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My church, and it's recent history, will be on television

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive December 2004: My church, and it's recent history, will be on television
By Ginny~moderator on Sunday, December 19, 2004 - 07:24 pm:

If you are interested, the program should be on December 29, from 9:30 to 11:30 on PBS. The film is called "The Congregation". Here's the PBS website:

My congregation is the congregation where Irene Elizabeth Stroud has been an associate pastor for the past few years. Beth was recently stripped of her ordination in a recent United Methodist trial in the Southeastern Pennsylvania Conference because she preached a sermon about 18 months ago stating that she is lesbian and is a committed relationship.

That is not the only focus of the film - it follows our congregation through some trying times. I haven't seen it and am looking forward to it.

By Mrsheidi on Sunday, December 19, 2004 - 08:22 pm:

Wow! I know you didn't put this on here for IS interesting to say the least! My pastor back in Colorado has struggled with his son's homosexuality and has preached on the subject. He is a lot more open now, but it has definitely been a struggle for him.
I used to be very black/white on the subject, even wore a t-shirt in high school saying "Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve".
Then...I went to college and during my time in student government, I got to work with this amazing guy. You could tell he was gay...right from the get go...but man, he was SUCH a good leader. I've never met a more compassionate, sincere, hard working person. I realized I was judging people I didn't even know. Isn't THAT easy? So, I got to thinkin'...
Why would anyone "CHOOSE" this life, especially when there is so much hatred and misunderstanding.
I also had the experience of teenagers who were suicidal because of this confusion. It broke my heart to see them so depressed because they knew what was going on, but it was so hard on them to be accepted...because they knew they weren't. I's not worth it. How much can I change vs. how much are they going to change? If they are suicidal...they can't possibly be "choosing" this? I reached out to them with love and understanding and you wouldn't BELIEVE how much that meant to them. I was honored, as their teacher though, that they would come to me with their deepest hurt.
I also took a psychology class when I went to Baylor University (a fairly strict Southern Baptist school) and my teacher showed us studies on gay men. They had lots of neuron "crossovers" between the 2 hemispheres of the brain...just like women. That's why we can multitask, and think of 10 things at once. Our minds are equipped with the communication tools in those neurons...always communicating back and forth. And, those gay men also had them. They were born that way.
It's also hard, especially since we are Presbyterian. Some presbyterian churches accept it, some don't. It's going to be quite the topic over the next 20 years...for sure.
Thanks, Ginny, for sharing. I'll *try* to watch it while at my dad's house...he's dead set against it, so it should be interesting to see how he reacts. I'm also interested in the rest of the topics too. I think every congregation has some trying times...maybe others can relate.

By Ginny~moderator on Sunday, December 19, 2004 - 11:31 pm:

You're right, Heidi, I didn't put this here for debate, though of course my position is clear and I have been quite open that my oldest son is gay.

It's interesting to read your story. When my congregation first began to discuss becoming a Reconciling Congregation (opposing our demonination's position on homosexuality and being open and welcoming to GLBT persons), many of our members went on the same journey - having a position and when confronted with people, individuals, whom they had come to know and care about, changing their positions.

If you do try to watch it at your dad's house, don't tell him about Beth - let the story unfold. She is such a remarkable young woman, so gifted and so honest and true, it comes across in every way. And if you don't watch it at your dad's, knowing PBS, it will be re-run.

By Mrsheidi on Monday, December 20, 2004 - 09:26 am:

I will definitely let the story unfold...I know my dad will make comments, but I think he definitely needs to see it. If anything, I'll watch it on my own! :-)

By Mrsheidi on Monday, December 20, 2004 - 09:27 am:

PS- Is that 9:30pm? Eastern?

By Ginny~moderator on Monday, December 20, 2004 - 01:58 pm:

Yes, to timing

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