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DH re-united with his daughter !! kind of long...sorry

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive October 2004: DH re-united with his daughter !! kind of long...sorry
By Wandilu on Friday, October 22, 2004 - 09:01 pm:

DH and I had a MIRACLE to take place last week and I want to share it with ya'll.My DH has not seen or spoken with his daughter in almost 8 yrs.He and his ex divorced about 15 yrs ago.He saw his dd off and on for a few yrs(she was 5 at the time of the div.)mostly at his parents house.His mother is VERY CONTROLLING,to say the least.So he always did his visitations at their house.Then,it became the way of life to let them have her on all his visitations(long,dark story...)Anyway,her mom eventually married a really good guy,and moved them away.Mary Elizabeth chose to quit coming to the grandparents at about the age of 13.So,mil told dh that Mary Elizabeth said she didn't want to see him,that her new step-father was her dad.Dh was going through some hard times,so he felt like it was better for her not to see him,if she was that happy with her life and that she would be better off without him.Anyway,mil also told Mary Eliz.(when she recently called trying to find her dad)that dh DIDN'T HAVE A DAUGHTER!!!dh didn't know his dd had called.So,last week a very close friend of the family died,and I knew that dh's dd would want to know about it,so I contacted the ex-wife at her job.I was scared to death,not that we have ever had a problem with each other,but I just didn't know how she would respond to me .It was amazing!! She and I talked for about an hour,and she was really glad to here from me.More importantly,I found out some life changing information.It was true that she had a good marriage,and her dh had a good relationship with Mary Eliz,but M>E>has developed a lot of problems stemming from her seperation from dh and his parents(although it was a good thing that she got away from the gp"s) .So,I gave them our phone number,and 2 days later dh's dd called him !! They both cried over the phone,and then we jumped into the truck and drove 1 1/2 hrs to where she was.When she walked out the door,they literally melted into each others arms!!!!!She even hugged me real tight(I met her only twice at age 5)!We all talked for 3 hrs,and learned a lot of good and bad stuff.Then we met with her,her mom and stepdad the other night ,and talked for 4 hrs,and had a great time.A lot of truth and soul-touching took place.My dh is walking on clouds.He's amased at how much his dd looks and acts like him!!This is his only biological child.She's going to meet my kids and our gk's real soon.Also,she was recently diagnosed with Bipolar problems.Does anyone know anything about this.Could this be a result to her problems with her dad's absence?

By Colette on Friday, October 22, 2004 - 09:14 pm:

I think Bipolar is not something you just "get". I believe you are born with it. I am glad your dh and step dd have found each other and I hope the relationship is beneficial to all.

By Tink on Friday, October 22, 2004 - 09:17 pm:

That is truly a miracle! How amazing for you and, especially, your dh! Bipolar disorder is a chemical imbalance, please don't worry that anything your dh has done could have caused it. Lots of hugs being sent your way!

By Melana on Friday, October 22, 2004 - 09:24 pm:

Bipolar is the same thing as manic depression, just a different name. Bipolar disorder causes noticable mood swings, she will have level moods for a while, then go into a "manic high", which is a feeling of uphoria(sp?) almost, followed by an extreme depression and back to the steady moods. It's a vicious cycle that is usually broken by medication to keep the moods steady and normal. It can be caused from all kinds of things, ranging from some sort of abuse, to yes, the separation from her father. It is managable with therepy and meds, and your dsd can have a very happy normal life. I think it's so great that they are together again, and that she holds no resentment towards your DH, they have a lot of catching up to do, but it sounds like with his support that she'll be just fine.

By Cat on Friday, October 22, 2004 - 10:24 pm:

What an amazing and wonderful reunion! Yes, bipolar can be "triggered" by a tramatic or stressful event. It's not something you can "catch" though. My 11yo son was dx'd bipolar last year and through lots of med trials, support from friends (both locally and online) and LOTS of prayer, he's now stable and doing wonderfully. The website I go to for help (besides here!) is bpkids The people there have btdt with anything you can think of with these kids. There's lots of great info there, too. I hope this is the beginning of a wonderful relationship for your dh and his dd. :)

By Cakekisses324 on Sunday, October 24, 2004 - 06:09 pm:

God Bless, you, that is truly amazing!

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