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Something is up

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive October 2004: Something is up
By Mrse on Friday, October 22, 2004 - 05:48 pm:

On another post I wrote about the lady would came into the hall that I work at, and freaked out about some crumbs on the table , and how she said the hall was a thilthy place etc.. Well today that same woman, started talking to me, and said tht years ago when she came in the hall smelled terrible, and how now it is much nicer, smells nice and it is so clean. She said she had to stop and look around and smell, and was suprised that she did not smell mold. She actually patted me on the back and said I was doing a good job!! After the first incident with this lady, I had went to see my supervisor and told her everything and how upset I was because I work my butt off in the hall etc.. Today when that same woman came in for her exercise class my supervisor was their and she said oh did she say anything to you?? I said no, and left it at that, it was after the class she made the comments about how nice the hall is now. I have a feeling my supervisor had a talk with her, just the way things went down. On monday I am going to ask my supervisor about it, because I am really sure she was behind this woman , and her new found comments. I do not know at what point I became so attached to the hall, if someone says something about it, that it might me to dark, or to old, believe me I have had all kinds of opions, it is just like a knife in my heart, especially when it is a comment about the cleaning that really kills me. Thankgoodness I don't get that many negative cleaning comments, just that the hall is old . I guess it is old 75 years old to be exact. It is the largest log cabin in the world free span struture all made out of fir logs, the building is massive, and it is beautiful. I will try to get my pictures on the picture site, so everyone can see the pictures so you know what I am talking about. I hope I did not bore you all with my My I love my hall /job campain, but it really miffes me when someone puts down something I love so much, you know going into menopause really is the pits. Maybe that is what it is, why I feel like I am losing it.

By Kay on Friday, October 22, 2004 - 05:51 pm:

I don't think you're losing it - I think you have great pride in what you do, and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that! If that work ethic were utilized by everyone, we'd be a much nicer world. :)

By Wandilu on Friday, October 22, 2004 - 06:38 pm:

Ditto !!!!

By Mrse on Saturday, October 23, 2004 - 03:49 am:

Thankyou, I am really worried right now, since the city took over the hall, I have been hired on contract, for one year, and just found out that they want to extend the contract, so I will still be working for a while longer. I am hoping to be hired as permanent partime. I do not know what is going to happen in the end, I have worked at the hall for 8 years two employers and now the new owners the city. I am trying to hold it together and forget that I do not know what my future holds but you know it is really, really hard. Part of me feels that I have a good chance at getting the job, but I also have the part that is unsure.It would be awsome for me and my family if I get the job, all the benfits etc.. right now I do the same job as the men who get 20 something an hour, and I get 12.00 no benifits. I just do not want to start at the bottom again, I am getting to old to start a min wage again. dh and I have talked about all of this, and if I do not get it in the end, I will not seek work, I will just stay home, which i Know in my heart that I will be sick not to go out to work for that 4 hours a day. My supervisor knows how I feel about the hall, and how stressed I am about not knowing about my job, and she is such a nice person to work for, I could not ask for a better boss. You know the more I think I could lose my job all together, my hall, I just think if that day comes that they tell me that I am not hired, I am not sure if I can mentally handle that. I have basically been going through this uncertainty for 2 years, 1 year before the hall was given to the city, and the one year i have been working for the city. I just wish they would make a decison, and let me know. It all has to do with unions, which I know nothing about, someone told me that if the employer wants you their, then it does not matter what the union wants, not sure if that is true. Does anyone know how unions work? please let me know even if it is bad news. Thankyou for any information you have.

By Melana on Saturday, October 23, 2004 - 08:54 am:

Ok, I was in a union for a little over a year. The way it worked with me was that when I got hired I had a three month grace period where my employer could fire me for any reason, but after that it was REALLY hard for them to fire anyone. You have to pay union dues, which isn't really all that much, mine were ten dollars a check. Some unions have orientation that you have to attend that will tell you what their particular policies are. If you can get in, it will be very very hard to be forced out. I personally liked being in a union, I had job security, a union representative that was a co-worker so if I had any problems with the way management was treating me then I'd go to her and she'd make sure it was taken care of. And the pay/bennifits were better than any nineteen year old could ask for. With a union the employer hires you, not them, they are there to protect your rights on the job after you are hired.

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