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Sometimes I could just.................AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!

Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: Archive July-December 2003: Sometimes I could just.................AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!
By Boxzgrl on Thursday, September 25, 2003 - 10:22 pm:

I hate days like today. It started out okay because Kaitlyn woke up at 8:15 this morning and only woke up once for a nightly feeding. But all day it has been screaming, crying, NO naps (well, maybe a 20 minute one once) and nothing helps. I held her, fed her, burped her, took her temp.,swaddled her (which she usually doesnt like anyways), rocked her, took her outside (she loves looking around) and nothing worked. These are days I sit here and get so P.O.ed at DH for not being here. I know its not his fault but sometimes I sit and think, "I hope she is like this for a week straight when he gets home because i'm not doing a thing!!!" I think that my thoughts are this way because DH never understands when he calls why i'm in such a horrible mood or why I say "YOUR daughter is driving me crazy today!" All I can say right now is AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH..................!!!!!!!!!!!! She is such a bundle of joy most days but I just wish these days would never happen. I thank God everyday that he gave me the patience to be able to walk away for 10 minutes. I guess I just need to vent on her to relieve myself. She finally echausted herself and fell asleep. THERE IS A GOD!!!!! (LOL) Why do I feel like such a horrible Mom when I get in these moods? I feel like i'm trying too hard to be supermom and wife and its harder than I thought. Not to mention the fact that im stressed to the max since DH is suppose to be home soon. If youve read this far....THANKS!!!

By Nina on Thursday, September 25, 2003 - 10:41 pm:

I really do feel for you! I had my third baby on April 22, 2003 and boy was I in for a surprise! I thought I had this whole thing down until he came along! Well, the few things that have helped me (I read this in a parent's mag.) is I put a radio in his room and adjusted it to a station that is static and you have to put it on pretty loud until baby falls asleep! Works like a charm and I let him sleep in his bouncy/vibrating seat a lot and when he's really bad I give him this stuff called Gripe water. Anyway, this is what's been working for us. Good luck.


By Dawnk777 on Thursday, September 25, 2003 - 11:55 pm:

I remember fussy baby days. It seems like there was nothing you could do. They still cry. They do get past that stage eventually.

By Insaneusmcwife on Friday, September 26, 2003 - 12:19 am:

She just misses me thats all...tee hee...Hang in there....If you need to drop her off for a little while just let me know.

By Marg on Friday, September 26, 2003 - 08:24 am:

Melissa~ my mom always said they (most men) will never know what a woman goes through until she dies! Amazing when she passed away my dad said, "I never realized all the things your mother did (she was a sahm)." I was like "DUH!" (however, I didn't say it!)

The girls have great ideas!
Vacuum sweeper worked for my 2nd child. Car ride (if possible) worked for my 1st child. My third child waited until she was a year and a half to be bad (and it has not stopped).

I was lucky, when I needed a break mom would watch the baby for me so I could sleep or whatever (keep my sanity). Maybe you do need a break!

You are doing a wonderful job and today will be a new day:)

By Mommyathome on Friday, September 26, 2003 - 05:05 pm:

I've seen several moms post on this subject before saying that fans help! Just place a fan in her room (doesn't have to be facing her) and she may be lulled to sleep by the vibrating noise.

I guess we do something like this w/my DS. He'll be 2 in January. His bedroom is right next door to the kids bathroom. We turn the ventilation fan on in the bathroom and he goes right to sleep. It's just that bit of a humming noise that soothes him I guess.

Let us know if you find any new tricks of the trade ;)

By Lauram on Friday, September 26, 2003 - 06:16 pm:

It's sooooo hard. You're tired and frazzled and you feel like you can't do anything right. I've totally been then. Ds#2 screamed literally for 5 mo straight. It does get better. THere is hope. I did want to mention that you mght want to investigate Post-partum depression. I did get that (the "medium" kind) when I was going through this. THe lack of sleep doesn't help. Please don't take this the wrong way- I just "hear" similarities and feel like it might be worth investigating.... Also, it's hard to see this when you're "in the moment" but dads do really care about their kids. It just seems like they don't. At least I can say that from my own personal situation. When things finally erupted and came to a head, I realized that my dh was just as frazzled as I was with an added twist of feeling totally helpless because my son only wanted me (even though he screamed). Just try to think about his perspective (I know it's hard....) Late night car rides (done by Dh) helped me regain my sanity a bit when I'd totally "had it." Anyhow- I hope at least some of this post helps....

By Dawnk777 on Friday, September 26, 2003 - 11:59 pm:

We took older dd on middle of the night car rides! They did settle her down. She would nurse one more time and finally fall asleep.

Middle of the night car rides were harder the second time around when we had to take the 2yo with us. I think we only did it once. Younger dd wasn't quite as restless at night as the older one was.

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