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Does anyone have their......

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive December 2004: Does anyone have their......
By Mrse on Monday, December 6, 2004 - 11:07 pm:

christmas tree up yet? We put our's up last night. Dh and I went shopping and got new gold bulbs, 2 cases, and 2 white garland lights for the tree, and a roll of beige plaid ribbon, it has the wire in it so it twists. I must say the tree looks very nice this year. I also threw up the small red bows from last year. I bought a new star it is so pretty all gold. Does anyone else have a theme this year for their decorations? I guess my is gold. Dh is outside right now putting up his christmas lights, curtain lights he picked red this year, I am not that fond of it, but he let me get away with the white garland lights on the christmas tree, so I did not say to much about the outside lights, should look pretty good when he is done. It is our turn to have all the family over for christmas this year, and dh wants the house to look fabulous, which is strange , he is really into christmas this year. what are your plans

By Bea on Monday, December 6, 2004 - 11:26 pm:

Ours is up and lit, but no decorations are hung yet.

By Pamt on Monday, December 6, 2004 - 11:34 pm:

We bought ours and got it up and decorated today. I think it has scoliosis :(. No themes here. I do have a table of nothing but snowman decorations that I'll leave up through February and I have 3 nativity scenes throughout the house. Our tree is a wonderful mish-mash of ornaments given to us over the years and those made by our kids. We also buy our boys a new ornament each year that represents an interest or activity for them. When they get married they will have a great starter set of ornaments for their own tree, but for now these hang on our tree. They love to get out their ornaments each year and talk about them.

I always think it's sad that in houses with young children some people don't allow homemade ornaments on their tree.

Another sad note...a critter somehow got into one of our rubbermaid boxes in the attic and ATE our HANDMADE (by me!) Christmas stockings. I had cross-stitched these years ago. Mine and DH's were very intricate with months of work in them. The kids weren't quite as elaborate (since I had kids, less time to make stockings--LOL), but were special nonetheless. I am crushed! I'm buying ugly cheap stockings to make it through this Christmas and then I'll make new quilted ones and double-wrap them somehow.

By Mrse on Tuesday, December 7, 2004 - 12:40 am:

Hi pam, I had the critter thing happen in my attic also, it is really frustrating, I did not lose anything that was special, sorry to hear you have to start all over again.
The only wierd thing is, I found 2 out of 3 stockings dh swears their is no more boxes in the attic, I might secretly look in the attic see if I can find it.

By Dawnk777 on Tuesday, December 7, 2004 - 12:44 am:

We will get our tree up on Thursday. Kids already put out all the other Christmas decorations!

By Ladypeacek on Tuesday, December 7, 2004 - 02:52 am:

Ours goes up on Thanksgiving along with all the decorations.

By Colette on Tuesday, December 7, 2004 - 06:06 am:

We will put ours up this week. The price of trees at the farm we usually go to are through the roof. I bought some of my wreaths there over the weekend and checked out the trees. The size I usually pay $25-30 for were up around $45 -$50. So I am looking around a bit this week. We will probably do ours on Saturday and the kids will decorate my mother's tree on Sunday.

By Trina~moderator on Tuesday, December 7, 2004 - 06:54 am:

All of our decorations have been up since Nov. 28th, thanks to DD (6). She is majorly into the holidays and all the festive activities. DH put the lights on the tree and DD decorated most of it by herself. It's quite a sight, but I wouldn't have it any other way. text description

By Kittycat_26 on Tuesday, December 7, 2004 - 08:06 am:

I'm with Trina. Ours have been up since the 28th. Timmy is just loving the lights both inside and out. It's all you hear from him when we're driving around.

By Kernkate on Tuesday, December 7, 2004 - 08:07 am:

All my decorations inside and out are all done and our tree will go up this weekend when everyone is home to help:)

By Conni on Tuesday, December 7, 2004 - 08:49 am:

We put our decor up the weekend after Thanksgiving.

Colors on family tree are mainly: Gold, white, burgandy, (and then there are alot of other colors mixed in.). Lights are white and ribbon is sheer gold. Tree topper is a Cross. I have alot of different types of ornaments-- but there are alot of CROSS ornaments. So I guess you could call that my theme... I have some mosaic ball ornaments that I just love!! They are so pretty. I would love to find some more of those.

