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Hormonal moods via pregnancy.......

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive November 2004: Hormonal moods via pregnancy.......
By Dana on Sunday, November 28, 2004 - 10:42 am:

It is normal to find yourself feeling angry for no apparent reason? The last two weeks have been dreadful. All I want is to be left alone. And when there are people (dh or dd) in the house, I am at the end of my rope. If they could just let me sit without a word being spoken.

Tears have become pretty much expected these days. Uncontrolable tears depending on the event. I was told I needed to take extra iron supplements and I cried for over 40 minutes. I cried about "mistreating" my baby because eating is still so difficult for me, I cried about the fear of even MORE constipation w/ additional iron, I cried about not gaining enough weight, I cried about "what if (fill in the blank) goes wrong with baby" ...all of this simply because the dr told me I was WAY low on iron and needed to FORCE myself to eat more. I cried, but tried to hold it in, yesterday because of some dumb show on TV. I can't even remember what it was now! Do you think it is better to give into your tears when it is something stupid you see on TV? I feel like such an idiot, and I really don't DH or DD to catch me in a puddle of tears because of a comercial or tv show or news cast. So I try to hold it in.

When I'm not crying, I am just angry. I have no joy in my body. Is this all normal?

Just needing to vent or whimper or something to someone who has BTDT. I just don't remember such lows when I was pregnant with DD.

By Mrsheidi on Sunday, November 28, 2004 - 11:03 am:

Yes..yes..yes! I cried because I couldn't keep my "dinner" down. I had evening sickness and couldn't stand the thought of meat, so I ate fruit. I couldn't even keep that I felt like I was starving my little one. I cried for hours!
Don't feel guilty either...lots of women need more iron when they're preggers. That's why they test for it!
You are not crazy, sound like such a good mommy!

By Ladypeacek on Sunday, November 28, 2004 - 12:59 pm:

LOL...i do the same thing...sometimes it makes me so mad just for my daughter say good morning to me..i just want nothing but quiet which is not easy with 2 kids. I am 36 weeks now so hopefully it will stop soon. But i have been very moody this whole pregnancy!

By Trina~moderator on Sunday, November 28, 2004 - 04:19 pm:

{{{HUGS}}} Yes, those pregnancy hormones can really do a number! I remember crying at the drop of a hat or being moody for no apparent reason. I also had low iron and had to take supplements 3x daily. Have you tried several small meals and snacks all throughout the day? That worked for me.

By Mara on Sunday, November 28, 2004 - 06:54 pm:

I also used to cry over silly little things when I was pregnant. One day in a resturant my dh was carrying his plate to the table a accidentally dropped it, food going all over the floor--usually I would be a little embarrased and maybe chuckle and tease him...but I was pregnant at the time and I bawled for a good 15 minutes after it happened. Still not really sure why it upset me so much...just pregnancy hormones:)

By Rayanne on Sunday, November 28, 2004 - 08:25 pm:

I cried over silly things too when I was pregnant. I remember that I really was in the mood for a blizzard from dairy queen and Chris had my car because his truck was in the shop and he was at work and I was just craving it, so I called him sobbing and he thought that something was wrong. He brought one home to me 5 hours later when he got off of work. I cried again because it was sooo sweat.

By Dana on Monday, November 29, 2004 - 08:46 am:

Thanks for the replies. I guess we have all cried over really STUPID things not worth those tears. Darn those hormones.

But about that anger that normal? I knew the tears came w/ pregnancy, but being so angry all the time is really bumming me out. Esp when I know that DD or DH really did nothing to deserve the anger I am feeling at whatever small things they do.

And you hold it in or just let it flow no matter how dumb you feel about being "caught" in tears.

By Pamt on Monday, November 29, 2004 - 09:02 am:

I was never really angry, but I would have waves of incredible impatience roll over me with my first pregnancy. I worked in a nursing home at the time, doing speech therapy. I vividly remember working with a patient in her room and we used one of those rolling bedside hospital tables as our work area. She was in a wheelchair and I was in a chair with the hospital table between us. The session was going fine, but I had an overwhelming desire to slam that rolling table into the wall and flip it over. I also could not stay seated anymore. I stifled my urge, asked her to excuse me for a moment, and walked around the building until the urge left me. I felt like that a few other times too, like I just absolutely could not sit still another moment and I wanted to do something extreme. I never did, but it was a strong desire at the time.

As for crying...well, I'm a very easy cry-er anyway. I cry with commercials, I cry when I'm happy, I cry when I'm sad, and sometimes I cry for no good reason at all, even when I'm not pregnant. There is nothing quite as therapeutic as a good cry sometimes and it's probably saved me thousands on therapy. I would just let it go. Since you're obviously pregnant, people will certainly understand your tears.

A funny story, to hopefully get a laugh out of you. Again, with my first pregnancy, we lived in the middle-of-nowhere Texas in a town of 250 and we were 15 miles from the nearest grocery store, restaurant, etc. I had a 45 mile commute to work in Ft. Worth and was about 7 months pregnant. I had worked a 9 hour day and driven an hour to get home. I was exhausted and started to make chicken stir fry for dinner. It was cooking well, smelling so good, and I was starving. I put the lid on the pan to let it simmer for a few more minutes and when I did so there was apparently a dead cricket in the lid. The cricket flipped out into the food and I had stirred the food before I realized it. I freaked out and burst into tears. I was so tired and hungry. DH, trying to be kind and problem-solving suggested that we just pluck the dried cricket out and eat the stir-fry anyway LOL. This caused me to cry even more hysterically and after he got me calmed down he ended up driving to get us some fast food while I went and laid down. I think we probably ate at about 9:00 that night :)

By My2cuties on Monday, November 29, 2004 - 09:39 am:

I have to agree with Pamt, cry !! I cry all the time, people have just learned to live with it, I try to hide it though from my dd cause she says, Mom, don't cry, it's okay..and she doesn't understand..

Anyway, I get mad sometimes, I think it is more of an irritable feeling though, and "antsy". I try to do something constructive with the feeling though, so I don't get mad at DH or the cleaning, when I am irritable, I just clean, clean, clean...and it takes the feeling away. :)

By Dana on Monday, November 29, 2004 - 03:01 pm:

Yes, pamt, you made me smile :)

Thank you all, ladies. At least with this pregnancy, I have a great sounding board that I did not have w/ DD. Thank goodness, too, because I am far more emotional this time around.

By the way, as of Dec 9, there are only 2 more months of pregnancy left! Can't wait. Even tho the thought of delivery scares me to death. All the unknowns!

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