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How many times a day do you say "I love you" to your kids

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive April 2008: How many times a day do you say "I love you" to your kids
By Jackie on Tuesday, April 8, 2008 - 01:54 pm:

How many times a day do you say "I love you" to your kids.My husband pointed out to me, that I say it more to my youngest then the older two. The older two I say it twice a day,once before they go to school and at bedtime.
I guess because I am with Faith all day long, everyday, I tend to say it more. Plus, she is just more cuddley and lovable at the age of 3 LOL...I was just wondering how often you say it to your kids?

By Boxzgrl on Tuesday, April 8, 2008 - 02:18 pm:

I dunno. I don't really keep track. I know it's a routine to say it to Kaitlyn when I drop her off at school and at bedtime. With Nathan I say it at bedtime. I guess I say it to Kaitlyn more than Nathan because she "gets it". I will say it at random times during the day though. It just varies.

By Rayelle on Tuesday, April 8, 2008 - 02:28 pm:

I think I say it more to my youngest too. She is more cuddly and I'm with her more. With my older two I say I love you but I think there are more ways to show it now that they are older. I never really thought of it before.

By Marcia on Tuesday, April 8, 2008 - 03:07 pm:

I can't begin to count how many times I tell all of my kids that I love them each day. Over and over and over.... :)

By Vicki on Tuesday, April 8, 2008 - 03:11 pm:

I honestly have no idea. I always say it before she goes to school, to bed, if I drop her at a friends house etc.... so at least twice a day, but I am sure I say it at other times without even realizing it.

By Enchens on Tuesday, April 8, 2008 - 03:46 pm:

All day long. I try to have some cuddle time with each of my boys at least once a day. We don't have to talk or anything, just sit and cuddle. I do find that I tell them both when they are both with me and I alternate telling one first and then telling the other one first. I also find that the words just kinda "pop out" at random times. We could be playing or watching tv or in the car or in the grocery store or reading, the words just want to come out. They are followed by hugs and kisses and lots of smiles.

By Rayanne on Tuesday, April 8, 2008 - 03:53 pm:

I tell Rylee all the time that I love her. I say it a lot to her, and the best is when she comes up to me out of the blue and says it also.

By Mrsheidi on Tuesday, April 8, 2008 - 04:44 pm:

I think I smother my child...I say it about every hour I'm with him. Poor guy, by the time he's 18, he'll be like "OKAY, MOM!!!!" LOL
I give out a bazillion kisses too...I'm going to cry when he starts going to elementary school and won't kiss me anymore!!! :(

By Dana on Tuesday, April 8, 2008 - 04:59 pm:

I have no clue. But I do know less as the years go on for DD and DS still gets it all the time. But I still tell DD daily that I love her.

It seems easier to say it to my little one because he is sitting in my lap whenever I sit down. DD is off and doing her own thing and we don't have the same amount of quiet time together.

By Breann on Tuesday, April 8, 2008 - 05:21 pm:

I say it more to my youngest. He is with me more, and he likes to cuddle more. He hugs me everytime he walks by me and I always say I love you.
With my oldest, I tell her when I drop her off at school/dance, and before bed.

Of course I don't love one more than the other. Our relationships just change as they grow, and the way we express ourselves changes as well.

When the new baby arrives, I'm sure I'll tell him I love you a MILLION times a day. Mostly because he'll be a little helpless person that can't run away from me. He'll be stuck in my lap listening to never ending I love You's lol :)

By Reds9298 on Tuesday, April 8, 2008 - 06:35 pm:

Over and over and over! Tons of affection and kisses and hugs, whether we are at home or in public. We're a very affectionate family in general. DH and I say it to each other at least a few times/day as well, if not more. I find it hard to not say it so much to my nephews and niece the way I used to, but they are getting big now and don't always want to hear it. (They're ages 7-14, getting so big:()

By Luvn29 on Tuesday, April 8, 2008 - 08:07 pm:

Like Deanna's family, we are a very affectionate family. My husband and I tell each other several times a day. He's even texted me just to tell me. I do tell my youngest more, but only because he is more affectionate than my daughter. My son, who is eight, comes up to me at random times just to tell me he loves me. Then he runs off playing again.

I think that as kids get older, they stop coming to say it to you as much. I also think that more situations arise where you can't say it to the older kids.

By Jtsmom on Tuesday, April 8, 2008 - 08:12 pm:

Too many to count!

By Dawnk777 on Tuesday, April 8, 2008 - 08:29 pm:

I don't know. We've gotten lazy at our house. I can't even remember the last time hubby said it to me, or the last time I said it to him. We used to say it all the time!

By Tink on Tuesday, April 8, 2008 - 10:01 pm:

Dh and I say it to each other multiple times a day, maybe 8-10 and I say it to the kids at least 5 times a day. I do tell them before bed and before school but it just gets said several other times. We also hug, kiss, tickle, pat tooshies, and poke (my ds's preferred form of affection) most of the time we walk past each other. We've had friends tell us we're kind of nauseating.:)

By Yjja123 on Tuesday, April 8, 2008 - 10:15 pm:

Daily, both with kids & hubby.

By Annie2 on Wednesday, April 9, 2008 - 12:44 am:

I verbally say it to my kids when I wake them up, send them off for the day, when they go to a friend's house, while at their dad's, when they come home from school, when they go to bed....but I show them that I love them by being a constant support for them while doing homework, attending all of their sports, practices, teaching them about life, sex, relationships, friendships, household chores, taking care of all know the drill.
A person can say "I love you" but it needs to be backed up with actions; not just words. :)

By Eve on Wednesday, April 9, 2008 - 08:01 am:

Definately a few times a day. When DD heads off to school I say it and when they go to sleep. After a time out and just random times. I think I do say it more to DS, but if I notice, then I immediately say something nice to my DD. She really notices!

This reminds me, I need to finish Love Languages of Children!

By Tayjar on Wednesday, April 9, 2008 - 04:06 pm:

Every chance I get - verbally, text message, emails, lunch box, etc.

A lady I used to work with gave me some sound advice when I had my fisrt child. Give your children as many hugs as you can a day, tell them you love as many times as you can a day, and never ever go to bed mad at each other. Even if you are, hug your child, tell them you love them, you will always love them, and to never doubt it.

Her DD committed suicide at age 13. During a fight, her DD screamed I hate you and my friend walked over, slapped her across the face, and said some harsh words to her and went to bed mad at her DD. Her DD shot herself in the head that night. She had planned to tell her DD in the morning that she loved her. She never got the chance.

I always remember this advice when I am upset. So, with that, go give your kids a random hug and tell them you love them.

By Hol on Wednesday, April 9, 2008 - 06:02 pm:

Dora, that is SO sad. My DK's are grown, but I always tell them I love them for no reason. Sometimes, Shawn (age 20) will say, "Okaay...where did THAT come from?" LOL! I also tell them when they call me on the phone at work, or whatever, right after I say, "Drive carefully". I shower my little DGD (age 3) with kisses and say to her "Love you!!" She will say, "I love YOU, Gwammy!". (The high point of my day! LOL!).

I will always be grateful that the last words I said to my late DS, while hanging up the phone, were, "I love you. Talk to you tomorrow". He passed away unexpectedly 90 minutes later.

By Bee on Wednesday, April 9, 2008 - 07:33 pm:

Wow I must be out there or something... I love my kid to the ends of the earth but I worry that if I am always saying I love you, she/he will say it back out of routine and not out of love. In my family when we were kids my brother and I made up our own words that were really just nonsense but they meant all that love stuff that just can't be defined.

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