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I could kill Dh right now!!!! :(

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive October 2004: I could kill Dh right now!!!! :(
By Boxzgrl on Thursday, October 21, 2004 - 12:00 pm:

For the last week i'm been coming across his baggie that he keeps his diet pills and hearburn rx in and giving them to him to put away. Its an everyday thing. But today is what is going to make me kill him. DD got into them and had them scattered ALL over the room. Not way to tell if she swallowed any. There was one capsule of the diet pill chewed on so she may have ingested some of that. I called the Nurse Advice Line and they said she would be fine but i'm still a bit uptight. I dont trust them. How can they tell me that if she got into all that caffeine (the diet pills are made out of caffeine) she'd be fine? I'm going to keep a very close eye on her. But DH has had it today!

By Rayanne on Thursday, October 21, 2004 - 12:07 pm:

You get him Melissa!!! That is a scary thing. I'd be really mad too. Just keep a good watch over her. I hope that she is ok. (((((HUGS)))))

By Tink on Thursday, October 21, 2004 - 12:10 pm:

Ooh, big no-no! I'd be upset, too. I'd keep a close eye on her and not give her a nap if she can go without. Although, if she ingested any caffeine, I doubt she would lay down anyway! You might try calling poison control. DD got into a bottle of baby lotion and drank some when she was supposed to be taking a nap. They were great and I really trusted them to know what was safe and what wasn't. That is their job, right? Lots of hugs for you and Kaitlyn.

By Tink on Thursday, October 21, 2004 - 12:12 pm:

One more thing...Dh keeps his meds in an old childproof advil bottle that we put a label on so it doesn't get mixed up with anything else. I know that no medicine bottle is totally safe but it is certainly better than a baggie!

By Boxzgrl on Thursday, October 21, 2004 - 12:15 pm:

Tink, he has a childproof pill thingy with the days of the week on them that he bought from GNC. As far as the baggie, I have no idea why he was using that. Men!!!

By Emily7 on Thursday, October 21, 2004 - 12:52 pm:

Get him for me too. That is just way to scary.

By Kittycat_26 on Thursday, October 21, 2004 - 12:59 pm:

This one is non-negotiable and it's only going to get worse as she gets more dexterity and gets better at opening bottles.

I went bullistic when my MIL gave Timmy an old pill bottle to play with. What was she thinking?

By Palmbchprincess on Thursday, October 21, 2004 - 01:03 pm:

I can certainly understand you being upset with him, men sometimes miss the concept of childproofing!! As far as DD, I'm sure she didn't ingest enough caffeine to harm her. I take diet pills from time to time, and the amount of caffeine in a whole pill would not be good for a child, but chewing on it a bit she wouldn't be harmed. I asked Nate his opinion on it, and he said check her heart rate. If it's over 120/min or so, you should be concerned, and take her in. Maybe you should just take her to the clinic to be sure, you will at least have piece of mind. (((Melissa))) isn't having a toddler fun?!

By Insaneusmcwife on Thursday, October 21, 2004 - 01:37 pm:

grrr....bad Daddy!

By Natesmom on Thursday, October 21, 2004 - 02:26 pm:

Why is your DH taking diet pills to begin with? You have a right to be mad. I would kill my BH for being inconsiderate of his daughter. I feel for you hope he will see your side.

By Insaneusmcwife on Thursday, October 21, 2004 - 04:04 pm:

I'm not Melissa but my dh uses them for probably the same reason. As a Marine, they are under so much pressure to maintain a certain weight for their height. If they don't meet that weight then they do a very unfair body fat measurement. Some ratio of the neck and waist size. They don't use the caliper.

By Jelygu on Thursday, October 21, 2004 - 05:29 pm:

I would be angry too! I would maybe call poison control like tink said, just for your peace of mind

By Boxzgrl on Thursday, October 21, 2004 - 06:51 pm:

Ditto Kristie about why he takes them.

Well I was feeling uneasy since I dont know how much she could have possibly ingested and even though she wasnt showing signs of any sort I called poison control who directed me to go to the ER. We were there from 10:30 until 2 for monitoring and everything was fine. I'm glad it was a lesson taught to DH without DD being greatly affected.

By Insaneusmcwife on Thursday, October 21, 2004 - 06:59 pm:

I'm glad she's o.k. I was just remembering when ds drank a bottle of dh's cologne. We spent a few hours in that same ER. They made me feel like a horrible person while we were in there. Who knew that at 18 months he would figure out how to get ontop of the bathroom counter???? I sure didn't I guess I was a dumb new mommy. I hope they treated you better than they did me.

By Rayanne on Friday, October 22, 2004 - 09:11 am:

I'm glad that she is ok.

