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I've made some huge mistakes

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive April 2008: I've made some huge mistakes
By Dramamamma on Monday, April 21, 2008 - 09:50 pm:

Hi friends, I'm going to officially come "out" on being pregnant in this post, along with that I'm going to let you all in on some things going on in my life because I need some help/support.

Yes, I am now 6 weeks pregnant as of Saturday, a part of me is so incredibly happy over this because I love being a mother more than anything in the world. There's another part of me that is terrified because of my illness and for my own health becuase I literally can't keep ANYTHING down still. In the past week I've lost 5 lbs because of my inablity to keep food/water down. Today I seriously was considering go to the ER I was so worried about dehydration.

Along with dealing with this, my fiance and I are no longer together. We went TO FAST with things and he wasn't the person I thought he was, he wasn't good for me or Brendan. I've made some huge mistakes these past couple of months...

By Kaye on Monday, April 21, 2008 - 10:05 pm:

Christy, I am so sorry for you. But you know sometimes life happens and we just have to move on. All you can do now is focus on you and your health. I am glad you outed yourself on this board, I guess most of us knew....but you know a baby is never a mistake, just a suprise :)

By Dawnk777 on Monday, April 21, 2008 - 11:11 pm:

I'm so sorry, too. I knew it was you, also. I'm sorry you're having a rough time. It maybe wouldn't hurt to go to the doctor to see if you need some extra fluids. Sometimes you get so far behind on fluids, that there's no way you could drink enough to make up for it.


By Vicki on Tuesday, April 22, 2008 - 06:29 am:

I agree that sometimes life just happens and you have to just pick up the pieces and move on. But to be honest with you, I think you need to head to the doctor or er today. If you are dehydrated, it isn't good for you or the baby. You will feel so much better if you get some fluids. Have you talked to anyone and gotten anything for the morning/day sickness yet? If not, you need to get to the doctor today! If you have, you need to be seen by them again.

By Colette on Tuesday, April 22, 2008 - 07:40 am:

(Christy) Let go of the mistakes and just try and focus on what is good for you and good for your two children. Go see a doctor about the fluids before you end up in the hospital.

By Cat on Tuesday, April 22, 2008 - 07:46 am:

{{{{{Christy}}}}} I totally agree with Kaye. *You* may have made some mistakes (who hasn't!), but that baby is NOT a mistake. Babies are always a blessing. Please see a doctor ASAP. You have to take care of you. We're always here for you. More hugs, along with thoughts and prayers.

By Crystal915 on Tuesday, April 22, 2008 - 08:31 am:

(((Christy))) I'm so sorry you are going through this! You know I am always a phone call or email away! We all make mistakes, and things always happen for a reason. Maybe this baby was the reason for you and Jason to be together! Take care of you, Brendan , and the baby. You always have shoulders to cry on here!!

By Angellew on Tuesday, April 22, 2008 - 09:09 am:


By Dramamamma on Tuesday, April 22, 2008 - 11:02 am:

Thank you everyone, I'm going to the doctor this afternoon with the hopes of leaving with a RX for zofran. I used it when I was pregnant with Brendan and it really worked wonders.

I also have an interview tomorrow at 11am for a morning cashier at our local hardware store so fingers crossed there. I will post more after my appointment this afternoon.

I also just wanted to clarify that I'm not thinking of the "baby" as a mistake just the whole situation, I allowed myself to get swept up in everything and this is the end result. A rushed decision, maybe... but not necessarily a mistake when it comes to a child.

By Luvn29 on Tuesday, April 22, 2008 - 03:38 pm:

I think going to the dr. is definitely the best thing to do right now. It's vital.

Does the guy know you are pregnant? Is he supportive about it?

You know all of us are always here for you. You'll get through this just like you have gotten through everything else in life--one step at a time.

Lots of hugs!

By Rayelle on Tuesday, April 22, 2008 - 03:54 pm:

((((((HUGS))))) I feel for you being so sick. I lost 20 pounds in the first 4 months I was pregnant the last time, I couldn't eat anything. I wasn't dehydrated though so I guess I did manage to drink. Good luck with the job.

By Luvn29 on Tuesday, April 22, 2008 - 07:15 pm:

How'd your drs visit go?

