infant 11/2 03:33pm
- ADHD, OCD, children & medications - thoughtful article in TIME 11/2 08:30am
- Kaitlyn has 2 bottom teeth now! 10/31 03:43pm
- Pee on the Potty! 10/31 02:57pm
- Youngest age you've had allergy testing done on kids 10/29 07:46pm
- More potty training questions 10/29 01:33pm
- I just want one day without a sick child!
10/28 03:42pm
- Gift Ideas for 12 month old-birthday and christmas 10/26 11:13pm
- Cheerios question 10/26 08:16am
- 10 mo old sleep habits 10/24 09:42pm
- Speech and Language Milestones for young children - Very good page 10/24 08:19am
- This is too bizarre! 10/24 02:27pm
- I have a question about my 5 month old dd 10/24 12:44pm
- CAPD (Central Audio Processing ) 10/24 11:32am
- PamT...speech question 10/23 09:57pm
- OMGoodness!!! 10/23 06:35pm
- Carseat Question 10/23 05:27pm
- Help!!! ds wetting his pants at school 10/23 02:48pm
- How many and what types of extracirricular activiites ... 10/23 02:25pm
- Thank God for... 10/23 12:00pm
- Teething and Colds 10/23 09:21am
- Britax Has Recalled Super Elite Youth Restraints 10/23 09:17am
- Secret Santa Gift Exchange 10/23 07:16am
- Crib dillema.... 10/22 03:12pm
- When to give up naps? 10/22 10:07am
- UPDATE: DD and her preschool friends/situation 10/22 12:16am
- Advice on a splinter 10/21 01:16pm
- PLEASE properly restrain your kids.... 10/18 01:02am
- Secret Santa Gift Exchange 10/16 12:50am
- Issue w/DD and preschool friends 10/15 09:06pm
- Teaching responsibility 10/15 09:28am
- Sleep, Naps and Molars Trouble! 10/14 04:01pm
- Nobody told me this was a life-time job (whine, whine) 10/13 06:53pm
- Can anyone help me!?? ADHD question!! (long-sorry) 10/6 11:05pm
- Chicken Pox (a vent) 10/9 04:06pm
- Ear infection help 10/7 09:45pm
- Toddler and bottle 10/7 10:45am
- Went out for lunch today....... 10/3 01:35pm
- Incident after story time today-opinions please-Long 10/3 10:48am
- Another Ear question 10/1 09:22am
- DS bed wetting 9/27 10:45am
- Sometimes I could just.................AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! 9/26 11:59pm
- Can't get my dd to FOCUS!! 9/24 10:12pm
- Can I vent a little? 9/22 09:37pm
- Strong-Willed Child 9/22 09:33am
- Out of the mouths of babes... 9/19 07:27pm
- My 5 y.o. ds is all grown up already! 9/18 06:01pm
- Fun Letter/Alphabet Activites for a 2 1/2 yr old??? 9/17 03:55pm
- Hol?? 9/17 09:30am
- Three year olds are great! 9/16 08:35am
- DS Has Bad Stomach Pains. Could It Be the Depakote? 9/15 11:26am
- Do you have a 9 or 10 year old daughter?? If so... 9/14 09:59pm
- Whiny child 9/14 07:02pm
- Stressed out kid 9/14 06:54pm
- Skipping a grade 9/13 04:45pm
- At what age.... 9/12 09:45pm
- School vent 9/12 06:23pm
- Oh my! 9/12 05:27pm
- My ds LOVES money! LOL ( a little mommy brag) 9/12 04:56pm
- New Meds for DS's 9/11 11:47pm
- Climbing trees 9/11 11:33pm
- DD has her first playdate...I'm so excited! 9/11 03:04pm
- Trina re: Britax Bodyguard 9/11 11:06am
- Is this really what someone thinks a 3 year old should do 9/11 10:31am
- Is This Bullying??? 9/10 11:32pm
- Starting Solids 9/10 01:46pm
- Feeling bad for DD 9/9 10:13pm
- School Uniform policy 9/9 02:03pm
- First time at preschool and lots of problems 9/9 09:50am
- Dealing with a fussing newborn.. 9/9 12:52am
- How do you teach your DK's to pick good friends? 9/8 08:06pm
- Micro-managing my 5th grader 9/8 06:31pm
- Binky 9/7 12:47am
- 4th grader problem...long 9/6 07:10am
- Finally found out what is wrong with ds 9/6 12:34am
- DD is such a SLOB!!!!!!! 9/5 09:20am
- I need help 9/4 09:23am
- My youngest has learned... 9/3 10:39pm
- High pitched squeeling, how do I stop her? 9/3 09:21am
- First loose tooth...question!! 9/2 04:04pm
- We got thrown out of the planetarium in New York City! 9/1 08:15pm
- Am I the Only One?? 8/30 07:09pm
- Lunchbox ideas 8/30 01:01am
- Complicated question 8/29 03:59pm
- Pacifiers 8/29 11:57am
- - Back to School Ideas 8/28 10:01pm
- Toddler recipes? 8/28 09:27pm
- My child is freaking me out! 8/28 02:22am
- DD teething-Already? 8/28 02:00am
- Homework help 8/27 08:33pm
- Homopathy and a possible help or cure for autism 8/27 08:27pm
- Starting School Question? 8/27 01:34pm
- Similac Alimentum 8/26 10:58pm
- Just wanted to update after tonsils out.... 8/26 01:48pm
- "they made my hangy down thing sick"....
