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Very upset with the school

Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: Archive July-December 2003: Very upset with the school
By Trisa on Monday, November 10, 2003 - 04:49 pm:

Need to vent!! My son who is in
4th grade has band every Monday. Well he HAS
to pack that day because they really have to rush
and eat on band day. I brown bag it this day
to make it easier for him and I even put his
name on the bag. Well someone stole his lunch
while he was practicing. They all take the lunch bags with them to band. I understand a kid could have thought it was his even if his name was on the bag. Kids are kids. BUT what I am soo mad about us that my son went to the office to tell them. They made an annoucment over the loud speaker but no one came forward and said they took it. Instead of CALLING ME and telling me they just let the kid starve!! Didnt even offer him ANYTHING not even a container of stinken milk!!! Would you have been mad?? I called them and told then I was upset. That they teach the kids to eat healthy and not skip meals and then they turn around and do this!! The lady was not nice to me and all but told me I was being " one of those parents who call the school about everything" I have never called the school before. Not even last year when his teacher LOST the book order money and for 5 months I asked him to pay me back and he NEVER did!! Ok I feel better now that I got it all out!! Thanks for listening :-)

By Sue3 on Monday, November 10, 2003 - 05:29 pm:

I think you have reason to be upset!
They should have called you or like you said offered him something.
I can`t beleive they didn`t do either one!
Also that lady`s comment to you that you are "one of those parents who call the school about everything".
That was unappropriate for her to say that.
Are you going to talk with the principal?
I bet your ds was hungry when he got home.
Hope your day gets better

By Trisa on Monday, November 10, 2003 - 05:53 pm:

She would not let me talk to
the principal!! Yes he was starved. Poor kid.

By Ginnyk on Monday, November 10, 2003 - 06:28 pm:

Trisa, if she would not let you talk to the principal, if it were me I would write a letter to the principal. In that letter I would tell the principal first about this most recent event and the fact that the secretary/whatever would not let you speak with the principal and that person's comment to you, and second about the book order money. And in that letter I would state that I expected the principal to call me within the week with a statement as to how such a situation would be dealt with in the future, a clear description of the authority of the person who would not let you speak with the principal, and a clear commitment as to your being repaid the book order money. (I am assuming you have proof about the book order money - a receipt, check or something. If not, you will have to simply write that off.)

I know, as a secretary, that a secretary's job is to "protect" the boss, but in this case that person's comments were way out of line and so was she. The school should definitely have a policy for how they handle it when a child is without lunch, especially if it is a child who is not chronically without lunch.

By Colette on Monday, November 10, 2003 - 06:58 pm:

I can't believe they didnt give your child a lunch, that's just ridiculous. I would call and make an appt w/the principal.

By Trisa on Monday, November 10, 2003 - 07:11 pm:

I am glad I am not the only one who thinks
It was very wrong of the school. He has NEVER forgot his lunch or lunch money and they know that. He is a good kid who has never been in trouble for anything.

By Newbabysarah on Monday, November 10, 2003 - 08:16 pm:

I got so mad when I read what happened. My daughter is not even close to being in school yet but if that happened to her I would be livid. Instead of calling the secretary, why don't you just go in person so you can't be shoved off? If you can't get the principal, maybe you should report this kind of treatment to a higher level. It shouldn't be so difficult as a parent to complain about something that needs to change.

By Mommyof4 on Monday, November 10, 2003 - 08:33 pm:

That is awful. Our school district has what is called a SNAP account (not sure what that stands for but stands for something). Every kid issued and ID number that they punch into a machine when they get their lunch. The lunch money that I send to school I tell them how many $$ goes into which ID #. When my girls run out of money in their account (and trust me this happens a lot I have a hard time just keeping socks matched let alone keeping track of when the lunch money will run out)the account goes into a negative balance and they send a not home with the kid to let me know what they owe and to remind me to put more $$ in the account. Kids are never denied lunch. Not getting your son lunch or calling you to let you know he was without lunch was ridiculous and I agree with Ginny if you can't talk to the principal then write a lette and be firm about expecting a response.

By Dawnk777 on Tuesday, November 11, 2003 - 07:41 am:

Yeah, my kids have lunch accounts, too. The only thing is, they used to send 5 extra lunches every day, so if a kid forgot to order their hot lunch, there would still be some lunch. They just stopped doing that. Now, if the lunch lady runs out of lunches, the kid will get a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

What happens is that kids who didn't order hot lunch will just take one if they think it's good, so a kid who "ordered" a hot lunch could end up with a sandwich because some kid who doesn't want to eat his cold lunch will just change his mind and get a hot lunch.

The kitchen lady doesn't know who "ordered" or not, so she doesn't know this happens until she is doing her counts later. She does come out and talk to the kids about this every now and then.

I think they would give the kids something, though. I don't think the secretary at the school I work at would keep people from the principal, though.

By Trisa on Tuesday, November 11, 2003 - 08:06 am:

One more thing about lunches that really burns me
is that at least 3 times a year my son will come home and tell me that they ran out of food!!
LIke say they were to have chicken nuggets.
Well somtimes the run out and then the kids only get the fruit whatever else was they were to have that day minus the main dish!! They eat in grade order. And whats really stupid is they go in order from oldest to youngest. I think it should be the other way around but im just a parent what do I know!!!!!!!!!

By Melanne on Tuesday, November 11, 2003 - 09:59 am:


By Tonya on Tuesday, November 11, 2003 - 10:19 am:

I would be i nthe school first thing this morning talking to the principal and I would make sure that other parents heard what I had to say. That is wrong and there is no way I would let this slip by without more action.

By Bellajoe on Tuesday, November 11, 2003 - 05:28 pm:

I agree, that is just ridiculous! I think you should tell your son that if this happens again, he should call and tell you. Maybe leave a couple of quarters in his backpack. Of course the kooks in the office should have given him lunch or called you about it. But if they aren't going to be responisible adults, i guess your son will have to do it for them.

By Trisa on Tuesday, November 11, 2003 - 07:27 pm:

Thats a good idea Bellajoe.
I wish it were a couple of quarters. Heck I pay
$1.60 for a lunch. What do the rest of you have to pay? Thats why I get mad on the days they run out of the main dish. I end up paying $1.60 for some fruit and a carton of milk because the school is to dumb to order enough food!!!!

By Dawnk777 on Tuesday, November 11, 2003 - 10:22 pm:

I think lunch is $1.85 for both of my kids at the middle and high school level.

At the elementary school, they get prepackaged hot and cold packs. If kids take hot lunch that didn't ORDER hot lunch, then sometimes she runs out of food. Usually she doesn't and sometimes she has food leftover. I'm not sure why! LOL!

Last week we ran out of Ranch dressing even though she had ordered it. Kids were cool about it and just used French. We had it by this week, though.

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