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Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive December 2004: Headaches!
By Children03 on Monday, December 27, 2004 - 04:52 pm:

Over the last year 1/2 I have suffered from migraine headaches. I was having them a couple of times a month and then I started to have them about 10 times a month. I went to a neurologist and he just prescribed some Zomig for me. The zomig helps sometimes, but not always. I went to the doctor because the intensity of the headaches got worse and when I get them I just cannot function. I get frustrated because my husband and in-laws just don't really understand how bad I feel when I get them. My mother-in-law sometimes acts as if I am exaggerating and they can't be that bad. I usually try to relax by lying down - anyone that suffers from them will know that it can be impossible to find a comfortable position. Other things that I do is wear an eye mask to keep the light out, I take extremely hot showers up to 40 minutes long - it at least helps for time being, I don't drink a lot of caffeine. I don't eat any particular thing that seems to trigger my headaches. I am just wondering if any of you suffer from headaches like this too and if so, what are some things you do to help? How do I get others to truly understand how bad I get? I suffered for 6 hours on Christmas Eve with a headache and I just want my family and friends to know that I am not exaggerating about them. My brother and sister both suffer from them too. Any good advice? Thanks!

By Mommmie on Monday, December 27, 2004 - 05:01 pm:

What changed a year and a half ago, I wonder? Did you move into a new house? Could it be a sick building?

I sometimes wish you could just touch someone and it would let them feel what you are feeling as far as pain.

By Kay on Monday, December 27, 2004 - 05:33 pm:

I have had almost daily migraines for about 16 years now. :( My first migraine hit when I was 11, only a few times during teen years and 20's, then came back with a vengeance around age 30. My neurologist has run me through CT's and MRI's, and has determined (since migraine is a default diagnosis) that mine are both hormonally and environmentally triggered. Even though all I have are my ovaries left, I still get them worse about once a month. While the normal triggers don't bother me (like chocolate, wine, cheese)what really gets me are changes in barometric pressure, stress (gee, who has that?), and strong smells (cigarette smoke, strong perfume).

I took Neurontin as a preventive for a long time, and it's really not changing anything, so I may go off it. I have to take something for pain, being very careful since it can be very addictive.

Good luck.

By Missmudd on Monday, December 27, 2004 - 08:48 pm:

I have had migraines on and off through the years. Heres what I have found out for me and hope that it helps you. I cant eat anything processed in large doses. For me that means hot dogs, bologna, cheese, bacon, sausage, box mac and cheese that sort of thing. For me also hormones can play a part. My gyn said that estrogen, too much or too little can set them off. That is why w/ my #4 I had to go on medical leave because I was so sick. So for me processed food and the last half of my cycle is a big NO NO... BC pills big no no too.

About 2 weeks ago I had 2 hot dogs, MY BAD! The next day all of a sudden i couldnt see, and I didnt have a headache. I kinda freaked because my mom had a massive stroke at 54 so I called my opthomologist and got in that afternoon. By then it had mostly cleared but I had a roaring eye strain stress headache but not migraine. Turns out I had an ocular migraine. The same thing that happens in your head happened in my eyes. I had never heard of such a thing.

Anyway here I am rambling. I hope that this all helps out for you. I would look at diet, if you are on the pill, and maybe a good multivitimin if you dont take already would help.

By Dawnk777 on Tuesday, December 28, 2004 - 12:35 am:

My sister gets bad migraines. I have never had one! I can't imagine how bad they hurt, but I can see the pain in the eyes of patients who have them. We usually dim the lights in their rooms, since most of them have sensitive eyes.

By Karen~moderator on Tuesday, December 28, 2004 - 10:41 am:

Ditto Kay!!! I had them 3 or 4 times a week for years, and my triggers were much the same as hers, INCLUDING the ones she listed that DON'T bother her - hormones, processed foods (such as Kristin named - those all have the nitrites, etc.) cheese, wine, chocolate, chocolate, chocolate, salt, too much or too little sleep and STRESS!

Since my hysterectomy, I rarely get them, although in the last 2 years, I've gotten them more frequently, so maybe menopausal stuff has something to do with that.

I saw a neurologist for mine over 25 years ago - now there are more treatment options. I WILL say, regarding Neurontin, that it has a lot of side effects. I've taken it before, each time I had ruptured disks and back surger, and I was toxic on the stuff, and while it DOES help block pain sensations for many, it also blocks pleasure sensations. I personally hated the stuff and would never take it again.

If I were you I'd get a complete physical checkup and discuss treatment options with your doctor. If you doctor isn't willing to explore them with you, then find another doctor! Life's too short to waste it in pain that leaves you unable to function.

In the meantime, one thing I used to do that helped mine was tie a bandana tightly around my head when I had a migraine, and use ice on the side that was affected.

Good luck!!!!

