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Since you have been married...

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive December 2004: Since you have been married...
By My2cuties on Saturday, December 4, 2004 - 09:27 pm:

Have you become some kind of master at everything. I realized tonight (after the fact) that I am the ONLY one that has cut my dh's hair since we have been married. Am I all alone here, before we were married he went and got it cut and 1 time when we were dating I cut his hair and that is all it took, I cut hair now once every 2 months or less. LOL. Just thought that was interesting, have you picked up any "profession" since you have been married or am I just a sucker for doing kind deeds for my dh. :)

I guess after 4 years I am getting kind of good at it though, because everyone asks where he gets his hair cut (even his picky sister), then says it looks like he went to a barber. Well, all I know is it saves us about 10 bucks a

By Juli4 on Saturday, December 4, 2004 - 10:37 pm:

no matter how bad i have cut dhs hair he still insists for me to cut it. It doesn't always comeout like it should but give it a week adn it doesn't look to home cut. I have begged him to go pay for a hair cut adn he wants me to do it and so I do. you are not the only one. I have gotten decent at it.

By Beth on Sunday, December 5, 2004 - 07:35 am:

My dh is way to picky to ever let me cut his hair. He is very particular about it and won't let anyone but Hilda his barber. I admit I was laughing at the thought of him even letting me try. Of course I would rather cut my arm off first because I know he would have a fit! LOL! He went to this lady years ago in college. She moved and he did not know were she went. For the next two years I had to listen to him belly ache about how awful his hair cuts were. He actually stumbled upon her new shop one day while trying to find somewhere new to try. I actually have to admit ds gets his haircut there to and I wouldn't let anyone else do it. I did one time this summer when she was gone and it looked so horrible. I decicded I would pay the extra money and let Hilda do it from now on. I am still laughing at the thought of dh letting me cut his hair. I guess you have to know him to just know how funny it is. I think it is great though that your dh's are willing to save the money and trust you enough.

By Dawnk777 on Sunday, December 5, 2004 - 08:10 am:

No, hubby goes to a barber. I doubt he would let me touch his hair, not that he has that much to cut anyway! LOL! I'm too lazy to always make the appointment to get my own hair cut, so in between, I usually cut my bangs once. I have gotten good at it and they are always straight! I'm in need of going to the beauty shop, though, since the rest of it is getting too long.

By Trina~moderator on Sunday, December 5, 2004 - 09:49 am:

Since we've been married I've become the master of laundry, vacuuming and cleaning the bathrooms.

I do NOT do hair cuts. I butchered DD's hair as a toddler and won't attempt it again. DH gets his hair cut at the local Regis salon. The kids and I go to a hairstylist who has a salon in her house not far from where we live.

By Dawnk777 on Sunday, December 5, 2004 - 12:29 pm:

I'm definitely the master bed-maker. I would hate to see how our bed would look if he changed the sheets! Ugh!

I'm also the master of lost things and new toilet paper rolls. No one can find stuff in this house, even when I give a detailed description of where something might be and no one is capable of putting new toilet paper on the roll, in the bathroom!

By Melanie on Sunday, December 5, 2004 - 12:32 pm:

LOL Dawn-I often joke that I am apparently the only one in the house qualified enough to change the toilet paper roll. :)

As for cutting hair, no way. Nothing good could come of me with a pair of scissors. :)

By Boxzgrl on Sunday, December 5, 2004 - 12:34 pm:

I'm the official haircutter for DH but I can't really go wrong shaving a head bald, lol! I've trimmed a few loose strands of DD's hair but she doesn't have enough hair to consider it a haircut yet!

I've become the master at cleaning. I probably have the cleanest house of all my friends, even those with no DK's.

I think a lot of my *expertise* has to do with the fact that i'm just growing up. After all, I had no reason to learn how to cook until I was married :) And I think my mind is full of a bunch of useless knowledge that will probably serve me no purpose in my lifetime.

