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Stressed out kid

Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: Archive July-December 2003: Stressed out kid
By Dawnk777 on Thursday, September 4, 2003 - 09:31 am:

So, it's the first time I get to drive the kids to school. I like driving the kids to school and miss it when I have to work (unless it's snowing out or something!)

DD14 was crabby and sullen as she was getting ready for school and deriding DD11, who was complaining that she had too much stuff to carry (full backpack, all her books that she had to cover last night, her lunch and her flute.) I was about ready to clock her. Then since no one is that interested in breakfast, I insist they just eat a Dole Fruit Bowl. DD14 is barely eating even that.

So, we get in the car and drive to the middle school. I walk with DD11 to the door, so I can at least open the door for her. She had to manage after that.

Then we continue on to the high school. DD14 keeps sighing. I ask her what is wrong and I get a wordless I don't know! We are about 3/4 of the way to the high school and DD14 burps once and then throws up. She had spilled some of the juice on her pants from the fruit bowl, so she had a towel in her lap, thank goodness. So, I drive home and call school to tell them she won't be coming for a while, anyway.

Three years ago this happened when she started middle school? Argh! I was hoping we could avoid this! I don't know why she gets soooo stressed out. She is not "sick," just a bundle of nerves. So, now I'm stressed out! LOL!

DD11 is doing fine at the middle school (well except for having too much to carry this morning.) She seems to be able to roll with the punches a little more easily than DD14.

Anyway, I will see how she is doing about 10:30 and see if she can make it back to school at that time.

DD14 stresses out easily. It's why she freaked out about toilet training and why she was 8 before she could ride a 2-wheeler.

By Gammiejoan on Thursday, September 4, 2003 - 08:45 pm:

It sounds as if you had a rough morning. I hope things with your 14 year old improve soon. How did she do as the day went on? Was she able to go to school? It's amazing the effect that stress can have on a person's health. I really don't have any suggestions because I never had to deal with anything like this with either of my boys. Now there were other problems to deal with, but I don't think either of them ever felt any stress associated with school. Sometimes I think a little stress might have done both of them some good because they were way too laid back. LOL! Seriously, I hope things improve for you and your daughter.

By Dana on Thursday, September 4, 2003 - 08:57 pm:

No words of wisdom. Just a sympathetic ear. HUGS

By Dawnk777 on Thursday, September 4, 2003 - 09:43 pm:

She went back to school about 11:00 am and has been fine since. She did this a bit 3 years ago when she started middle school. I think she is a bit wound tight like her dad sometimes. They both worry too much. I'm hoping tomorrow will be better.

By Trina~moderator on Friday, September 5, 2003 - 09:23 am:

Is this your DD who just started high school? I remember being very nervous and anxious at that age as well. It's scary to start all over in a big, new building with lots of new kids. Hopefully the newness will wear off soon and she'll settle in and grow to like being a high schooler.

By Dawnk777 on Friday, September 5, 2003 - 07:44 pm:

She is the one who just started high school.

By Lauram on Friday, September 5, 2003 - 08:56 pm:

My six year old has been doing the same thing. We have barf bags in our car now! LOL!

By Dawnk777 on Friday, September 5, 2003 - 09:17 pm:

Oh no! She grumbled when Gary brought an ice cream bucket this morning! LOL! Fortunately, she didn't need it. Went to a "Beginning of the Year" bash tonight, then the football game with friends. Was going to play with the band, too. She plays clarinet.

By Bellajoe on Saturday, September 6, 2003 - 10:25 am:

I'm glad she is feeling better. I remember being so nervous about going to high school. New school, those "BIG" intimidating seniors LOL! By the end of next she'll be used to her schedule and those nerves will be gone. Good luck!

By Dawnk777 on Sunday, September 7, 2003 - 12:39 am:

Yeap! She will be better. Went to an afterschool, before the game bash with her friends and then they went to the football game.

