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Mornings with dh survey

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive April 2008: Mornings with dh survey
By Kaye on Monday, April 14, 2008 - 08:21 am:

So who gets up first? Do you eat breakfast together? Do you cook it for him?

I don't work, the kids need to be up at 7. Hubby goes to work sometime between 6:30 and 7. Well lately that has been later and later. Well I like to shower before I wake the kids up. So It was he would leave I would get up shower and start my day. Well today, he didn't get up until MY alarm went off. Then got grumpy that my alarm was set later than normal...argh. He has his own darn clock! I told him tonight we needed to sit down and have a chat about our morning schedules :) I am a set the clock and get up person, he snoozes about 5 times before he gets up, drives me CRAZY!

So really I was just curious, do other people have good mornings?

By Jackie on Monday, April 14, 2008 - 08:35 am:

My husband gets up first. Normally he sets his alarm for 4:45am. It is early. He has to work 8 hrs a day, and can basically come in anytime during the morning hrs. He prefers to get there before 6am so he can come home early. No we dont eat breakfast together. He eats his breakfast at work.He normally is never here for my morning routine with the kids.

By Karen~admin on Monday, April 14, 2008 - 08:37 am:

I'm a hit the snooze person.....and I hit it several times. DH gets right up, *if* he isn't up before the alarm goes off.

When I was working and the kids were young, I was up and showered before I woke them. I made their breakfast while they were getting up. As they got older, they got themselves up. When I was married to their dad, he was always gone before any of us got up.

Now, DH is always gone before I wake up. And since I stopped working in Feb., I am *really* enjoying sleeping a little later in the mornings.

BTW - we each have our own alarm clocks!

By Colette on Monday, April 14, 2008 - 08:43 am:

So who gets up first? I get up before everyone, usually.

Do you eat breakfast together? sometimes - dh can go into work whenever or work from home.

Do you cook it for him? nope - if he makes an omlet we will share it, but he is the chef in the family not me.

By Debbie on Monday, April 14, 2008 - 09:27 am:

Dh gets up before me. He gets up at 5am, works out, then comes back at 6am to shower, and he leaves for work by 6:30.

I get up about 6:45, I get the kids up at 7:15, get them off to school, exercise, and then shower.

If for some reason, I have to shower before the kids get up, I just shower, after dh leaves for work.

Dh makes his own breakfast, or eats something at work.

By Boxzgrl on Monday, April 14, 2008 - 10:00 am:

DH is always up before me. He usually has to be to work at 5:30 so he leaves here around 4:30-4:45. I don't get up until 6:30. On the weekends we eat breakfast together. Saturdays one of us will cook and Sundays we usually go to IHOP, Denny's, etc..

By Tarable on Monday, April 14, 2008 - 10:10 am:

I get up about 6:40 and take a shower. Then at 7 I get the girls up and we are out of the house by 7:45. My DH is asleep the whole time. He doesn't get up until about 8:30. Must be lucky.. We work at the same place. We have flex time so I get to work at 8 and he gets to work about 9:30. I leave at 5 and he leaves about 6:30. It works for us but I do get annoyed sometimes that I am always the one to get up early. My biggest pet peeve is people who hit the snooze, so when I am home sick I get really mad at DH for hitting the snooze and it keeps me awake.

And breakfast well he eats his at home and I eat mine at my desk... In fact that is what I am doing right now.

By Trina~moderator on Monday, April 14, 2008 - 10:35 am:

Our morning ritual is down to a science. DH gets up at 5:30 and takes a shower. He wakes me up at 6:00 by rubbing my back and then watches me get into the shower. (His morning "show". LOL!) He goes downstairs, feeds the cats and eats his breakfast with DS, who gets up on his own at 6:00. I finish showering, get dressed and then wake DD at 6:30, and then we enjoy a mother/daughter breakfast together. DH leaves for work at 7:00.

By Trina~moderator on Monday, April 14, 2008 - 10:37 am:

Oh, forgot to mention. No cooking in the morning! We all have easy to fix foods for breakfast: toast, English muffins, yogurt, cereal, fruit, milk, juice, tea, etc..

