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Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive December 2004: Tell me what you think...
By My2cuties on Monday, December 20, 2004 - 12:22 pm:

My mom bought my girls a Barbie Jeep for Christmas, she calls this morning and I told her we weren't for sure coming to her house for Christmas Breakfast. So she gets all upset and decides we can come on the day after. We hang up the phone and she calls back and says "I just called Chris(my step-dad) and he said you could come Sunday or Monday, and by the way ..we will keep the Jeep at our house until Spring, so you don't have to worry".

1st of all, this means my dd is going to get a Christmas present she isn't even going to be able to play with until the Spring unless she is at my moms.

2nd of all we had already talked about it and made arrangements about where we were going to keep it

So, I know that she is only doing this to get at me for not coming on Christmas morning to her house...she can make me so mad. So I told her she can take the Jeep back and get her money back for it. I do not think it is right to buy a 3 year old a present and then NOT let them take it home..we do have room for it, and we have a truck to haul it in, there is no reason other than the simple fact of "revenge" So what do you think, looking from the outside in?

I wish my family would get the Big picture of Holiday...they don't understand that I have a husband and we have his side of the family to visit also.

By Juli4 on Monday, December 20, 2004 - 12:28 pm:

One of the hardest parts of family is trying to be fair and one person or side always feels cheated. It is difficult i know and most likely she is trying to make you upset or something, but what can you do? You can't change the way she acts. The only thing you can control is the way you react.

By Paulas on Monday, December 20, 2004 - 12:54 pm:

It's especially hard for me to comment on things like this, especially at Christmas time because I don't have a mother or father to celebrate Christmas with. Mind you, when my parents were living my mother and I would have some terrible fights but what I wouldn't give to fight with her now.

Be thankful your mom is around to spend Christmas with. Like Juli said, you can only control how you react.

By Tink on Monday, December 20, 2004 - 01:17 pm:

My mom did things like this when she had to share us with my in-laws. I would say that I appreciate her offering to keep it but that my girls won't get to enjoy it if it is always at her house. You'd be more than happy to take it home that day so that they can enjoy it. This is all assuming that she doesn't actually take it back for the money. I would just stress the fact that your dds can't enjoy it if they can't play with it. Just play the kill them with kindness card. JMO of course.

By Tunnia on Monday, December 20, 2004 - 01:37 pm:

I wouldn't make a big deal out of it even though it would bother me too. I would simply tell her that it's no problem and you don't need her to keep it until Spring and you will be sure to bring the truck so you can take it home with you when you visit. Or you could always invite her to come to breakfast at your house on Christmas morning. That will put the ball in her court and if she decides to come then she can bring the Barbie Jeep with her and leave it at your house.:)

By Breann on Monday, December 20, 2004 - 04:24 pm:

My mother in law buys things for my kids all the time and just as we are ready to leave she pops in with the "this is going to stay at grandma's house" line.

It is frustrating and it hurts my feelings to see my kids hurt like that. They get so disappointed.

I don't know what you should do. I just wanted to say that I know how you feel.


By Sue3 on Monday, December 20, 2004 - 10:22 pm:

I think that`s terrible.My Mother has done thing`s similar to that in the past.
Try not to let in ruin your Christmas.
Did you tell her that you and your Dh didn`t think that it was right for her to buy her granddaughter such a nice gift
then keep it at her house ?
Your DD will be asking about it alot I`m sure.
I would just try to be straight forward with her and bring up the in-law issue also but,nicely.
At least you can clear the air and your Mom will know how you feel.
And tell her you don`t want this disagreement to
put a dark cloud over both of your Christmas`.
JMHO. Good luck !
also I might add that as all of my Brothers and Sisters got married
we had to change alot at Christmas.
For the sake of celebrating Christmas with both sides of the family.
It was very hard for my Mom .
She alway`s has Christmas at her house on Christmas day.
Then she couldn`t anymore.We would change it to Christmas eve or the week after Christmas.
She did not like that.
Maybe your Mom is feeling some of that ?
It really was hard for her.

By My2cuties on Monday, December 20, 2004 - 11:17 pm:

Well, after all the advice I recieved from here i decided to have a chat with her, and she came over tonight and we talked and everything is okay (for now). She is okay with us having the Jeep here and she said she just thought she would offer her house, so *maybe* I was jumping to conclusions, or I would like to think I was. We will eat breakfast early and then leave following the opening of the big gift and go to Dh's sisters. Dh is okay with it too...he just doesn't want to be rushed on Christmas, but I cannot blame him at all, neither do I. I am okay with all of this since my dad will be in for a week, it's not like he will only be here on Christmas Day..if that was the case I would have to ditch everybody for him..:)
Thanks for all you guys help, once again you came through for me.

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