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Potty training is getting better.....

Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: Archive July-December 2003: Potty training is getting better.....
By Kernkate on Friday, August 8, 2003 - 07:45 am:

for my DD Alissa who will be 3 in Sept. She has shown a very big interest this week in the potty and during the day has been wearing big girl underware!!! With an accident every now and then, to be expected. Lets just hope she keeps it up.
I am so happy, I never thought I would see the day!!! LOL :)

By Bellajoe on Friday, August 8, 2003 - 11:11 am:

ARRRGGH, Potty training. Glad you are having more luck than I am. My ds will be 3 in Nov. He has been wearing big boy underwear, but i am the one that is trained. LOL! I just put him on the potty every once in a while and he goes. I have tried to bribe him with a Thomas the Tank Engine toy if he tells me he has to go potty for a whole week....i don't think he understands. I even just bought some M&M's and told him can't have any until he tells me he has to pee...he doesn't get that either. I guess he will, once he lets me know he has to pee. Yesterday he told me he had to poop! That was exciting! Anyway, good for you! Isnt potty training a pain!?

By Trina on Friday, August 8, 2003 - 11:18 am:

For Alissa...

text description

Bellajoe, I have SO BTDT with my DS! {{{HUGS}}} Don't worry, he will train, just maybe not as soon as YOU would like. :)

By Candace on Friday, August 8, 2003 - 07:55 pm:

Oh my Gosh, I have posted about this too. But FINALLY my DS is trained. He turned 4 in June and just refused until recently he started going full time. We now only put a pullup on him after he falls asleep. Regular underwear the rest of the time and he goes by himself. It is hard, but they really do do it when THEY are ready! Be patient, I know it is hard {{{KernKate}}}, it will happen. :)

By Kernkate on Friday, August 8, 2003 - 11:03 pm:

Trina that was soooo cute:) Thanks!! Patricia, I think the boys are they say...I have 2 DS's 17 and 9 and they were the toughest to potty train...almost 4 before they showed and interest and did the potty thing. Candace you know what I am saying about the boys...LOL :) Glad to hear your DS is trained...

By Feona on Saturday, August 9, 2003 - 09:14 am:

I put a potty in ds room and that has helped him... Guess he doesn't want to leave the tv to go potty!

By Kernkate on Saturday, August 9, 2003 - 10:19 pm:

Alissa went all day in big girl underware today!:)
And she did great!! So proud of her! She is sleeping with a diaper, but we will start a new day tomorrow with her and see what happens!! I am so thrilled. As they say, "let them lead the way" and she did. What a good day for me!!!:)

By Dawnk777 on Sunday, August 10, 2003 - 11:42 am:

Congratulations, Kernkate! It is exciting when that happens!

By Dawnk777 on Sunday, August 10, 2003 - 11:45 am:

I used gummie bears to reward my kids for using the potty. I'm pretty sure I only gave the older daughter 1 or 2. Somehow with the second one, she upped the ante to 3 or 4! LOL!

When the older one finally caught on to potty training, she would always ask us at the gas station if she could go potty becuase then we would buy her candy. I guess that came to a grinding halt when she asked to use the bathroom, used it, and then didn't get her "reward" because we had no cash to buy the candy and hubby had already written the check for the gas! She was so mad! She stopped "expecting" candy at that point, too, which was a good thing.

By Bellajoe on Monday, August 11, 2003 - 09:40 am:

DS woke up with a dry pull-up! He has actually worn underwear for the last few days, and stayed dry.This morning he told me he had to go potty! So i think we are getting somewhere. People have always said to me that boys are harder to train, but i think my son can do it before he is 3. He is already half way there! He wants to do everything his sister does so i think the fact that she goes on the potty may help a bit. yeah!!

By Bellajoe on Monday, August 18, 2003 - 02:53 pm:

This is funny,
Today i told my ds (2 yrs old) to go wash his hands and face after eating his pb&j. And then i threw in "go potty too!" he said as any 2 year old does "No!" then i heard the water running, shut off, and then a little trickling sound. I went to see waht he was doing. He was standing on his stool in front of the toilet with his pants down, peeing. But he hadn't taking the potty seat off the toilet, or lifted the lid. So he had the smallest target possible to pee into. needless to say, he missed the toilet mostly. but he tried! :)

By Kernkate on Tuesday, August 19, 2003 - 10:55 am:

Patricia, at least he tried...that was cute:)
Alissa is doing ok with the potty, we do have an accident at least once a day, but that is to be expected.

By Beth on Thursday, August 21, 2003 - 01:49 pm:

This makes me feel better. My dd will be 3 in Jan and I have been feeling like we are way behind on this potty thing. She just recently will say she wants to go and has went a few times. Next week I am going to really try again. The other times I did she just screamed, threw a fit and it was me forcing her to sit on the potty. I decided to just wait until she shows interest. The only reason I was really pushing it was because she gets rashes on her bottom from the diapers. So hopefully next week will be the week! I will say one more thing. If I had it to do all over again. I would have tried harder a month or two before she turned two. My daughter was doing okay with it and then ended up in the hospital around Christmas time and we could not get back into the swing of it when she got home. I have heard this from several friends of mine also. At least for my dd I think it was her being stubborn and assering her independence. She was going to do what she wanted. Before two they are not as bad about this usually she was more easily influenced by mom. Some people probably thinks its to young but this was just my expierence. Know boys on the other hand totally different. I have a ds to but he also has special needs and he wasn't completely potty trained until four.

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