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I've been up since 4:30!!!!!

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive November 2004: I've been up since 4:30!!!!!
By Boxzgrl on Sunday, November 21, 2004 - 08:26 am:

It's raining, there's thunder and lightning and strong winds here..... in CA! How could I possibly sleep through this when CA NEVER gets weather!!!! I'm loving it! DDs asleep, heaters on and when I heard the first thunder, I jumped out of bed (well, not literally) and came downstairs to make sure I was hearing right and was so excited to look outside.

Ahhhhhh...... the things in life that excite a Californian!!!

By Cakekisses324 on Sunday, November 21, 2004 - 08:52 am:

Gosh, we have that like 5 months out of the year,lol...not all at once of course. It is that way now, but hot. Yuk, I dont mind the rain this time of year,but its alot nicer when it is cold in Nov.!!(s.texas)Enjoy it!:)

By Karen~moderator on Sunday, November 21, 2004 - 09:56 am:

LOL Melissa. If thunderstorms excite you, then if you lived where *I* live, you'd never sleep!

By Colette on Sunday, November 21, 2004 - 11:17 am:

I love thunderstorms too. We only get them at the end of summer though.

By Boxzgrl on Sunday, November 21, 2004 - 11:24 am:

HeHe.... and a few cities away..... there's SNOW!!!!!! And where we used to live before moving to Pendleton..... theres SNOW!!!! (In CA) Come on Kristie, tell me about the snow in 29 palms!!!!

By Dawnk777 on Sunday, November 21, 2004 - 12:11 pm:

DH and I went to bed at 1:30am. At 5:30am, I had to go to the bathroom. I went back to bed to sleep a little while longer, but hubby was making too much racket, so I just got up! I can see a nap in my future this afternoon! LOL!

By Tink on Sunday, November 21, 2004 - 01:04 pm:

Oooh, I'm jealous. I love thunderstorms and we might get one every couple of years.The weather is beautiful here today. Bright blue skies, but cold! Only 42 degrees! I'd much prefer the storms. Yep, Californians are easily excited by the little things! :)

By Pamt on Sunday, November 21, 2004 - 01:29 pm:

I remember the summer I lived in CA it was so weird b/c it NEVER rained. In the south, summer=lots of rain and thunderstorms. I remember being told that rain=winter in CA. I was in the SF Bay area.

We've had rain all weekend. It's great because I've been sick. I had to get up and go teach my SS class, but then put back on my flannel pj's and I'll be in bed with cold medicine most of the day....ahhhhhh!

By Melanie on Sunday, November 21, 2004 - 03:16 pm:

Pam, I didn't know you had lived in the Bay area. Which city were you in?

Melissa, we had a noisy night with wind last night as well! No thunder and lightening, but that wind was wild. Dh and I went out last night and there were trees and branches down everywhere. We lost power around 7:30 and it finally came back on at 7:30 this morning. I never sleep well on those nights!

By Tink on Sunday, November 21, 2004 - 04:37 pm:

LOL SF Bay area wasn't rainy!? That has got to be one of our rainiest areas! Even in the summer, it tends to be foggy and cool in the mornings.

By Pamt on Sunday, November 21, 2004 - 05:56 pm:

Cori, it was certainly foggy and cool (and I had packed lots of shorts thinking CA sun---and froze my buns off!:)), but no actual raindrops fell.

Melanie, I didn't officially *live* there, but spent the summer as a summer missionary there after my freshman year in college. Mostly I worked at Christian camps and helped various churches run their Vacation Bible Schools. I was there 10 weeks and moved every week to a different church/community. I spent most of my time in Concord, but also some time in Pittsburg and Antioch. The camp I worked at for 3 weeks was more northern, past the Napa Valley. It was in Cazadero which is a really small town, near Guerneville---have you ever heard of that one?

I LOVED California! When I turned in my application for summer missions I really wanted to go to Vermont for some strange reason. I've always had the desire to go there. I didn't want to go to California or Florida. God, with His sense of humor, had other plans. My summer in CA was one of the most awesome life-changing experiences of my life. I would rank it in my top 5 along with the birth of my kids and my marriage. I hope to go back some day so my kids and DH can experience SF. DH has been once, but he was in elementary school. We went canoeing on the Russian River, walked across the entire GG Bridge, ate sundaes at Ghiradelli, toured Alcatraz, spent the day knocking about Sausilito, went hiking through Yosemite, went to GG state park, drove down Lombard and Castro streets, watched a Giants game at Candlestick Park, and ate in Chinatown to name a few things. When I do go back with the fam Melanie, I'll be sure to let you know since I know you live nearby. It would be fun to get our boys together! :)

By Insaneusmcwife on Sunday, November 21, 2004 - 10:26 pm:

Hey Melissa-
It snowed here today, and a lot of it. I hear Yucca got over 10 in and the Monument over 3 feet.

By Melanie on Monday, November 22, 2004 - 10:21 am:

Pam, you will definitely have to let me know when you and your family come out here. It would be great to see you! When we first moved to CA, we lived in Dublin, which is probably less than 30 minutes to Concord. Would you believe we have lived here 8 years and dh has yet to go out to Alcatraz?? I've been three or four times...when guests are in town, of course. With the exception of a few Giants games, the only time I ever get to SF is when guests are in town. LOL. At any rate, keep me posted if you do decide to bring the family this way! :)

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