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Isn't it weird?

Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: Archive July-December 2003: Isn't it weird?
By Mrse on Tuesday, December 16, 2003 - 12:23 pm:

Hi, I was just thinking how weird it is, when you are upset with your dk, and you tell a friend, ( who you are just venting to) and then they start agreeing with you, and say things that are not all the great about your dk, then you end up getting upset with them? lol. This happened to me the other day, My dd has an attitude she is (17) and my friend, said something about her. I just kind of though huhh....... ( so that is what she thinks of my kid! I did not say anything, I guess I asked for it. But isn't it strange, my dad, put the nail on the head, by saying that mothers are like cows, if anyone does anything to her calfs they rush to their defense, like mooooooooooo, By the way the cow thing is not a put down to women, He is a farmer, so everything is related to cows !Has anyone had the same experience?

By Cat on Tuesday, December 16, 2003 - 12:52 pm:

Yep. Same with any family members. I can say bad things about my brothers but dh can't! Well, we've been married for almost 12 years so he can now, but when we were first married he'd better watch out if he did. lol

By Carolk on Tuesday, December 16, 2003 - 02:18 pm:

I have a problem with my mom. If I try to vent about the kids, she starts in with well you should do this or you should do that. I don't want advice, I just wanted to vent.

Also, this past summer, my brother and his wife and kids came to town and his boys didn't want to play with my son (who's 4) they said "he's mean" well ds is 4 and has his fits when he doesn't get his way, just like most kids. Well I couldn't believe when I found out that my sister-in-law agreed with her kids and responded in front of everyone, including her boys, saying "yeah, he is". It's one thing to think it, but you shouldn't say it in front of the kids, at least IMO.

By Bellajoe on Tuesday, December 16, 2003 - 02:35 pm:

Yep...same thing here. I can say stuff about my sister and her family being...odd. But i don't like it when my dh says anything about them. When i tell him not to talk about them like that, he's like "you do the same thing!" It's hard to explain to him...but i totally agree with you!

By Dana on Tuesday, December 16, 2003 - 04:57 pm:

LOL. My best friend and I decided when our daughters were still infants "Let's agree that it is always the others child fault when something goes wrong"

So now, when our kids act up, it is okay for me to "blame" her DD, and okay for her to "blame" my daughter.

As with anyone we love "It is okay and fine for me to find fault with my (fill in the blank) but dont anyone else DARE say something negative about them!"

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