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Books for baby

Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: Archive July-December 2003: Books for baby
By Reneekb on Thursday, July 24, 2003 - 10:57 pm:

Hi everyone. I'm having a difficult time getting my eight month old interested in the books I try to read to her. Now that she is crawling, I can't seem to keep her from squirming out of my lap while I'm reading to her. I've tried putting the books on the floor in front of her, but her attention span doesn't seem to make it through the second page of most books. I don't know if I'm reading books that she isn't interested in, or if she just wants to crawl rather than listen to books. Any good book suggestions?

By Cat on Thursday, July 24, 2003 - 11:27 pm:

Try giving her a board book while you read another one to her. That way she can "read" with you. You can also try reading to her while she's sleepy and might be sitting in your lap anyway. At her age it's difficult to get them to sit still for anything (like eating, bathing, reading, etc...). There are several great board books out there. Anne Geddes has some really neat ones (the baby photos). I just ordered some Baby Eenstein ones that look neat. I don't have any kids that age anymore, but I have two infants that I'll be watching starting this fall. Good luck and I'm sure some others will have great suggestions for you. :)

By Semperspencer on Friday, July 25, 2003 - 01:33 am:

Renee, from my experience with my two boys, babies that age may better enjoy picture books. The kind where you could point to an object and say what it is, instead of being read a book that they really don't understand anyway. Maybe save the "text" books for bedtime when she is sleepy and more willing to sit still.

My youngest (21 months) LOVES books that I don't actually read...I may make up an easy to understand story about the pictures, or point to objects on the pages and talk about them. For instance, "Look at the cup, you drink milk in your cup, don't you?" ETC....

Don't get frustrated, because as Cat said, kids that age don't sit still for long. Keep trying, and don't forget to point out objects and name them no matter where you are....while walking around the house, at the doctor's office, grocery, anywhere...this will keep your child constantly learning new things. Learning does not have to be structured. Children learn more just from day to day routines, and random teaching.

By Eve on Friday, July 25, 2003 - 07:49 am:

My daughter was the same way. Sometimes she would sit and read with me and other times, I couldn't get her to sit still for a single moment. I was so worried she would never read! LOL! It went away. The older she got, the more she liked to read. Eventually it will get better!

In the meantine, my daughters favorite book was a glittery one. You know, with a glittery buttery fly and a bumble bee! LOL! You know the ones with glitter cut outs on the page that catch your eye. The other one that she STILL loves, is a really simple book. "Cow Moo Me" It's a Harper Growing Tree book, they have age appropriate books. It's fun to read! LOL! "Cow Moo Me, Cow Moo You, Cow Moo Milk, Cow Moo Moo!!"

You might try some of the ones that have the fuzzy animals. I bet she would like to try that. Syd has one with fuzzy puppies that's fun.

It will get better! I agree with Amy, she is learning in all kind of ways.

By Tunnia on Friday, July 25, 2003 - 08:18 am:

When my dk's were babies their favorite books were board books with pictures of real babies (they especially liked the ones with close-ups of faces) and few words. Now I keep a friend's baby and the books that were my dk's favs are now my friend's baby's favs. I wouldn't worry too much about your child not being too interested in books right now. Just keep trying, but not pushing and she will develop a love over time.

By Karen55 on Friday, July 25, 2003 - 09:09 am:

I got several of these books for Madison at Sams Club that had all kinds of textures/fabrics/glittery things on each page, different things for each animal or object on each page. They love to feel the stuff as you read to them, and these particular books are very basic and short, also they are heavy duty so can take a lot of *wear and tear*.

Babies certainly don't understand what you're reading to them, but hearing your voice is soothing, yet stimulating to them. As they get older they understand there's a story there, and it feeds their imagination. I firmly believe babies who are read to often will want to learn to read earlier.

By Kaye on Friday, July 25, 2003 - 09:10 am:

My all time favorite author for baby books is Sandra Boynton ( i think that is how you spell it). My children all loved her. Titles :Red Hat, Blue hat (my memory fails, could be other colors, The going to bed book, Not the hippopatamus, Moo Baa La La La. These are all very cute.

By Nicosmom on Friday, July 25, 2003 - 05:16 pm:

Kaye, my ds loves those books. His favorites are Hey Wake Up!, Pajama Time, and Barnyard Dance. These books are great, but they may not do the trick just yet for your dd Renee. What about squeaky books or crinkly books. My ds LOVED stuff that crinkled!

By Colette on Monday, July 28, 2003 - 05:46 pm:

Another Sandra Boynton fan here, my kids LOVED Moo, Baa, La, La, La. And Goodnight Moon.

By Dawnk777 on Tuesday, July 29, 2003 - 01:27 am:

She'll be interested in books eventually. My oldest daughter was about 18-24 months when I dragged her kicking and screaming out of the bookstore because we wanted to go home. At that age, she already knew where the kids books were and could walk right back there on her own (with me right behind her!) At 14 and 11, I have two bookworms in my house, now. (However did they manage to read the 5th Harry Potter book in 5 days?)

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