By Cat on Friday, October 22, 2004 - 03:07 pm:

Glad she's okay. Randy got into some of Rob's allergy meds once while I was in the shower (and dh was SUPPOSED to be watching the boys!). They were on his night stand in one of those little plastic divided containers (the kind for daily pills-morning, noon and night). We thought he'd swallowed one or two sudafed and a claritin. I called the ER on base and asked if I needed to bring him in and the girl on the phone said, "Do you need us to send an ambulance?" Huh? I took him in and we spent about 4-5 hours there, with them giving him activated charachol to make him throw up. We never found any pills (in the vomit--yuck!) and they said to make an appointment with peds the next day. So I did and when I got there the doctor (who had a rep for being a witch) spent the whole time lecturing me on leaving medication where little kids could get it. I told her I wasn't there for a lecture, but to see if my son was okay and that I wasn't even the person watching him at the time anyway! We never saw that doc again. Btw, her name was Dr. Kno and our motto was "Just say No to Kno." NO one like her! Anyway, these things happen and hopefully your dh learned a lesson. {{{{{Melissa & DD}}}}}

By Boxzgrl on Friday, October 22, 2004 - 05:14 pm:

Kristie, they made me feel bad too for "letting" her play with pills. I miss 29 Palms Hospital, they were great there! This one here is horrible. The first thing the nurse said when she came in the room, she looked at DD and said "Did you tell your Mommy what a bad Mommy she is?!!!" I was a bit annoyed but let it fly over my shoulders. I have a family that constantly complement my parenting skills so when strangers say things I dont care. But I it werent me i'm sure that nurse would have heard it, bad!

But thanks for the support everyone! :)

By Mrse on Friday, October 22, 2004 - 05:22 pm:

If it were me, I would be talking to someone higher up and put in a complaint, that is unacceptable for her to make a comment like that. Some people, are so rude. Sorry you had to have someone be so mean to you. I would definaltely be making some calls though.

By Emily7 on Friday, October 22, 2004 - 05:27 pm:

I can't believe she said that to you Melissa!

By Vicki on Friday, October 22, 2004 - 05:27 pm:

Tell me how stupid I am! When dd was about 3ish, we all took a vitamin everyday. It was the only way we could make her take hers was if we all did. So every night at dinner, we all took our vitamins. Well, for some stupid reason, it became her job to pass them out. She did this for months with out a problem. One night, I hear her chomping... yep, she has taken some of her vitamins! Of course, I had no idea how many she had taken, so just to be sure, we called posion control. I felt so stupid explaining what happened. Yes, I opened a vitamin bottle and gave it to a 3 year old!!!! But like I said, this routine had been going on for months and she NEVER ate them until we all sat down and took them together! I am sure I watched her more with them when we first started doing it, but got more lax as the comfort level of her knowing not to eat them set in.... I was of course all worked up and they guy at PC was really nice in talking me through trying to figure out if she ate more than one and how many she could have eaten. Turned out the most she could have eaten was about 3 and he said that wouldn't be an issue. But I know they have a file started on me some where!!

By Insaneusmcwife on Friday, October 22, 2004 - 05:53 pm:

I really don't like that hospital. I don't think I have ever had a "good" experience with them. Be sure to keep a tight hold on your records. They lost all the records of my first pregnancy and dds records from birth to 18 months. I feel like the losses were to cover up the fact that they don't have a clue. Oh did I ever tell you that they tried to kill dh, and myself when I was pg with ds? Dh had spinal menengitis (sp?) and it took 3 trips to the ER and me screaming at several doctors before they would run any tests to find out why he was so sick, then they had the nerve to tell me that I couldn't be around dh because I was pg and it was too risky! What?!?! I had been taking care of him for 3 days straight while there was "nothing wrong with him, give him some MOTRIN!" Oh and they were glad they caught it when they did because they just lost a Marine to the same thing a week prior. Yep you guessed it I told them just where they could stick it!

By Boxzgrl on Friday, October 22, 2004 - 08:26 pm:

Motrin= the candy of the Marine Corps!

I've been there 4 times now and NEVER a good experience, not even mediocre! Just horrible. About a month ago DH went to the ER for an extremely painful groin and the girl told him it would be a 6 hour wait! I asked her if there was a way we could be seen sooner because I had DD and she told me I should go home and leave DH there because he would be there for a while. She said shed do the same with her DH. I told her, "Now what kind of wife would I be to drop my DH off at the ER and LEAVE him there by himself!!??" She was trying to tell me I was selfish making DD sit in the ER with sick people and my only response was, "Thats why were in the waiting room OUTSIDE of the ER!" Freakin' idiots, I swear! I could vent about Camp Pendletons Naval Hospital on a constant basis!

By Colette on Friday, October 22, 2004 - 09:11 pm:

Totally inappropriate, the comment from the nurse. I'd be complaing to a higher up.

By Insaneusmcwife on Friday, October 22, 2004 - 09:26 pm:

Just hearing about that place makes my blood boil. I do think you should file a complaint about your last visit. Those are words you don't want imbeded in a child's mind. Maybe if you file a complaint you can make the hospital aware that telling small children things like that is unacceptable. The squeeky wheel gets the grease. I wish I would have realized that I could take it up the chain of command when I was there because let me tell you....I would have been squeeking.

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