By Vicki on Monday, April 14, 2008 - 10:45 am:

Dh gets up first and wakes dd up. He then gets in the shower and when he is out of the shower, he wakes me up. I go make sure dd is up and go downstairs and pack her lunch and have my morning coffee. Dh rarely eats breakfast, but if he does, he makes it himself on week days and dd has something easy like toast, cereal or if she is running late, grabs a granola bar to eat in the car. He takes her to school so after they leave, I hit the shower. No one is grumpy in the morning here except dd (once in a while) if she hasn't gotten enough sleep. LOL

By Tink on Monday, April 14, 2008 - 10:47 am:

I don't see DH in the morning. I get up at 6:15, shower, etc. and then get the dks up at 7 and get them off to school and leave at 8am. DH works until midnight so he's still in bed until mid-morning. I'm a get outta bed when the alarm goes off type, he's a hit the snooze button 5 times and then lay in bed and complain for ten minutes type. It's a good thing we don't get up together most mornings. When we do have to get somewhere in the morning, it's never a good start to our day.

Oh, I rarely cook in the morning. The occasional pot of steel cut oats but usually it's frozen waffles or cereal, yogurt or toast.

By Reds9298 on Monday, April 14, 2008 - 01:01 pm:

When I worked: We got up within about 15min. of each other, so whoever was out of bed last had to make the bed. :) We got ready together, ate together, etc. I've never made breakfast on a workday for anyone other than myself. I only make breakfast for him on the weekends sometimes.

As a SAHM, we are sometimes up when he is getting ready for work. Just depends on when Nat wakes up. We rarely eat breakfast together now through the week, and like I said, I've never made him breakfast before work, and unless he's impaired in some way, I won't ever. :) We do our own thing.

By Dawnk777 on Monday, April 14, 2008 - 02:35 pm:

DH works second shift. I'm usually the first one up. If I don't have to work in the morning, I just take Emily to school in whatever I'm wearing.

DH and I eat breakfast together later in the morning , after Emily's gone. We tend to go to McDonald's, because we like to read the paper.

Sometimes, DH is still in bed, when I get back and I usually crawl back in with him, since this is time to be alone and talk, and snuggle, without a kid in the house.

This morning, I did have to work, so I wanted to shower, before Emily went to school. Fortunately, Emily told me last night, that she wanted to shower, too, so I got up a little bit earlier, so my shower didn't interfere with hers.

When DH did work first shift, though, he was usually a cereal person, so I never had to cook for him.

The bed usually doesn't get made, since I'm up and about before he is and then I forget about it.

By Yjja123 on Monday, April 14, 2008 - 02:53 pm:

Hubby is one that hits snooze countless times. I can't stand it. The 1st time the alarm goes off, I get up. I get his breakfast ready and go back to sleep on the couch. When he kisses me goodbye, I head back to bed for a couple more hours of sleep.
The kids & I get up around 9:00 AM. While they start school, I get breakfast ready for all of us.

By Luvn29 on Monday, April 14, 2008 - 03:20 pm:

My dh gets up at 4:00 a.m. so no way am I getting up and making breakfast that early! He wouldn't eat a cooked breakfast anyhow. We have two alarm clocks that have a two alarm feature. My dh is terrified that the alarm will not go off and he will be late so I have two alarm clocks. One is set for 4:00 and one is set for 4:05. It is one of those clocks that sets itself and keeps time through the electrical system. So if the power goes off and comes back on, it sets itself back. Also, it has battery back-up. It only has one alarm setting, so we still use the other clock, and I set it for my hubby, too, for peace of mind.

I wake my dh up when the alarm goes off if he doesn't hear it, and kiss him good morning. Then after he gets ready for work and he is getting ready to leave, he comes and kisses me good-bye, usually around 4:25. I don't get up, but I don't want him to leave without telling me good-bye.

Then I get up around 6:50 and get the kids up at 7:20. We all eat simple things for breakfast-usually a pop-tart and cut up fruit.

On weekends, dh and I usually beat the kids up which is really frustrating to me cause I would love to sleep later! Sometimes we have french toast or omlettes, but we really aren't big breakfast eaters.

Oh yeah, we don't do the snooze button. Both of us feel worse when we go back to sleep for a few minutes.

By Pamt on Monday, April 14, 2008 - 09:39 pm:

I always get up first. DH is NOT a morning person. I'm not either, but I am better about it than he is. Our routine differs on the day of the week. DH works out of home now and he's his own boss, so he doesn't have to be up and at 'em at any certain time. He's usually up between 8-8:30 because the dogs get him up. On days that I teach at 8:30 I am up at 6-6:15. On my non-teaching days I go in a bit later and don't get up until around 7.

My boys get themselves up in the morning. I started teaching them to wake up independently with an alarm clock in first grade. DS1 has to be ready for the bus at 6:50, but I take him on my early days and we leave at 7:15. DS2's bus doesn't come until 8:15. Both of my kids are naturally early risers. Breakfast is fend for yourself. DH doesn't eat breakfast.