By Janet on Tuesday, December 28, 2004 - 11:16 am:

I get them about 3 or 4 times per month. I used to take Excedrin for them, which would help, but then I began to get daily headaches as a result, and I was on an impossible merry-go-round of rebound headaches...I finally took myself off about a month or so ago (which was complete torture, but I did it!), and now I don't have the daily headaches. I had a migraine yesterday, as the result of co-workers' strong perfume (see perfume post, LOL), and I was sick all night. When they get to that point, there's nothing to do but take Tylenol PM and go to bed (dark and quiet). No good advice, but a lot of sympathy. I also know very well how others may not understand your pain (and nausea)... it's like nothing else, and it's pure agony. :( I wish I could help you!

By Karen~moderator on Tuesday, December 28, 2004 - 11:20 am:

Pam (Bubbels) does this: She takes something like sinus meds, excedrin and drinks coffee, or takes those no-doze things. She swears by it.

By Ginny~moderator on Tuesday, December 28, 2004 - 01:05 pm:

It's interesting about caffeine being a trigger for some. For years the medication for migraines was cafergot - ergotamine tartrate and caffeine. Ergotamine, by the way, is the mold that grows on rye grains that caused the dancing sickness episodes during the Middle Ages. The idea was to get the blood vessel walls relaxed to reduce blood pressure, especially to the brain. I know it worked for my ex. I also know there are newer and, one hopes, better medications out there.

Anyone who has a migraine sufferer in the family and is not sympathetic just doesn't know what they are talking about. I've had three or four in my lifetime, and I have nothing but the deepest sympathy for anyone who suffers that pain regularly/frequently.

By Jayne2 on Tuesday, December 28, 2004 - 02:01 pm:

Yes I suffer terribly with headaches. I don't know if it is sinus or migraines or a sinus migraine but they sure do make it hard to function...there are many times I need to go to sleep (quiet and dark) to get rid of them...but then there are times they last for 2-3 days (sorta like a halo effect, they are there but not as intense) but still there. I really also think that the weather has a lot to do with my headaches..let's just say I know when its going to rain before it does. What does help me is anacin, sudafed and a cup of coffee that combination usually helps me. Also other times I have gotten a bag of frozen peas, wrap them in a towel and lay my head/neck on them. A friend who has terrible headaches just had a tooth (molar) fixed and that seemed to help her headaches. Do you have any dental problems? Sending you big hugs and lots of sympathy. Take care.

By Pamt on Tuesday, December 28, 2004 - 02:56 pm:

There are so many good migraine drugs out now that your doctor should be able to find one that helps you. Be a squeaky wheel and insist on trying others until you find one that works.

I had migraines from ages 2-18. My mom said that as a toddler/preschooler I'd be happily playing on the floor one minute, then grab my right eye and fall over on the floor screaming the next. She has migraines (they are hereditary--my youngest DS gets them too), so she understood my pain. As a child I used a phenobarbital suppository and it always put me to sleep and sleep was the cure for me. I always had intense pain in my right eye, visual auras, and frequently nausea and vomiting. I don't think that anyone who hasn't had a real migraine cna truly relate to the intense pain. For me, lack of sleep was almost always the trigger.

I haven't had a migraine since the summer after my freshman year in college when I was in California and ended up in the ER with one. I think going through puberty really helped me, so I do worry about what will happen when I go through menopause. As bad as I remember migraines hurting, I've always said I don't understand how you can be a mom and have a migraine because they are really incapacitating. Do try some other drugs---Imitrex, Caffergot, and others are now available. Sleeping one off in a cold, VERY dark room was essential too.

Hope you get some relief and sympathy from your family soon! (((HUGS)))

By Missmudd on Tuesday, December 28, 2004 - 03:39 pm:

If it was cold out my dad would go drive with all the windows down in the car. He felt that all the cold air blowing around helped. I have tried it but I get too cold and I really dont like to drive like that :)

By Children03 on Wednesday, December 29, 2004 - 02:12 pm:

My neurologist called me yesterday and he wants to set up a time for me to get a MRI. He wants to take a look just to make sure nothing is abnormal. He also said if the tests come back clear he wants to put me on medicine daily to prevent the headaches since I can't seem to help them. He gave me the name of the medicine, but I can't remember it, but it is used on people that have seizures too. I just pray that my tests all come back normal and he suggested that I bring my husband along with me so that he can try to help him understand how bad I really do suffer from them.

By Kay on Wednesday, December 29, 2004 - 04:36 pm:

The medication I took for a long time was also an anti-seizure medication - Neurontin. I know there are probably several others, too.

By Karen~moderator on Wednesday, December 29, 2004 - 05:41 pm:

Yes, Neurontin was intially approved for use as an anti-seizure med. There are others. Kay, how long have you taken Neurontin? Have you had side effects? And, I have to ask, has it affected you sexually?

I hated being on that drug. I had every listed side effect, including the *rare* ones, and that med made it impossible for me to have orgasms the entire time I was on it, and for several weeks after I weaned off of it. There was just NO feeling. That alone was reason enough for me to go off of it! I'm just curious if you've had ill effects from it.

By Kim on Wednesday, December 29, 2004 - 11:31 pm:

Neurontin was never supposed to be used for Migraine. Its for seizures and there was an undercover report within the last two years that showed that the drug company was pushing it for uses that it was not intended or useful for, migraine included. I took this med and it did nothing for me. I don't think they can prescribe it for that anymore!

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