By Dramamamma on Tuesday, April 22, 2008 - 07:40 pm:

I got to Dr office at 1:45 to get in line for the 2:00 appointments at the clinic, I sat there with 10 others waiting for my turn making 3 runs to the bathroom to be sick. A VERY pregnant lady felt sorry for me and gave me her spot so instead of being # 18, I went up to # 13. I seriously could have kissed her llol.... Finally at 3:10 I'm called back (darn and the Tyra show was just getting good, lol....) and after they took my weight and blood pressure Dr H came in. He looked at my chart and his words were "oh, no Missy we're not starting this again" I started crying because I KNEW then he was going to give me my Zofran.

When I went in to have my bloodwork done for being pregnant on 4/8 I weighed 138 and today on 4/22 I weighed 131 that's a 7 lb LOSS and we wasn't happy. I swear it was like reliving my experience with Brendan all over again.... I WILL do better with the weight this time around, I will.

As luck would have it, the assistance fund has sped up their process and Sandy said she'd fax over my RX and I could go get it today versus the usual 24-48 hours it used to take. I leave after giving Dr H a BIG hug and thanking him and he said if they gave me any problems to call him.

I run across town to the pharmacy that I have to use and the tech tells me that the assistance fund ISN'T going to pay for the Zofran. I just said we'll see and got on the phone to the doctor's office to get Dr H to call them. By this point it's 4ish and I know I have to hurry because the assistance fund place closes at 5. Dr H gets on the phone with me holding and talks to them at the assistnace fund and within minutes I'm approved for a 2 week supply!!! Again I could just cry....

I sit there watching them fill my RX and at 4:40 I'm walking out the door with the prized pills in my hand, at 4:45 I'm in my car popping a pill and starting on my way. Now I was watching the clock because I remembered from before that this stuff works and it works fast, at 5:15 I felt like a completly new person. I crank up the radio and I feel like a new person completely, I went and picked up Brendan and we ran through McDonald's for my celebratory dinner. lol.... I'm just about finished with my fries and on my second cheeseburger.

Have I said I feel like a new person??? I LOVE ZOFRAN....

By Luvn29 on Tuesday, April 22, 2008 - 08:13 pm:

You are SO lucky to get this paid because I know that when I had to take it for throwing up with my gall bladder problems and stuff, they were shocked that my insurance was paying for it because it is such an expensive drug. They told me that a lot of chemo patients have to suffer with the nausea because their insurance won't cover it! Isn't that crazy?!?! You can't tell me it costs that much to make it! And someone tell me what insurance is for if they won't pay for meds that drs. prescribe!

By Dramamamma on Tuesday, April 22, 2008 - 08:35 pm:

I am very lucky. The assistance fund is the program that I raise money every year by doing the AIDS walk here in Houston, I've had it help me and I do what I can to give back.

I had to go through the steps to get them to approve me for it, the phenegran did nothing but make me tired and nausous. I'm not one for taking advantage of the "system" like I've seen people do in my position but this medicine was imperative for mine and my baby's health. If I kept throwing up the way I was we'd both be very sick becasue I wouldn't have been keeping my medication down. I looked at the receipt for the medicine and it was $287.96 for a 15 day supply and that was the generic.

By Rayelle on Tuesday, April 22, 2008 - 09:16 pm:

I'm glad you are feeling better.

By Jtsmom on Tuesday, April 22, 2008 - 10:23 pm:

I am glad that you are feeling better, I hope you will continue to. I will keep you in my prayers!

By Crystal915 on Tuesday, April 22, 2008 - 10:40 pm:

I'm so glad you are feeling better!!!!!!!!

By Dawnk777 on Tuesday, April 22, 2008 - 10:54 pm:

I'm glad the Zofran helped! That was nice of the one woman to give you her place in line, and nice of the doctor to explain to the pharmacy that yes you need this drug and you need it NOW!

By Cat on Tuesday, April 22, 2008 - 10:57 pm:

I'm glad it's helping!!! I have no idea what your med costs, but when we switched from Safeway's pharmacy to Wal-Greens and they actually put the original price on the package I was SHOCKED what one of Robin's med's cost!!! It was over $1200!!!!! Luckily we have a $9 copay for name brands and a $3 copay for generic. I couldn't imagine.