Oh! and DH and I are both hit the snooze button kind of people. I purposefully set my clock for 20 minutes later than it really is and I figure in 2-3 snooze hits before I get up. Drives some people crazy, but works for me! We have a small hot water heater here, so showers have to be accounted for. I take mine at night though, so no big deal for me.

By Cat on Monday, April 14, 2008 - 10:04 pm:

Dh is a snooze button person, I am not. I'm a morning person, he is not. He commutes about an hour and fifteen minutes one way, so he has to leave early. He's usually out of the house by 5:00 so he's up around 4:20ish. I get up when he gets out of the shower and bathroom, usually around 4:50. He doesn't eat breakfast. When he works from home (if he's not feeling well or the weather's bad) I wake him up at 6. Oh, and I'm one of those people that's awake before the alarm goes off unless I'm REALLY tired. I wake Randy up at 6:15 to get ready for school and his bus comes at 7:25. Robin gets up whenever he wants (homeschooled for now--next year he'll be on the bus at 6:30am!!!). He's usually up by 9. I usually eat breakfast with Randy unless I've already eaten. Robin's not a breakfast person, like his dad. Breakfast is usually cereal or the kids sometimes eat (drink) instant breakfasts. Neither of the boys are really morning people, but Robin is like me in the sense that if he wakes up he stays up, even if it's early.

By Reds9298 on Monday, April 14, 2008 - 10:44 pm:

We have our own alarm clocks. DH is a big snooze person. I'm a one-time snooze person and then I'm up. I find the snooze to be irritating!

By Enchens on Monday, April 14, 2008 - 11:12 pm:

Neither one us is a morning person, but I'm less of a grouchy non-morning person than he is. I'm usually up first most of the week except Tuesdays and Thursdays. I normally have to get both kids ready so I can take older ds to school three days out of the week, though I think dh should do it because it's on his way to work. He'll take him occasionally but I still need to get up to help get ds ready and fed.

When dh is getting ready, we normally don't talk. Like I said, we're not morning people. We are the grouchiest bunch. Even older ds is not a morning person. It's annoying when younger ds is going this way and that chatting about this and that. He is definitely a morning person. The rest of us are just in grouchville. LOL

I do not make breakfast on MWF or Sunday. Those days it's a quick breakfast burrito or cereal-bagel-yogurt- and fruit type thing. Easy stuff. I will cook on Tues/Thurs for myself and the boys, and big breakfast days are Saturdays. I have never made breakfast for dh during the week since the day we got married. He's not a breakfast guy. He does NEED his coffee, though which he makes or buys on his way to work. Oh, and he's also a snoozer. I'll snooze once if I'm really tired.

By Marcia on Monday, April 14, 2008 - 11:58 pm:

My DH usually gets up before his alarm rings at 5, so I don't even hear him. My 15 year old gets up at 7, and the rest of us get up at 7:30. Other than my 2 girls who need me to change, dress and feed them, everyone fends for themselves. I have the house to myself by 8:50, and that's when I hop in the shower and start my own day.

By Karen~admin on Tuesday, April 15, 2008 - 07:07 am:

"I purposefully set my clock for 20 minutes later than it really is and I figure in 2-3 snooze hits before I get up."

Pam, you and I would have made great roomies - I do the EXACT same thing. :-)

By Dawnk777 on Tuesday, April 15, 2008 - 08:14 am:

Do you guys mean that you set your clocks earlier than it really is. If you set it later, and then snoozed a few times, wouldn't you be late for stuff?

I set my alarm for 6:30am, so I can listen to the news and weather on the radio before I get up. DH could sleep through a tornado going by, so my having the radio on never seems to bother him. I do push the snooze button probably twice, while I'm listening to the radio, because once in a while, I fall back to sleep and I would hate to oversleep and be late getting Emily to school.

She does have an alarm clock and sets it every night, but she likes me to bring the dog in to say good morning, before she gets up.

By Trina~moderator on Tuesday, April 15, 2008 - 08:26 am:

I'm envious at how late some of you get to sleep in. School starts at 8:00 a.m.. I drive the kids to school at about 7:40. My kids don't take the bus in the morning because it comes at 7:10, which is just too darn early. Next year DS will be in middle school, which starts at 7:30. The bus comes at 6:40. smileyfrustrated No way!

By Bellajoe on Tuesday, April 15, 2008 - 08:32 am:

Dh is gone before I get up 99% of the time.

My kids get on the bus by 8:20 and I take a shower after they leave.

I was never a snooze button person. I never understood why people use it. Why don't you just set it when you need to get up instead of having your sleep disrupted several times? Is it just the illusion of sleeping in a bit?

