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I just want one day without a sick child!:(

Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: Archive July-December 2003: I just want one day without a sick child!:(
By Tunnia on Wednesday, October 22, 2003 - 04:37 pm:

For the past month my children have been constantly sick. It started out with my ds getting strep, infection in both eyes, and a virus all at the same time. Then dd got the chicken pox. Then ds got strep again this time coupled with an sinus infection. Then dd got strep and a double ear infection. Then dd caught a really bad virus that lasted 6 days (complete with a trip to the ER for a 106 degree temp) and then last night ds came down with the same virus dd just recovered from. And on top of all that, I am just getting over an illness myself. I am sick and tired of sickness! We are never sick in this house, but the past month has been one thing after another. We had every weekend in October booked with activities and I have missed everyone so far. This upcoming weekend we were supposed to take our new camper to the mountains for the weekend and some friends of ours were taking their camper too and now it looks like it isn't going to happen.:( I told dh after we left the doctor's office today that I guess he and dd can go without me and ds and he said, "But this trip is what you wanted to do for your birthday this year" (my birthday is Saturday). I know that this is the kind of stuff that just comes with being a mommy, but I am still disappointed at the probability of missing my birthday this year along with everything else I've wanted to do and have missed this month. Thanks for letting me vent. I just hope that this is not a preview of what's in store for us this winter.

By Gammiejoan on Wednesday, October 22, 2003 - 09:03 pm:

Vent anytime you feel the need. I sure hope things start looking up soon.

By Melanie on Wednesday, October 22, 2003 - 09:20 pm:

(((((((HUGS)))))))) I am so sorry. What a disappointing month for you. :(

By Tunnia on Thursday, October 23, 2003 - 08:48 am:

Thanks! Reading back over my post I sure do sound like a whiny, selfish mom don't I? Well, I guess complaining is what venting is all about, right? Still I feel bad posting selfish thoughts.

With the virus ds has I have to check his temp and medicate him every three hours and take him to the ER if things start to escalate, but every time I checked him last night he was only running a low grade fever, thank goodness. So far his bout with it seems to be less severe than my dd's was and I am so glad about that. I'm still worried about him and immediately jumped out of bed to check him when my alarm went off every three hours last night, but I found it encouraging that he stayed stable all night so maybe things are looking up. I'll be praying really hard that after this we all stay healthy for a good long while.:)

Dh wants me to go ahead and pack the camper and prepare as if we are still going camping. I'm hoping that my ds will be well by tomorrow evening, but I think it isn't going to happen. My dd and ds are very disappointed at the prospect of missing the camping trip (dd said, "I missed my Brownie camping trip because of chicken pox and now this." while in tears last night) and I while I haven't mentioned it to my dh yet, I'm thinking that if ds is still sick and we can't go (and dh is saying that he and dd aren't going without me and ds) then maybe we could just camp in the driveway. Kinda corny, but maybe the kids won't be as disappointed if we do that.

By Mommymindy on Friday, October 24, 2003 - 01:58 pm:

I know EXACTLY what you mean! We average about every 3 weeks at either the Dr. or ER at my house (w/3 kids)!!!!

By Trina~moderator on Friday, October 24, 2003 - 02:40 pm:

{{{HUGS}}} Sending healthy vibes your way! *Knock* on wood - My kids have been fairly healthy this year. I couldn't say the same the past 2 falls and winters.

By Karen~moderator on Friday, October 24, 2003 - 03:47 pm:


I don't think camping in the driveway sounds corny at all! The kids would probably get a kick out of that.

Sorry you are having such a bad time with illnesses right now, it's so frustrating when you go through that. I thought I'd go nuts for a couple of years, with 4 kids in the house, we were in the ped's office every single week at least once. It got to the point where she was just charging us $5 per office visit (before the days of PPO's and co-pays), and it took me 2 years to pay her off!

Look at it this way - it's only temporary!!!!!! I hope you're ALL feeling much better soon!

By Feona on Saturday, October 25, 2003 - 07:06 am:

We have been sick for 3 weeks. I am starting to insane....

By Kernkate on Saturday, October 25, 2003 - 10:11 am:

{{{Stacy}}} I know exactly how you feel, with 3 kids the last month in my house has been filled with nothing but sickness...I think now, we are all getting over it all...
~~~~Healthy Vibes being sent your way~~~~
Hope everyone is feeling better soon. It seems as soon as the kids go back to school everyone is sick.

By Tunnia on Monday, October 27, 2003 - 09:01 am:

Thanks everyone! Ds's fever broke and we got to go camping in the mountains afterall. The views were breathtaking with the trees at peak color. We had a good time, but then I woke up sick again Sunday morning. It's totally my fault since I forgot my antibiotics at home and I was only half way through them so my infection came back.:( On the bright side, both my kiddos are well and I am hoping that they stay that way!

By Karen~moderator on Monday, October 27, 2003 - 09:07 am:

Well, things ARE looking up then! Glad you had a good time, and that your DK's are well. Hope you feel better soon, too!

By Kernkate on Tuesday, October 28, 2003 - 08:56 am:

Well I guess we are making another round with the sickness again, DS who is 9 was up all night...vomiting, fever and sore throat...
Will this ever end???:(

By Tunnia on Tuesday, October 28, 2003 - 01:34 pm:

And here we go again! On the way to preschool ds began complaining that his tummy hurt. I figured that it was just a response to returning to preschool after being out so much so I took him to class anyway. Well, he didn't want to go in and threw a major fit about it and I finally got him to stay and I went to the office for a while to wait and see how things went. Well, 10 minutes later he's still saying that his tummy hurts and he was sitting in a chair by the trash can "in case I throw up", he said. So I decided to not leave him since he was so worked up over it (his teacher was not happy with me and thought that I should just leave and he'd be fine eventually). So we drive home and I pull into the drive way, shut off the car and turn to unbuckle him and he projectile vomits all over the back seat of the car. I've never see that much force before and I seriously would have never guessed that his little body could have so much in it! So, here we go again....:(:(:(

Kathy, I am so sorry for you and your dk's! I'm starting to wonder if it will ever end here too. My kids have been sicker in the past month that they have been in the past three years! I hope your ds gets better really soon!

By Kernkate on Tuesday, October 28, 2003 - 03:42 pm:

Stacy, I am beginning to wonder what it is this year?? My kids have never been this sick in a looong time. I called the school to get his work today and they said there was even 3 teachers out with the stomach bug. So its going around.
I hope you DS will be feeling better.
~~~~Healthy Vibes to all of Us~~~~~~

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