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Trina re: Britax Bodyguard

Moms View Message Board: Parenting Discussion: Archive July-December 2003: Trina re: Britax Bodyguard
By Dana on Wednesday, September 10, 2003 - 11:28 am:

How do your kids like it?

It looks REALLY uncomfortable to me. Can they look around while you drive?

Would you use that booster if you were on a long trip, or switch to your old one?

By Trina~moderator on Wednesday, September 10, 2003 - 12:09 pm:

DD is too little (only 35 lbs.) but DS hates the Body Guard. :( He liked the head wings but not the side wings. I made him try it out for 3 weeks, but he was constantly complaining of the side wings being "too tight". He is an easy going, laid back kid so I knew his complaints were sincere. He looked cramped in it. He begged for his beloved Britax Star Riser Comfy back. He has LOVED that one since the get go, when I bought it 3 yrs. ago. I'm disappointed the BG didn't work out for him because I really like the side impact protection. I've heard mixed reviews. Some kids like it, some don't. It seems kids who are going from a 5 pt. harness to the BG don't mind, but kids like my son, who switch from a one booster to the BG don't like the side wings. DD is anxiously awaiting to reach 40 lbs. so she can ride in it! She has tried it out in the house and thinks it's cool.

Your DD may do OK with it because she's tiny like Bethany and is used to a 5 pt. harness. The lock offs take a little getting used to.

Britax Body Guard
text description

Britax Star Riser Comfy
text description

By Dana on Wednesday, September 10, 2003 - 03:43 pm:

Well, DD is only 32 lbs, so as for using anything as a booster, we are a long way off. She'll be 5 pt for quite some time. I can't imagine any child enjoying that "closed in" feeling of the BG. Kind of like like having those things that you put on horses eyes to keep them from seeing along side.

I was looking at the Evenflo "Nightspot" at Target. I have NOTHING on line mentioning this. Not even on the Evenflo sight.

We are getting ready for a long trip to PA w/ Grandma. We wanted to get a nice car seat/booster before leaving. I'm looking at a Britax for our car when we upgrade. Still using the Roundabout. DD is so tiny compared to others her age.

By Trina~moderator on Wednesday, September 10, 2003 - 04:25 pm:

Yes, B will be in a 5 pt. harness until at least 40 lbs.. She's in the Britax Super Elite, which harnesses to 80 lbs., so I have the option of keeping her harnessed longer if I want. We'll see. Many of her classmates aren't even in boosters any longer. :( Sad...

I've never heard of the Evenflo Nightspot, not even on the CPS listserve or Car Seat Board, where CPS techs see new seats at trade shows and give reviews. Is it a combination seat?

Recommended seats at these sites. Combos at the bottom. Recommended Car Seats

By Dana on Thursday, September 11, 2003 - 11:06 am:

I think it is somehow with in their "comfy" line. Because it has some really nice cushioned arm rest. It works both 5pt and booster. Nice padding where the legs bend. DD is always saying her legs hurt at the bend from sitting too long. So for a long trip, that would be very important.

My own personal feeling is that I like what I see.

I doubt I will be able to convince DH to invest the same money back into a new Britax for my car. So I think I will even be looking for a new brand when it comes time to get one for my car...and DH's too! I hate the one in his truck.

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