By Jackie on Tuesday, April 15, 2008 - 08:52 am:

I agree with the non snooze people. To me its just prolonging reality LOL... I mean I dont use an alarm clock because I dont work. I normally am an early morning person. I get up by 6:30 each morning on my own, sometimes earlier. Even when I was single and use to work and set my alarm. I was ALWAYS up before it went off. I never did understand the snooze buttone. To me its just prolonging the agony of getting up.LOL...For me its worse to go back to sleep for 5 minutes at a time 3 times, then to just get up.

By Bobbie~moderatr on Tuesday, April 15, 2008 - 09:23 am:

I am not a morning person, period. However, I am up at 5:30.. which I hate... And I take DS to his bus at 6:30... which I hate. I come home and get the girls up at 7 and I drive them to school at 8... Which I hate..

DH on the other hand is a morning person, he is up whether he has somewhere to go or not. He usually is up before the alarm goes off and he never hits snooze. DH gets up, wakes up DS, they all fixes their own breakfast, DH packs his own lunch, and he leaves me alone until I am functioning. Bonus of the kids being older, they can take care of themselves... Thus I can take a few moments to get myself together before having to deal with everything/everyone.

By Dawnk777 on Tuesday, April 15, 2008 - 12:06 pm:

In our city, if you live less than 4 miles from the high school or middle school, you don't get a school bus. There are city buses, but that costs money, too, so we may as well drive them.

I leave about 7:40am, to take Emily for an 8:00 school start. Her school is about 10 minutes away, so in good weather, with good roads, it takes about 20 minutes. (Don't ask about the half-hour trips, during the the height of the snow season!)

Yes, it's just the illusion that you are sleeping in a little longer. I usually set my alarm a little earlier, so I can snooze at least once. I just don't like popping out of bed, the second I am awake. I like listening to the radio, for the news, because I don't have to open my eyes, to just turn up the volume on my radio.

By Tayjar on Tuesday, April 15, 2008 - 05:19 pm:

I am up at 4:52 everyday. That is when the *&^% paperboy drives down the lane to my neighbors. The dogs think they need to go do business at that time. If I don't get up, they sit one inch from my nose and stare at me. They don't bother DH ever.

DH wakes up bright eyed and ready to chat. I don't. I need a pot of coffee, a shower, food, and more coffee before i'm civil. DH makes his own breakfast and lunch, kises me quickly, and gets the heck out of dodge.

By Dana on Wednesday, April 16, 2008 - 04:20 pm:

My alarm is officially set for 6am. If I have alot on my mind, I could wake at any hour and be awake the rest of the morning. Lately, I've been waking around 5:30 without the alarm.

I sit in my dark living/tv room in "my" chair until I can handle the flickering lights of watching tv. I make coffee.

I go to DD room at 6:15 to turn on the closet light to tell her she has 15 minutes (no one in my family likes morning time and needs a warning of waking hours). 6:30 I climb in bed with DD to make sure she gets dressed and also to get a few more seconds of bed time for myself.

Back to my chair w/ my coffee. DD leaves for the bus at 7am for a 7:12 pick up. I return home about 7:20. DD eats breakfast at school.

DS usually calls out my name and the BEST part of the morning happens. His sleepy warm body rest against me as I pick him up and he hugs me and pats/rubs my back in his sleepy little bliss. We share some I love you's and I make him juice or milk. After he wakes more we figure out something for him to eat: oatmeal, cereal, toast, egg, fruit-whatever floats his boat.

I need leave for work around 8:30-9am. So I finish my morning routine and rush a quick lunch for DH. If I got hungry I ate something quick. I do not cook for DH.

DH wakes after I leave. He used to wake up at 10am and went to work at 11. Now I think there are times he is still in bed at 11. I have no clue. The bed is never made because DH doesn't make the bed. I might "make" my side, but DH destroys it in the next few hours, so it is pointless.

I do snooze from time to time. Depends if I need that mental image of more sleep.

And Bobbie---\
"am not a morning person, period. However, I am up at 5:30.. which I hate... And I take DS to his bus at 6:30... which I hate. I come home and get the girls up at 7 and I drive them to school at 8... Which I hate."

ROFLOL. I am NOT a morning person either, and if DD didn't need to be on the bus, my natural clock wakes me at 7:30a but I don't get moving until 9am. I have NEVER been a morning person.

By Bobbie~moderatr on Wednesday, April 16, 2008 - 09:30 pm:

Dana, I have never been a morning person either, I just hate the idea of getting out of bed... I am usually functional by 9. Some days it can be even later than that. Depends on what is going on with me physically.

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