Other than that, i'm he *professional* wife, Mom and computer geek, lol! :)

By Palmbchprincess on Sunday, December 5, 2004 - 01:20 pm:

Candis, you are LUCKY to only have to do his hair every 2 months! I cut N's hair just about every 2 weeks, and have become pretty good at it. N's ex-wife is a hair stylist, but he wouldn't let her do it when they were married, so it's flattering to me that he lets me. The kids I cut whenever they are looking Shaggy, though Shane has been to the barber with his father a couple times. We share the cleaning, though I am the financial advisor, secretary, and head chef. Being "Mom" makes the the official boo boo kisser, and a few other tasks when only a mom will do!

By Tink on Sunday, December 5, 2004 - 03:09 pm:

Definitely the financial advisor! I thought that finances were the man's responsibility when we first married and that was a disaster! He finally begged me to take over bill paying and deciding what went into savings, what major purchases are made when, etc. Of course, it is done as a joint effort but I definitely do the lion's share of it.

DH cuts his own hair except for around his neckline and ears. I also cut Sami's and Bella's hair but Seth and I are the only ones that go to a salon for our haircuts.

I also do the laundry after he literally turned three of my favorite white shirts pink. I wonder how much of his "incompetence" is just a ploy to foist a few more things onto me? Hmmm...that's given me something to think over! :)

By Dawnk777 on Sunday, December 5, 2004 - 05:20 pm:

DH pays bills and worries about the money. He knows to delete Phish emails and doesn't like passwords saved on his computer.

He is our small-engine and bike repair man. There isn't much he can't fix.

He also keeps track of the oil changes in the car and mows most of the lawn. Sometimes, I help with mowing and we work together on shoveling snow.

So, it works for us. He will do laundry, although, has the bad habit of washing a load, but never getting it into the dryer, or filling up the washer and not starting it at all!

By Pamt on Sunday, December 5, 2004 - 06:06 pm:

I have become a master cookie baker. I *usually* bake homemade cookies once a week and make all kinds of unusual types. I'm also a pretty good overall cook. I've always known how to do housework, even before I got married, so that's nothing new. DH and I do the finances together. I have learned to sew and quilt and have made all the bed coverings in our home. I did try to cut DH's hair once, but I freaked out and told him to pay a barber to do it--LOL. I have also learned to garden a little bit since becoming a homeowner. DH has REALLY learned a lot about home improvement and has become quite a handyman since we got married and also an amateur mechanic. he's saved us lots of money over the years!

By Amy~moderator on Sunday, December 5, 2004 - 06:13 pm:

I cut my dh's hair every Sunday - about to do it in an hour or so, LOL I also cut all of my boys' hair. I've gotten to be a very good barber-ess. ;)

By Babysitbarb on Tuesday, December 7, 2004 - 09:15 pm:

Im cut everyone's hair at my house but, I also went to school for it and have had my license for over 20 years. I cut Dh's about every 2-3 weeks. Both DD's wear theirs long so it's maybe a few times a year just to shape it up. Oldest wears bangs so I do them more often. I trim my own bangs but, have to go to someone for the rest. I do trim here and there.
Im also the only one who seems to know were anything is around here and Im the local phone book for DH's family, who never seems to be able to find a number or address.

By Eve on Wednesday, December 8, 2004 - 08:24 am:

Oh yes, I've cut DH's hair a few times. Using the clippers made me a little nervous though. He said "See, it looks just like at the salon!" He told everyone at work. LOL! Still, I prefer someone else to do it.

For some reason, everyone asks me to cut their hair. I've cut friends hair, my own! My Grandmother used to wait for me to come and visit so I could cut her hair. My Grandfather would get the camera out. LOL!

I seem to be the only one who makes the beds! That's all I can think of though.

By Fraggle on Wednesday, December 8, 2004 - 09:29 am:

I have become the Master of cooking. When we first started dating, my DH was the better cook, but now I am the gourmet. He still makes the best pasta sauce and meatballs though-it has got to be his italian blood.

By Mrsheidi on Wednesday, December 8, 2004 - 09:50 am:

Ours is very simple...
I have become the "Master Anti-Procrastinator". My husband has been known to "do things later", so I decided that a list of things to do with reasonable deadlines will make our house more worked! Hubby loves the detailed list and being able to schedule it around what he wants to do too...and I'm not nearly as frustrated!
Not much of a master at anything else but simple decor and "nesting"...but, who else is going to do it???

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