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Housework routines, please share...LOL :)

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive November 2004: Housework routines, please share...LOL :)
By Truestori on Tuesday, November 9, 2004 - 01:05 pm:

I am struggling with keeping my house in order. (cleaning and it looking the same everyday.... :) ) Just curious to read other peoples routines? I usually try and do dinner cleanup right after we eat, start laundry in the a.m. but it never seems done. I think I need some sample routines from other moms here at Momsview! Just feeling the moment. TIA

By Boxzgrl on Tuesday, November 9, 2004 - 01:11 pm:

I'm just now getting the hang of it:

Wake up, feed DD breakfast. While she plays or watches tv, I pick up things that are not in the right place (ie; toys in the laundry room, newspaper in the living room, crumbs here or there etc...) and then play with DD. When she takes her morning nap (usually 1 1/2 hours) I vacuum, Lysol-up the kitchen :) , sweep and mop and dust. When she wakes I play with her more and give her a bath. While shes playing in the bath, i'll organize the bathroom and hallway. After getting her dressed, she plays in her room while I pick up the clothes she threw out of the drawer, the bookcase she completely emptied and make her bed. Some days I dont get to our room but if I do I just pick up out of place clothes and make the bed. I do laundry 3 days a week and fold them in the living room while DD plays. I make sure dishes are in the dishwasher everynight before bed and make sure the dishwasher is actually started. I unload it in the morning while washing am dishes.

I think thats it in a nutshell for me!

By Tink on Tuesday, November 9, 2004 - 02:07 pm:

Melissa and I have similar routines. My dd is older so I have a bit more freedom to clean while she is awake in the am and we do baths at night. I usually do a load of laundry each morning and I wash the sheets every few days so that is one more load most days. I fold the laundry that didn't get hung up straight out of the dryer at night while I watch tv. Really, I just try to stay on top of it all day. I used to leave it until the dks were in bed each night and it was too overwhelming. When I started doing it this way, I felt like I was always cleaning but I realized that I may not *finish* but I have so much more free time and flexibility now. If dd wants to go for a walk, we go. I don't have to clean right this minute because it will be easy to catch up later.

By Amecmom on Tuesday, November 9, 2004 - 03:20 pm:

One thing I do is make sure I touch something once. If I take it out, I put it away as soon as I'm done, especially when I'm cooking. I find that if I leave it for just a minute - it stays for hours, sometimes days ...

Also, I keep cleaning supplies in each bathroom - clorox wipes, tb cleaner and glass wipes. This way, I can just run in and give the room a quick once over daily.


By Truestori on Tuesday, November 9, 2004 - 05:16 pm:

I just got done cleaning out my sons toy closet, and geesh you wouldn't believe how many toys he has outgrown. I try to do this about every six months and throw away broken toys about every six weeks. I think my problem is not having a rigid routine. I just always feel guilty if I don't have enough time in the day to get everything spotless. UUGGHH perfectionism....LOL

By Mrse on Tuesday, November 9, 2004 - 05:51 pm:

Well I work , and have two teenagers and one preteen and with all that help you would think my house would be spotless. I have been going through the cleaning blues right now, no one wants to help. The usual way it goes here is, I get up start cleaning, picking stuff up, be at work at 8, come home depending on what shift, 4 hours or 5 hours later, and put laundry on, pick up more stuff, I have a laundry basket, I throw all the girls stuff in it, they can put it in their rooms,I do the floors every day, my room is always last and usually run out of steam so it is usually a disaster area. Sometimes I get exhausted and don't do anything depends on how much I worked , how late I stay up, etc.. sorry not much help here, their is no real routine here. I just do what I can do, and have a nervous break down when I am too tired, to do anything and the girls are taking thier time getting to their lists.

By Lauram on Tuesday, November 9, 2004 - 06:12 pm:

I just do what I can do. I also work full-time. My house is no house beautiful!

By Tink on Tuesday, November 9, 2004 - 06:26 pm:

Stori, I hear you about perfectionism! Isn't it terrible? This helped me, "I used to strive for perfection and never reach it. Now I strive for progress and I accomplish so much more!" I know that is true for me and this quote was actually in the context of housework!

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