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Lice removal

Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: Archive July-December 2003: Lice removal
By Snowbird on Friday, August 8, 2003 - 09:21 pm:

I have read several of the previous posts concerning removal of head lice. When at my hairdressers today, she said she was told that if you have a permanent done on your hair that it would kill the lice and eggs. Does anyone have any idea if that is correct? Also using a curling iron was helpful in killing lice also. Unfortunately today I found some nits, I think, in my daughters hair. We are going to do the treatment and house early tomorrow with combing her hair with a metal comb. We suspected that she may have them because she babysat a little boy recently and 2 days later his mom called and said he had lice! Frustrating after having 4 grown children that now this happens! UGH! Oh well, I know it could be worse! Thanks!

By Marcia on Friday, August 8, 2003 - 10:07 pm:

I would imagine the chemicals would kill them, but that's a lot of work, especially if you don't want a perm. LOL The curling iron might kill the ones it comes in contact with, but I doubt it would reach the ones that are close to the scalp. Also, those little things run to get out of the way.
Good luck with the cleaning!!

By Bobbie on Friday, August 8, 2003 - 10:13 pm:

Perm solution is full of chemicals that I am sure it would kill off the head lice. The stuff is so strong it can fry hair and burn skin so I am sure a little louce is not going to survive it. And heat kills lice so the rod info is probable true too. I know it was suggested to me to blow dry the girls hair on high every night after their showers to help prevent lice.

The best cure is a metal comb and a lot of time. AND bag, wash and spray down everything she comes into contact with.

By Snowbird on Friday, August 8, 2003 - 11:04 pm:

Thanks, tomorrow is the day! Up early and will start with a vengeance!

By Mommmie on Friday, August 8, 2003 - 11:53 pm:

I wonder if that's true if you're having your hair highlighted or colored?

I got lice from a co-worker last year - she borrowed my office sweater and then discovered kids in her house had it. My co-worker came and got the nits out of my hair though! At that time I bought one of those electric metal combs that electrocutes the little guys. So, when my son came home a couple of days ago with a note saying it's going around his classroom I just run this through our hair every day.

By Bobbie on Saturday, August 9, 2003 - 11:20 pm:

Highlighting I would say no becuase it doesn't cover the whole head but coloring I would say possibly. Think about the strength of the chemicals in the solution. It is a good posiblity. But you would still have to comb/pick out the eggs.

By Oliviasmom on Monday, August 11, 2003 - 09:31 am:

I've had to deal with it as well. My daughter had it bad. We did the treatment twice (3 days apart) and then used a squirt bottle with straight vinegar while using the metal nit comb to get out the eggs. The key is to get everything OUT of the hair. Kill them first with the treatment, then spend the time (and it was HOURS for us) to get them out! The Nix brand is still the best I think! It's only a creme rinse- - it's thick and stays on for 10 mins.

With the perm and curling iron - yes I agree it would probably kill them, but you need to get them out afterward.

Good Luck!

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