The kids have some ornaments on the family tree but most of there ornaments are on there own trees in their bdrm's. Brandon gets a Santa ornament every yr, brad gets a nutcracker ornament and blake a snowman. They picked there favorite colors for there lights--brandon green lights, brad blue lights, etc...

No lights on the house this yr. I just put them on the trees. Dh is too busy to do the house this yr.

Pam, my grandmother made each of my boys stockings when they were born and she died last feb. I would fall apart if anything happened to those. So I can certainly understand your sadness. :( Grandma also made my sisters and I a stocking each when we were born-- my Mom *still* hangs them at her home and up until a few yrs ago she was still stuffing them for us! lol

I hang a garland over my front door and I put a set of glass ornaments on it that my mil sent us the first yr we were in this house. We broke 3 of them this yr because I didnt fasten it up good. :(

Everyones trees sound so nice!

By Rayanne on Tuesday, December 7, 2004 - 10:05 am:

Our's is up, lit, and decorated. We did the Sunday after Thanksgiving. All of our decorations inside and out are up as well.

By Breann on Tuesday, December 7, 2004 - 12:44 pm:

We put ours up the weekend before Thanksgiving. We knew we would be gone all weekend after Thanksgiving. Our outside lights have been up since the first of November, but we didn't turn them on until Thanksgiving.

By Cat on Tuesday, December 7, 2004 - 12:49 pm:

Our lights outside went up on Thanksgiving, mainly because the weather was nice and was supposed to get cold the next couple days and I wanted to get it done before it was too cold! Our tree went up that Saturday. Everything will come down the week after Christmas (by New Years).

By Tink on Tuesday, December 7, 2004 - 01:38 pm:

We'll put out tree up today or tomorrow (dh's days off) and all the rest of the inside decorations go up then. No outside lights this year. :( I do have a wooden snowman sign that goes by the front door.

Our tree has burgandy balls and burgandy and gold ribbons and bows but we also put all of our family ornaments on it. My mom gave me one each year so we have been set with ornaments since we got married. Now that I am doing the same with my dks, we are starting to have to pick and choose which ornaments are going to go on the tree. There just isn't room for all of them!

I love snowmen and almost all of my inside decorations are snowmen. I'm looking for a snowman Nativity scene to really make an impact. Someday I hope to have a snowman themed tree. If I ever do a themed tree, we'll have a family tree elsewhere in the house. I love talking about all the ornaments as we hang them up.

By Jelygu on Tuesday, December 7, 2004 - 05:34 pm:

My tree has been up since the day after Thanksgiving. It doesn't have a theme, just a very simple tree with all our favorite ornaments on it, and candy canes. My husband likes character ornaments, so we have the cast of Rudoplh the red-nosed reindeer ornaments, winnie the pooh ornaments and others. It is simple and I love it :)

By Eve on Wednesday, December 8, 2004 - 08:06 am:

No! I am a little behind this year. LOL! We did partially decorate outside, so I guess that's a start. My Moravian star is up outside, and that's my favorite anyway.:)

By Fraggle on Wednesday, December 8, 2004 - 09:42 am:

We cut our tree down on Sunday. At the place we went it was $30 for all sizes-Colette, I can't believe trees are so expensive by you. Our tree is up with only decorations on the bottom half. I need to put the more delicate ones up on the top half of the tree and add small red ribbons and two large starting near the top of the tree. I haven't found the box that they are in yet. I'm probably a little more than halfway through decoarating the inside of the house. I also put up lights outside, but I need to buy one more strand to finsish it off.

By Boxzgrl on Wednesday, December 8, 2004 - 09:45 am:

No tree this year!

Toddler+ 2 cats+ 2 dogs = DISASTER! I'm saving myself ahead of time, lol!

By Conni on Wednesday, December 8, 2004 - 09:53 am:

Eve, whats a Moravian Star????
Melissa, how about a table top tree?

By Eve on Wednesday, December 8, 2004 - 01:01 pm:

The illuminated Moravian star with its 26 points symbolizes the birth of Christ, pointing to the wise men who followed the star to Bethlehem. It is to remind of the Old Testament prophecy: "There shall come a star out of Jacob," (Numbers 24:17) and of the fulfillment of that prophecy in the coming of Christ who said, "I am the bright star of dawn" (Revelations 22:16).

