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Holy Clutter, Batman!

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive December 2004: Holy Clutter, Batman!
By Cat on Monday, December 20, 2004 - 03:09 pm:

This weekend I had a mission. I was going to attack that mess of a bedroom of mine! It seems to end up being the "catch-all" room in the house. Papers without a home end up there. Magazines migrate there. Clothes and things that need mending hitch a ride in there. So anyway, yesterday morning I paid the kids $5 each to take EVERYTHING that wasn't clothing out (off the floor, out of the cubbies in the corner, off the dresser and nightstand) and dump it on the playroom floor, knowing this would force me to finish since kids were going to be here this morning. OH MY GOSH!!! It looked like something had exploded in the play room! lol I literally spent about 4-5 hours sorting through that stuff and ended up with 4 trash bags full of stuff (I'm such a packrat with magazines--the majority of the trash!). But BOY is it nice to be able to go into my room and have it so neat and clean!!! (not that it was nasty dirty before, just cluttered) Dh has a few things on his side of the bed that he's going to clean up next week when he's off and I do still have one box of stuff to go through. My own little version of Clean Sweep. :) That room was by far the worst in the house. Others could use some straightening, but they're nowhere near that bad. One room at a time... :)

By Tink on Monday, December 20, 2004 - 03:27 pm:

Doesn't that feel great!? I need to do that with my kitchen. It looks fine because all the clutter is behind cabinet door but who needs cake pans in every popular cartoon character from ages 7 down? Make sure you light a candle and spend some quiet time reading a book in that nice uncluttered space tonight!

By Sue3 on Monday, December 20, 2004 - 09:54 pm:

LOL Cat !

Your post caught my eye because DH is a HUGE Bat Man fan. If fact we celebrated Christmas with his family Saturday and all the brothers draw name`s and guess what my DH got ?
A dvd collection of the old Bat Man and Robin movies. LOL !
He has had those on constantly this weekend! That is all I am hearing because my Dk`s think the saying`s are hilarious !
And another thing that`s funny is we are also cleaning our cluttered up bedroom.
I also hoard magazine`s and read them before bed
(I had some April and May issue`s)and everything just end`s up in our bedroom.
We already have 1 garbage bag full !
Anna just said a little while ago , "Holy out grown clothes , Batman !" This room is full of them ! So off to good will they will go !
unfortunately we got a late start today so you know what we`ll be doing tomorrow ;).
Enjoy your clean bedroom Cat !

By Brandy on Monday, December 20, 2004 - 10:40 pm:

Awesome job Cat i've been cleaning the boys room and different rooms for the last few weeks i still have to get to my room hopefully before christmas lol or especially new years maybe if it's clean for that it will be for the rest of the year lol = )

By My2cuties on Monday, December 20, 2004 - 11:32 pm:

Good for you...I cleaned out the girls toybox tonight. :) but that's as far as I got.. talk about a JOB!..So many little toys that just fill their toy boxes up. I only left the toys that were more bigger and put all her barbies in a pink bag..I feel better. :)

By Conni on Tuesday, December 21, 2004 - 09:05 am:

YEA!!!! Good job Cat! You go girl! :)

That is very brave of you to have them throw it all in another room. LOL!! So that you *have* to clean it up. Good idea.

By Cat on Tuesday, December 21, 2004 - 10:50 am:

Conni, Brave? Or Stupid??? rofl It was pretty discouraging to start with, though. Especially after working for over and hour and dh coming in and saying, "Doesn't look like you've gotten very far." GGGRRrrrr...

Sue, funny about your dh and my choice of words! lol I love the Holey outgrown clothes line. Kids come up with some funny stuff, don't they? Mine rooted through while I was cleaning. It was annoying--they kept getting in the way. And Robin kept saying, "Can I have this? Can I have that?" I kept asking him, "Where are you going to put it???" I know it'll just end up cluttering up his room. I guess they've learned it from me. *sigh* We'll have to work on that.

Tink, it does feel good to have it cleaned out. I still have some arrainging to do, so I really like it, but it'll come. My kichen's sounds the same as yours. Thanx for making me notice. :p Another day...

Brandy, I need to do the kid's rooms. They're really not too bad, though, since I just went through them a few months ago. I still need to get rid of outgrown toys, and they're ALWAYS outgrowing their clothes!!! We bought the kids some jeans a few weeks ago and had to get 10 slims for Randy and 12's for Robin! They're just little weeds. :)

Good job, Candis, cleaning out the toy box!!! I hate when little toys sink to the bottom. We don't use a toy box, but containers, and stuff still gets lost in the bottom. I don't have Barbie stuff to deal with, but Lego's sure can be a pain (and we've got TONS!!!).

So, what room/space should I clean next??? Maybe a small closet. :) And maybe not until next week.

By Tink on Tuesday, December 21, 2004 - 02:17 pm:

I say you should get the holidays off and make that small closet (or a kitchen cabinet, maybe? *eg*) a New Year's resolution. I can relate to your entire post. The comment by your dh (anybody got some duct tape?), my kids are bigger clutterholics than I am, their room always needs another go-round, and it's always clothes that need to be taken to the goodwill, those little toys are the worst (and I think the boy toys, like legos, army men, and hot wheels, are much worse than Barbies and Polly Pockets!)

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