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Girlscout question

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive October 2004: Girlscout question
By Jackie on Friday, October 22, 2004 - 07:57 am:

Tonight Im going to an info meeting with my 5 yr old daughters. In kindergarten they are allowed to be "Daisys", what do they do with this age group? Have any of your girls started this young?

By Vicki on Friday, October 22, 2004 - 08:26 am:

My dd did and she really enjoyed it. They earn little petals (which are patches) they all go together to form a colored daisy on their little smock. We went on a couple of field trips that we put on by the girl scout organization. Meetings consisted of a snack, craft and doing something towards earning a petal.

By Kaye on Friday, October 22, 2004 - 08:37 am:

Yes my daughter started this young, I led her troop, this was prior to the daisy petal plan. But it is a great plan. There are 10 core values they teach the girls. Like one is honest and fair, so one of the meetings I have heard done is they colored, they ate ice cream and they talked about being fair with the toppings and then waiting till every one sat to eat, because that was fair. It is a great program, really geared towards being social and teaching how to work as a group. If you don't choose to do this year, it isn't a big deal to join up next year. But it was a very positive experience for me and my daughter.

By Lorebunde on Friday, October 22, 2004 - 08:49 am:

My daughter started in first grade, age 6, last yr. and enjoyed it. I did it mostly as she had never joined anything, took lessons in anything, etc. She earned quite a few badges and they were in a parade at the end. She is joining again but the troop leaders quit and the group is working on getting new leaders. They did art, had snacks, even yoga.

By Rayanne on Friday, October 22, 2004 - 08:56 am:

I started when I was that young. Yes...I used to be a girlscout:). I do not remember what all we did, but I do know that we did have fun.

By Tonya on Friday, October 22, 2004 - 09:44 am:

Let them join it is a ton of fun my niece has been in since pre-k and is now in 5 th grade and still enjoys it. TImmy started tiger cubs this yr and is loving it. It is great for the kids and he is learning so many new things.

My motto is the busier the kid the less trouble they can find. My kids will be involved in as many things as possbile.

By Eight_Kids on Friday, October 22, 2004 - 12:06 pm:

My DD (7) has been involved in Girl Scouts for 3 years. She absolutely LOVES it!! They just had their Halloween Party this past Tuesday. She has gotton 2 of her little girlfriends into it. I think it's excellent. I think the activities probably vary depending on the leader. I had her in one group that didn't do a whole lot so I moved her to another one that is only 15 minutes away. They usually march in the annual parade we have here. They go swimming a lot in the summer. The movies. They had a 'lock in' sleepover thing at a local church this winter. Usually at the "meetings" they do a lot craft activities. It just gives them time to hang out with kids their own age. I think it helps build their self esteem cuz they get patches for EVERYTHING. (better like to sew! :))And I agree with Tonya....the busier the kid, the less trouble they can find!!!! I had DSDs (12 and 13) in for 2 years. They have found other interests (football and cheerleading) and have since quit going. gives me some kid free down time!!!!:)

By Dawnk777 on Friday, October 22, 2004 - 05:20 pm:

My 15yo has been a Girl Scout since kindergarten! I barely remember what she did as a Daisy scout. I know they usually did a craft thing at the meetings, but that is all I remember.

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