My Grandfather's family settled in Winston-Salem,NC in the 1700's and there was a large Moravian settlement there. So, there are traditions that have been passed along and picked up by people from NC. The Moravian star has been a huge part of my life and memories with my grandparents. We also grew up saying a Moravian blessing at the table. "Come Lord Jesus our guest to be, and bless these gifts bestowed by Thee, Bless our Loved ones everywhere, and keep them in thy loving care. Amen." You are all holding hands and you squeeze them when you are done. One more tradition!:)

By Kaye on Wednesday, December 8, 2004 - 01:21 pm:

Pam another stocking story. When my hubby and I married we x sticthed ornament for our tree, I showed him how and it was great. So we decided that stockings were next. We start in Nov and just kept working. In july I was almost finished with the stitching and still needed backstitching done. We had gone to visit my parents and I took it with me. I kept it in an old shoe box with all my thread. Well I stayed up late that night and put it all together and left it beside my dad's chair, when I got up the next morning i noticed it was missing, i started aksing mom, then dad. Well we live out in the country, he burns trash. I had set my box ontop of the newspapers and he assumed it was trash. So no more stocking, I got to see the last bits of the box on fire. I was very very unhappy. I mean hello, who would throw a box away without at least opening it. Geesh. Even sadder my hubby was not as far along as I, he secretly worked on his for awhile and got to where he just needed backstitching and realized that he could never hang his without reminding me of mine, so he has never finished it. And he is right, I would always be sad. I looked and looked for the same pattern to do it again, but never found it.

By Kay on Wednesday, December 8, 2004 - 01:50 pm:

Eve, I'm Moravian on both my mom's and dad's sides! All of our relatives immigrated via the Texas coast. I've never heard of the Moravian star, or perhaps it's just one that did not get passed down.

Per Czech custom, 'Santa Claus' always came on Christmas Eve, and when Daddy was alive we'd go over there on the 24th, and the kids would open their Santa gifts from Nanny and Popo over there. We'd come back on Christmas morning after Santa had come to our house, and we'd look into our stockings for more goodies.

Now that Daddy's gone and Mom lives with us, the kids get to open a gift from us and a gift from Nanny on Christmas Eve, saving the rest for Christmas morning.

Vesele Vanoce (not sure if I've spelled it right, but Merry Christmas!)

By Kay on Wednesday, December 8, 2004 - 01:52 pm:

We put our tree up on November 29 - it's a happy hodge podge of homemade and 'store-bought' ornaments. Quite a few things on there that the kids have made over these past 20 years....:)

By Conni on Wednesday, December 8, 2004 - 01:58 pm:

awwww! Thanks for sharing Eve! I love the pic of you and Syd and the star. What a great story.

By Eve on Wednesday, December 8, 2004 - 02:52 pm:

Kay-That's so cool! I can't believe you have not heard of the star. I would ask around in your family, I bet someone knows the history of that. I think of the Star and rolls! Do you have any good roll recipes that have been in your family?What a wonderful heritage! Lucky you!:)

By Kay on Wednesday, December 8, 2004 - 04:18 pm:

You know, Eve, I think one of the reasons I haven't heard of the star is that neither my mom's nor dad's families really celebrated tremendously or decorated - they grew up during the depression, so getting an orange for Christmas was a treat! One of my dad's cousins has traveled to Moravia, so I'll check with her.

I can remember some really tasty rolls! One was a pull-apart kind that was so yummy - another thing that my mom used to make a lot were kolaches. I know how to make them, they're just so time and space consuming (you don't just make a few of those). My Granny used to make a buchta that was fabulous!

But now that you've mentioned the star, Eve, I'm going to go look for one! :)

By Eve on Wednesday, December 8, 2004 - 05:35 pm:

Kay-yes pull-a-part ones! Whenever I am in TN visiting, we always have the best rolls! You can find them at church sales. They come in a round tin. So good!

Here is a great store from NC that sells the stars. Moravian Book Shop Mine is plastic and I hang it outside. The lighted paper ones are gorgeous. My Grandmother used to put it as the tree topper for her Christmas tree. Happing shopping!

By Kay on Wednesday, December 8, 2004 - 07:23 pm:

Eve, I just found a stained glass Moravian star on my tree!!! After doing some searches, and looking at various stars, I found a match for mine.

Here I've had this ornament for years and years and never realized how extra special it is. :)

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