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Ovulation Calendar

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Ovulation Cycle

Your Days is a free ovulation calendar online and full featured, it tells you how to get pregnant, free ovulation calendar helps you to avoid pregnancy, to choose your baby gender, to know pregnancy due date and even to know your baby zodiac sign!. There is also an extense woman health information section with the latest and interesting articles.

: Acronyms

ART (Assisted Reproductive Technology)

BA (Baby Aspirin)

BCP (Birth Control Pills)

Beta (HCG pregnancy test)

HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin)

BW or B/W (Bloodwork)

C# (Cyle Number)

DE (Donor Eggs)

DH (Dear Husband)

DW (Dear Wife)

DPR (Days Post-Retrieval)

DPT (Days Post-Transfer)

DX (Diagnosis)

E2 (Estradiol)

ENDO (Endometriosis)

ET (Embryo Transfer)

FET (Frozen Embryo Transfer)

FHR (Fetal Heart Rate)

FSH (Follicle-Stimulating Hormone)

GIFT (Gamete Intrafollogpian Transfer)

GnRH (Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone)

HPT (Home Pregnancy Test)

HSC (Hsteroscopy)

ICSI (Intracytoplasmie Sperm Injection)

IF (Infertility)

IM (Intramuscular Injections)

IUI (Intrauterine Insemination)

IVF (In Vitro Fertilization)

LAP (Laparoscopy)

LH (Luteinizing Hormone)

MC or m/c (Miscarriage)

P4 (Progesterone)

PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) PG (Pregnant) PGD (Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis)

PIO (Progesterone in oil)

RE (Reproductive Endocrinologist)

SA (Semen Analysis)

SHG (Sonohysterogram)

SubQ (Subcutaneous Injection)

TRH (Thyroid-releasing Hormone)

TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone)

US or u/s (Ultrasound)

UTI (Urinary Tract Infection)

2ww (2 week Wait, from transfer until pg test)

ZIFT (Zygote Intra-fallopian Transfer)

GS (Gestational Surrogate) GC (Gestational Carrier) The two above mean the same thing. TS (Traditional Surrogate)

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