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RE: The Andrea Yates Sentencing

Moms View Message Board: The Kitchen Table (Debating Board): RE: The Andrea Yates Sentencing
By Annie2871 on Saturday, March 16, 2002 - 06:39 pm:

I have a lot of mixed feelings on this matter. From the stand point of a mother, I really feel like she should have gotten the chair. Life w/ parole in 40 is not nearly enough. Look at the lives she took, children, not just any children, her children. That's five lives, that could be equal to at least 300 years of those children growing up happy, health, playing sports, playing music, growing into adults and having families of their own, yet she took that from them.

In the Bible, it says "Thow shalt not kill", it doesn't say that it's okay if you are mentally ill and imho, I feel like that is what this sentencing is saying. You can kill, do some time in jail, get rehabilitated and in 40 years you can get out of jail, and then be able to live a free happy life with your family. That just doesn't make sense to me.

I guess when I think about what those poor innocent children had to go be put through in those last minutes of their lives, it just tears me up inside.

If she is mentally ill, then imo, she shouldn't have been having children. I know that seems harsh and I know that some mental illness's can be helped with the aid of medications, but her and her husband made the decision to have children and when they made that decision, they made a commitment to protect and nurture those children, and people that can't do that, don't need to have children, she obviously couldn't do that. And he couldn't either.

There was a five year old boy here in Arkansas about a month ago that was taken from school by his father who was schizo - medically diagnosed - he went off his meds on his own, took his child from school and a week later they were both found dead in the woods.

Why aren't these children being protected?

I'm sorry I have rambled on, but this case has really just made me mad and the final outcome of the sentencing has just made me madder.

By Cybermommyx4 on Saturday, March 16, 2002 - 09:50 pm:

There are people all over the world who shouldn't be raising children...and they are. Thousands of children are abused either mentally or physically every day, and it makes me SO sad AND angry that there isn't more that can be done to protect them! I guess all we can do is help where and when we can, and pray ALL we can :) Those babies are with God now, and that monster is where she can't hurt anyone ELSE....I don't think that there's a whole lot more that can be done (legally) to her....and nothing will bring those children back.

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