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Who has been on ........

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive November 2004: Who has been on ........
By Mrse on Tuesday, November 9, 2004 - 05:44 pm:

The southbeach diet? A line dance instructor, at the hall I work at, is on this diet she has lost a ton of weight. I bought the book, but thier sure seems to be alot you can not eat. She looks really good. I am almost 40 and have packed on the pounds. I am going to an orientation at our women's fitness club tonight. I am planning on joining, but I want to go on a diet also. I am trying to find the atkins book that dd bought she says it is somewhere in her room. I might just go with that one, still not much to eat, but seems like more than the south beach diet. I want to make it a way of life, to know what foods to eat as the only one that has not packed on the pounds is my 12 year old.If anyone has been on the south beach diet or has any info on it please let me know, the book is good but the good food that they say you can have you are not aloud to have that on the first phase, so it is really confusing. My dd will not stick to it if they are going to be hungry, I already know that. so if anyone has any thoughts on it, let me know thanks

By Unschoolmom on Tuesday, November 9, 2004 - 06:01 pm:

Could your doctor reccommend a dietician or nutritionist to speak to? Maybe there's one associated with the fitness club you're going to (even some supermarkets ahve one on staff to help customers)? I'm betting that if you could sit down with someone who could look at your lifestyle, budget, family, health, etc and they had a solid knowledge of nutrition you could get a lot farther in terms of better eating (not simply what but also when and how). You could walk away from an appointment like that with a plan in hand that's personalized and that you had a hand in developing. It won't have confusing phases, it will take you and your family into account and it may be a lot easier to stick to. No book geared to catering to the masses is going to give you all you need to address your specific situation and allow you to make healthy eating a way of life.

By Amecmom on Tuesday, November 9, 2004 - 06:25 pm:

South Beach is like Atkins lite. You can have fruit and veggies. There are a bunch of web sites that will tell you what you can and cannot have. My cousins lost 50lbs each on South Beach.

I find I have success with Weight Watchers. With WW I can eat whatever I like, as long as I stay in my points range.

It's very important that you get a high protein diet and lots of water and veggies.

Good Luck


By Kittycat_26 on Wednesday, November 10, 2004 - 10:21 am:

My mom has been doing the South Beach diet now for a year and has lost a considerable amount of weight. I don't know the pounds but she has dropped 3 sizes so probably 50-60 pounds. She really likes it but often does eat different food from my dad. Salads are her main staple with lots of meat and cheese.

By Mrse on Wednesday, November 10, 2004 - 04:58 pm:

thanks for all the help, I guess I will talk to my doctor about who she recommends that I see. I went to the gym last night. I came prepared to work out, so when we were having the orientation the other girl came in a turtle neck! and said she just wanted to watch, so I had to try out all the equipment, boy am I sore today! Most of the equipment we tryed had to do with the legs, and now mine feel like someone smacked me with a board I am so sore.

By Brandy on Wednesday, November 10, 2004 - 08:01 pm:

lol about being sore i know the feeling = ) anyways "diet" is not in my vocabulary as long as i eat right and don't go overboard on my portions i'm fine but we all have our ups and downs right now i'm in the downward spiral but i'm inching my way back up..Water is really good for you and if you don't like plain water try the new fruit2o it's okay not the best i must say but okay = ) good luck and join us over on the get fit boards..

By Mrse on Thursday, November 11, 2004 - 03:07 am:

ok, I will check out the board. I am still sore hopefully tommorrow will be better.

By Mrsheidi on Thursday, November 11, 2004 - 07:11 am:

i'm on the 4th day of Atkins...I don't feel hungry yet, but time will tell. my father in law lost a lot of weight on the South Beach diet so it's good too! it's a more lenient version of atkins.

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