Oh, Christy, I don't think anyone was in any way implying you thought this baby was a "mistake". Quite the contrary. We're all sharing in your blessing. I think he/she will be amazing for both you and Brandon. :) More hugs.

By Karen~admin on Wednesday, April 23, 2008 - 08:27 am:

You are incrediblly lucky that a fund will pay for Zofran. I posted before, my GENERIC Rx for Zofran costs Blue Cross over $900 a month (30 pill Rx) - and I pay a $15 copay. That is $30 a PILL. Ridiculous..............I am starting to believe what DD says - that the pharmaceutical companies OWN America.

But it works faster and better than anything else for nausea. Glad to hear you got it.

By Debbie on Wednesday, April 23, 2008 - 10:07 am:

I'm so glad you are feeling better! It sounds like you have a wonderful doctor taking care of you. {{{Hugs}}}

By Dandjmom on Wednesday, April 23, 2008 - 10:30 am:

Glad your feeling like a new person, it will only get better from here.

By Mrsheidi on Wednesday, April 23, 2008 - 12:10 pm:

Christy, you're making me cry happy tears for you...I can't even type much right now.
*enter 2 minutes of tears, kleenex, and a loss for words.*

Just know you are being prayed for right now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I look up to you so much. Keep on keepin' on and we're there for you, so check in again. I'm so happy you were able to get the help you needed!
Give Brendan the biggest hug and kiss and keep truckin', babe!

By Nicki on Wednesday, April 23, 2008 - 12:53 pm:

I'm so glad you are feeling better! What a great doctor. Now you and your precious baby will be okay. So happy for you!

By Luvn29 on Wednesday, April 23, 2008 - 04:30 pm:

Christy, I hope that you didn't think I was implying anything by my post. I in no way think you are one of those to take advantage of funding. I totally agree that it was imperative for you to get something to help you. I was sick through both of my pregnancies the entire time, and had to take meds because I kept ending up in the hospital dehydrated. I understand completely and would be the first person to tell a sick, pregnant woman to get some meds!!!

By Dramamamma on Thursday, April 24, 2008 - 09:50 am:

Thank you everyone, you guys are great.

No Adena, I didn't think that you were implying anything by your post I just wanted to clarify that I don't usually go around gathering services that I can because of my situation but in this instance I felt it was neccesary.

By Annie2 on Friday, April 25, 2008 - 12:10 pm:

I'm glad you were able to obtain the Rx to make you feel better.
Now, let's think of some baby names!!!!
Congratulations! :)

By Dramamamma on Friday, April 25, 2008 - 03:17 pm:

Thanks Annie, if it's a girl she's been named since I was 8 years old. Bethanie Rae, now for a boy I'll need some help because I'm clueless since Brendan was my all time favorite boys name. I do like the name Jackson or Jaxon but we still have a while to get that figured out.

By Tayjar on Friday, April 25, 2008 - 04:09 pm:

Glad you are feeling better. Bryce would go well with Brendan. Garrett is neat, too.

By Luvn29 on Friday, April 25, 2008 - 04:27 pm:

Hey! Ashton was going to be Bethany if he were a girl! And we have a cat named Jaxie!

By Dawnk777 on Saturday, April 26, 2008 - 01:35 pm:

Bethany Rae is a pretty name! If we'd had a boy, I wanted Gregory Allen. I also like the name David.

By Jelygu on Saturday, April 26, 2008 - 08:48 pm:

I'm glad you got the prescription and you are starting to feel better. Prayers for a healthy, happy pregnancy coming your way!

By Bobbie~moderatr on Monday, April 28, 2008 - 12:42 pm:


"but in this instance I felt it was necessary" It was 100% necessary and the services are there for this very reason.. You have to keep your medications down for the health of both you and the baby..

You are most definitely in my thoughts and prayers.. If you live your life, you make mistakes, that is just the way this life plays out.. Life in a bubble isn't living. It isn't if and when you fall down, because that is bound to happen to us all. It is how you go about picking yourself back up and dusting off that makes the true impact on those around you...

That said, we all know that your physical and emotional well being are going to make this pregnancy the gift it is intended to be.. And you need to make sure you demand the best care that you can get.. (which is appears you are well on your way with that, YEAH DR H..) Get through each day. Try not to "worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." More hugs... Keep us posted.

Colton James?

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