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Snow, slush and ice (warning--vent!)

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive November 2004: Snow, slush and ice (warning--vent!)
By Cat on Tuesday, November 23, 2004 - 12:13 pm:

They sure bring out the stupid in people! Yesterday morning, there was some slush and a few slick spots on the roads. Okay, not a problem for me since I grew up in Michigan and know how to deal with it (and 4x4 helps), but I do understand some people don't deal with it well. Well, mho is that doesn't excuse people ignoring the rules of the road! There's still a specific order that people are supposed to go at stop signs--which, incidentally, people still need to at least try to stop at! Okay, I think I can deal with those people's temporary stupidity, but what really burns my butt is the mom that I followed to Randy's school. She was in a little pick-up truck with 5 little girls in the bed of the truck!!! When I saw that I said, "OH MY GOSH!!!" Randy asked what was wrong and well, suffice it to say I seriously doubt Randy will EVER ride in the bed of a truck after the ear full the poor kid got! lol I know we did it when we were kids, but we did a lot of things when we were young that we now know weren't so smart. There are some people out there that I'd just like to slap sometimes. Anyway, thanx for letting me vent.

By Trina~moderator on Tuesday, November 23, 2004 - 12:37 pm:

AWWWW!! Not only is that very dangerous, but in most states ILLEGAL. I would have called the police. text description

By Tink on Tuesday, November 23, 2004 - 12:43 pm:

5 girls in the back of a truck when it is already icy in spots!I'm not sure that Randy would have been the only one to get an earful! That is one of those things that really makes me mad! Let's see...Icy roads + people that are already running stopsigns + 5 children in a truck bed = a BAD decision!!! This isn't rocket science, people!

By Trisa on Tuesday, November 23, 2004 - 02:21 pm:

You are so right!
I myself wonder how people can
be so VERY stupid!!

By My2cuties on Tuesday, November 23, 2004 - 02:22 pm:

That's horrible, once I called the police because a mom held her newborn in her arms going down the road with a car full of people, I can only hope that was taken care of. My dh seen a car that had picked someone up and so they put the carseat in the trunk and made the kid ride in someones lap. These kinds of things burn me up. Most likely all those little girls were not her own children, I wonder what their parents will have to say about it when they hear. Aweful decision on her part.

By Cat on Tuesday, November 23, 2004 - 03:08 pm:

Candis, that's one thing I had to wonder. I knew who two of the little girls were, and they weren't the children of the driver. Knowing where these two girls live (both on the same street, couple blocks apart) I wondered if the driver just drove down the street picking kids up so they didn't have to walk in the cold. Of course, one of the little girls I knew, I've seen in the back of a truck before--with her dad, twin little brother (who were about 2yo at the time) and about 6 other people. The kids were all standing up, moving around and playing. This same family I've seen several times in the neighborhood bouncing around in their van while driving, 2yo's in the front seat (both of them at the same time), etc. Absolutely unacceptable. I don't blame the kids though, even though they'll end up being the ones hurt. :(

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