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30 people + small house + holiday get together - HELP!

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive November 2004: 30 people + small house + holiday get together - HELP!
By Sunny on Saturday, November 6, 2004 - 04:01 pm:

I am hosting my Dh's family for the Christmas get together this year. We rotate houses every year so no one person has the responsibility year after year. It's been a few years since I've hosted and the family has grown. I'll have about 30 people here and I need some ideas.
Traditionally, his family likes to have a sit down, full course meal, but I don't have the room for that. It would have to be a buffet and I was thinking of having cold and hot platters instead of the traditional turkey, ham and trimmings (which I think they will expect). There will be about 13 kids and I have no play room or family room to put them in and, because of the time of year, I can't count on the weather being nice enough to have them play outside. I do have an enclosed porch that we use as a play area, but it's not heated. The other thing is that we live 40 miles from his family, so I anticipate them coming early and staying most of the day.
Help me figure out what to serve, how to keep the kids occupied while we aren't eating or exchanging gifts and how to make this a festive and enjoyable event despite the lack of space! I thought of maybe reserving a room at a restaurant and coming back here to exchange gifts, but DH didn't think his family would go for it (especially since each family would be expected to pay for their own meals) and I can't afford to pay for everyone. So...any ideas would be much appreciated. Thanks!

By Colette on Saturday, November 6, 2004 - 04:13 pm:

The very first thing that comes to mind is letting the kids open a toy when they arrive so that they have something to do. I would definately do the buffet, I'd probably serve the turkey and ham, but it's your house so serve whatever is best for you. The point is to enjoy it not stress over it.

By Melana on Saturday, November 6, 2004 - 04:19 pm:

could you get a small space heater for the enclosed porch? If you have a place, or could build a place to mount it high so the kids can't get at it then they heat small areas really well. I agree to do what's comfortable for you, and yeah, the buffet would probably be easiest. HTH

By Conni on Saturday, November 6, 2004 - 04:23 pm:

Ok, I think you should do the buffet like you said. That is what I would do. I would do the platters or whatever you want to serve or have each family bring a dish. (thats what my mom and my sisters and I always do--everyone pitches in and brings a dish that we agree on. makes less work for the hostess.)

As for space for the kids is it possible to temporarily clear out some furniture in one of the bdrms to make more room to play? Set up a card table for games, a tv/game system, etc... Or put a space heater in the porch and let them play out there!!

Listen I have been to many large comfy homes for get togethers among my family and some very small homes. I enjoyed BOTH equally. When I was married to my ex husband we always went to this one home on Christmas Eve (grandma/pa) and it was a 1 bdrm farm house....About 50 people or more would show up and it was a blast. They had a screened in porch that was large and Santa would come and bring gifts for the kids every yr. They have both passed away since then. But we have alot of nice memories from those Christmas Eve's.

Have FUN!!!

By Kate on Saturday, November 6, 2004 - 04:30 pm:

Well, keep in mind that the kids aren't being dropped off to be babysat! Their parents will still be there and are the ones responsible for them. Don't stress over them. The space heater idea for the porch is a good idea, just make sure a few adults are in the porch as well to keep an eye on everything. Buffet is fine, and you can compromise on the restaurant idea here by having it catered. Around here even our grocery stores provide full meals to go, so look into that.

By Bea on Saturday, November 6, 2004 - 04:38 pm:

I'd ask friends about borrowing a few of those plug in oil filled radiators for the porch. I'd clear out all the furniture out there and maybe put a TV with VCR for movies and lots of clear space to play. You can still serve a turkey with all the trimmings and serve it on trays. Ask each family to bring enough trays for their clan. Few people will have enough for 30. If you live close to me I do. (It's a military thing):o) If the weather co-operates you could do a scavenger hunt to get the kids outside for a while to burn off some energy. Limit any sweets throughout the day. That many kids with sugar highs can be bad. Rent several videos with a Christmas theme that will suit all ages.

By Karen~moderator on Saturday, November 6, 2004 - 06:05 pm:

Definitely a space heater or something like Bea suggested. Definitely a buffet too! Just because the others do a sit down dinner when it's their turn to host doesn't mean you have to.

I started doing the family holiday dinners the year Jeff was born. Many years we had 20 - 35 people in my home. The first year, we were in a small, rented condo. We did a buffet, people pretty much sat where they could and it was wonderful.

I don't have the formal dining, the space, the serving pieces and/or china to do a nice sit down dinner. I don't have much room either. Most years lately I cook a traditional meal, but we throw in some odd things - like barbequed shrimp, which DH loves, and has become part of *our* traditional holiday dinner. Everything is set up buffet style in my kitchen, and it works well for us. No one's ever complained.

As for space, can you borrow any *card* tables or those Samsonite type tables and chairs? I've actually had kids eating on the floor. Before you all gasp and think how horrible it was, it really wasn't. We had a Holiday tablecloth we spread out, it was almost like a picnic, and they loved it.

As for the gift opening, you know how wild kids can get at gift time. What about letting the kids open their gifts first, you can pick up the shredded wrappings, etc., then they will be occupied while the adults do their gift opening.

What's the age range of all these kids? Do you have a video game system that might interest some of them?

We are very casual and informal, what works for me may horrify some people's families. I agree with clearing out some furniture to make room, *if* you can do that. I usually remove some furniture to make more room. I have a Holiday table cloth for my coffee table that matches the one for the dining table and we use both tables for eating. I worry less about setting everything up for the *perfect* meal, than I do about everyone just enjoying being together. It's pretty much *anything goes* at my house during the holidays, no pressure, and everyone has a great time.

By Missmudd on Sunday, November 7, 2004 - 11:19 am:

Going outside the box here, could you rent a church hall or something?> With a kitchen it would allow you to make turkey and all, plenty of room, dont have to worry about enough chairs, and you get to keep your sanity.

By Kittycat_26 on Monday, November 8, 2004 - 07:59 am:

Crockpots for the meal. Borrow them from everyone you know so that you have enough foreach hot food item. If you are going to do a hot meal, they are heaven sent. You can do everything ahead of time and still do buffet style without having to make sure everything stays hot.

By Eight_Kids on Monday, November 8, 2004 - 08:50 am:

I have never done christmas at my house, but did manage to get thrown into the rotation for Thanksgiving one year. We don't have 30 people..I think we have about 21 (my family makes up 10 of those. Hee! Hee! :)) We usually have the person "hosting" do the Turkey and everyone else brings a dish or two, and we do the buffet thing. The kids have always been pretty good at occupying themselves I guess because they don't see each other a whole lot. Just remember, it's family and it's supposed to be fun, not stressful!! I think all the former suggestions are wonderful and especially like missmudd's outside the box idea of renting a church hall!
Best of luck to you!

By Amecmom on Monday, November 8, 2004 - 02:43 pm:

I did 40 people in my house (which is not big.) Set up a buffet with sterno. This way you can have the turkey and ham and all the trimmings and they will stay hot. Set up a large table, and then some smaller tables in other rooms.
Use festive paper and plastic dishes annd cups and cutlery. Have it in baskets near the food. Don't try and set a table.

My relatives also live far away, so they arrived at different times. I had appetizers and drinks out, so they could munch and then go on to eat the meal. I did not have one set time fro eveyone to start. This way, some were finished by the time others started and there was more room at the tables.

Once everyone had arrived and eaten, we had desert together. That's when we said a prayer as a family.

The best advice I can give is don't try and do this alone. Let eveyone help.


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