Goofy girl, though. Bought herself the red/black flannel pants and sweatshirt with logo and team name on them. She modeled her new clothes for me when I got home from work. She looked so darn cute in her "spirit clothes". Then changes out of the flannel pants and puts on jeans before she goes to the game. I think next week, she will wear the flannel pants because there were several other girls wearing their flannel pants. She told me later, "I was a dork!" for changing out of them! Well, plenty more football games and then basketball starts, so many opportunities to wear them!

By Bobbie on Sunday, September 7, 2003 - 10:12 pm:

LOL Dawn, It is moments like that that I am glad I am grown. I wouldn't be a teen again if someone offerd to pay me... Once she gets into the whole school things she will be fine...

By Dawnk777 on Sunday, September 7, 2003 - 11:59 pm:

Yeap! And after church today, I was glad I don't have toddlers anymore! LOL! They just don't like sitting through church! Although, I wanted a 5 yo just to dress her for the first day of school and then I would have given her back! LOL! I don't get to dress mine up in cute little dresses anymore.

By Trina~moderator on Monday, September 8, 2003 - 09:42 am:

Dawn, I have a 5 yr. old DD and she won't wear cute little dresses! LOL! She *might* wear dresses during summer months but she will NOT have anything to do with tights. No lace or frilly stuff either. Although I must admit, she gets that from me. LOL! This is what she wore the first day of school, but she hasn't worn a dress since.

text description

Glad your DD is settling into high school. Oh, I remember those days. *Heavy Sigh* Has she noticed any cute boys yet?!

By Dawnk777 on Monday, September 8, 2003 - 03:26 pm:

She is not really into boys yet. She has Stevie Brock posters on her wall, and there are boys in one other musical group that she likes, but she isn't boy crazy yet. Or at least that she has told me. She spent more time and energy on schoolwork the last few years and I'd like it to stay that way.

I know by 14, I definitely was interested in boys! LOL!

Today, the younger one got herself in a tizzy today about shoes she couldn't find. I will make sure everyone's shoes are by the back door tonight before they go to bed!

By Mrse on Sunday, September 14, 2003 - 06:02 pm:

Hi, all, I have a stressed out teen as well, grade 6 new school, I had to rip her finger nails from the outside of the building just to get her inside, had to sit with her in the class room, for about a 1/2 hour, was ok, after that,onto grade 9 she stressed out again, thinking she is having panick attacks, was away from school due to illness for a week, had a heck of a time getting her back into the swing of things, crying hysterically, called in a school councellor, but he was no help, kept promising her he would go get her from a class and would not show up to get her. I took her to the doctor, she put her on paxil, not impressed with drugs, would like her to deal with her fears not cover them up. Onto Secondary school, ( second day of school) now, stressed right out, screaming crying, refusing to go to school, demanding that I put her in home schooling.
How I dealt with this:
I told her under no circumstances was I going to take her out of school, I told her it was not an option, she was going to go to bed, wake up, and not give me any flack about school, that she had to face her fear head on, because if she lets her aniexty attacks control her, then she will end up living in a house with her curtains drawn, and be scared to go out into public. I also told her that I have 3 daughters and I want three grad certifcates on my wall.
Guess what? She woke up in the morning not a word, from her, no stress, she was dressed acted like nothing ever happened, it was weird, what I had said worked, she has not been stressing out since, ( not as bad as that second day any how) I did get ahold of mental health thinking she should really learn how to deal with her fears, but wondering if that is the answer, it sounds like it, but.... I have aniexty attacks all the time, and almost came house bound went to mental health, they tryed to blame my parents, I basically told the counceller where to go,as they always want to blame the parent. I got myself out of that situation made myself get out thier, got a job, where I was dealing with people all the time, much much better now, just have to face it. Now this does not mean I do not have aniexty attacks because I do, I just do not let it stop me from doing what I have to do.

By Dawnk777 on Sunday, September 14, 2003 - 06:54 pm:

Hope things continue to go well for your daughter. I think my kids are settling down now. Emily-11, also had a day or two of throwing up, but is better now.

I'm hoping for a better week.

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