8/25 05:28pm
- Tonsils (and picture) 8/25 05:24pm
- Heading to the ENT today
8/25 12:15pm
- Still undecided about school 8/25 10:22am
- Car Seat Question for Trina or Anyone Else 8/24 11:45am
- My youngest is starting preschool
8/24 08:25am
- Potty training is getting better..... 8/21 01:49pm
- Aspirin use linked to Miscarriages. Don't take aspirin if you are ttc 8/21 12:37pm
- I hate dressing DD!!!!!! 8/20 06:22pm
- What do I do about my ds? 8/19 09:42pm
- My Poor Baby! 8/19 07:41am
- Help for Diaper Rash 8/18 10:33pm
- Good drugs for women. (JOKE) 8/18 09:28pm
- My First Born's Birthday! 8/17 06:19pm
- Not MY child!! 8/16 09:57am
- I have two 11 year old girls one has started and the other has not can any one help me? 8/14 11:38am
- Ds is afraid of public toilets.. Any advice? 8/13 08:46am
- DS took a trail karate class on Sunday. at tiger shulmans karate 8/12 06:38pm
- A tip regarding Lice 8/11 10:31pm
- Lice removal 8/11 09:31am
- Proud mother 8/10 08:28am
- Concerta 8/10 12:06am
- Photo: getting in car to head to school! (1st day K) 8/9 10:49pm
- Attachment Disorder 8/6 03:08pm
- Anyone with wandering preschoolers? 8/6 01:17pm
- First day of school is over. 8/6 09:08am
- We met our teacher today!!!!!
8/5 10:27am
- After school sports 8/4 01:15pm
- School lunches, breakfast, snacks 8/4 08:47am
- Theraputic Listening for increasing attention and learning 8/4 06:15am
- Another School Question Part II 8/3 09:53am
- Another school question 8/3 09:24am
- Where's the weirdest/funniest place your kid has fallen asleep? 8/2 09:37pm
- School Hours 8/2 12:08am
- Phew! 8/1 06:48pm
- Ds starts swimming lessons today. 8/1 05:49pm
- This is the Ease theraputic listening cds
- Understanding your child's vision test result (ie 20/20) 8/1 12:23pm
- Why is my baby crying sooooo much? 8/1 01:23am
- First day of school is next week!
7/30 05:46pm
- Potty Training Advice anyone? 7/30 02:42pm
- Babysitting Co-op? Any experience? 7/30 10:27am
- "More sleep imporves school work and reduces accidents".... 7/29 11:10pm
- Determine your childs learning style.... 7/29 10:33pm
- Books for baby 7/29 01:27am
- Karo Syrup: Question 7/25 12:30am
- 11y/o wants to live with dad in another state...Rather Long 7/24 11:39pm
- Ouch, biting hurts! 7/22 01:24pm
- Do y'all have these experiences with other parents? 7/22 08:59am
- My baby is walking! 7/20 10:34pm
- Help needed... 7/18 02:14pm
- Does this happen to anyone else? 7/17 11:18pm
- Children sharing bedrooms 7/16 04:07pm
- I'm afraid that the TIME is coming soon...... 7/15 11:23pm
- Just need advice... 7/14 09:02pm
- Feels like she is trying to get out! 7/12 09:11pm
- Lice 7/12 08:48pm
- What age for the movies? 7/11 08:54pm
- Need suggestions on a good booster seat 7/11 03:29pm
- ADHD signs 7/11 10:50am
- Chicken Pox vaccine and out break question.... 7/11 10:20am
- A Parent's Prayer 7/9 11:45pm
- Weaning off breastmilk 7/6 09:45pm
- Riding a Bike 7/6 07:58pm
- Tonsils, Adenoids, & Tubes in Ears?????!!!!! 7/6 08:18am
- UPDATE on my DD's fib at church 7/4 02:33pm
- Where do you get girl stuff? 7/4 09:36am
- Allergy ????'s 7/4 12:13am
- Baby gyms? 7/2 11:38pm
- The fib my DD told in Church Sunday morning. 7/2 07:24pm
- 23243
- Portable bottle warmers. 7/1 04:09pm