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How many people are...........

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive October 2004: How many people are...........
By Mrse on Wednesday, October 20, 2004 - 11:08 pm:

members of a gym? My sister and my dd, joined a woman's fitness club, I went with dd last night, and I am thinking about joining also. I am thinking that since I am trying to quit smoking it would be a good idea to get off my butt and do something than go to work and come home and clean.I guess I am looking for a life style change. We have never had eneough money to really do anything, so we just got into staying at home all the time, and I am starting to feel that I should. I would be able to afford the gym with the no smoking plan. So my question is , how many of you go to the gym, and how often?

By Juli4 on Wednesday, October 20, 2004 - 11:28 pm:

I am a memeber of three years and have not used it very often for many reasons adn that is the case for alot of women. So think realistically,not just what want to happen or hope happens. What about childcare? I moved away from my gym about a year after I signed my 3 year contract. and then I was pregnant twice during that time and didn't go as often. so life happens and I did not get my money worth. Another thing is that I felt bad being away from the house for like 4 or more hours a week. it was a 20minute drive adn then I would stay about 45 minutes to an hour. IT was great but it didn't last like I wanted it to.

By Christylee on Wednesday, October 20, 2004 - 11:42 pm:

I was a member of one right at the end of our street and I think I went a total of six times. I didn't enjoy the atmosphere (felt like a pick up place, lol...) and didn't feel I was getting our moneys worth. Maybe ask if you can do a trial membership for a month, some places will let you do that to see if you'll enjoy it and be something you'll want to stick with before signing into a long term contract. Some places will let you do that for just a little bit more for a month, then after you do the month see how many times you went and whether you think it'll be worth it AND somehting you'll stick with.

I know that if I found somewhere that had aerobics I would have enjoyed it MUCH more but the classes there were during the day and I wasn't able to go at the time.

Good Luck!

By Imamommyx4 on Wednesday, October 20, 2004 - 11:43 pm:

I signed a lifetime membership one time years ago. It was a big chain. Thought it was a safe venture. And I was going several times a week (not married at the time). It closed a year later from bankruptcy.

I'm not sure I could commit to a fitness center now. Like she said above, I feel bad being away from home so much. I walk in the neighborhood or walk at the mall. Lord knows I need to do more of it.

Good luck with your endeavors though. Don't let anybody discourage you. Just check out the place really well and don't sign any long term agreements.

By Imamommyx4 on Wednesday, October 20, 2004 - 11:47 pm:

Another thing is there any place like a community center or YMCA around? Usually those places have stuff for the whole family and all times of the day.

We have a Family Center in our town. Kids can go swim, mom can do aerobics and dad can play basketball. They also have childcare for < 12 for while you are in class.

Just a thought.

By Brandy on Thursday, October 21, 2004 - 06:27 am:

I am but i seldom go one reason or another it always is.But maybe if i had a buddy or someone to go with i would go just for the accountability of it and to spend time with that person.But sometimes it's hard to get together and go together too.Me and my sister in law were going to the mall and walking but life got in the way (her twins) weren't behaving well so we stopped going is one of the reasons..Well we were supposed to start back up but didn't this year again because of the girls because they don't behave well enough yet for my sister in law to want to go through the hassle = ) well i went once and then quit going because i didn't have anyone to be accountable to and it was boring.Why go when i could "walk" at home to walk away the pounds dvd?So therefore i work out at home now and when my husband get's home and i have to start paying for my gym membership again i will hopefully start going again until then i will work out at home.. I say go for it if you think that everyone would be able to go together and you are not bothered if they don't and you are determined to go with or without them = ) if not i would use the money for a stay at home walking program or just walk outside = ) Also you need to look into when they will watch the kids for you too my gym only has daycare from 8-12 and then 4-8 well those hours in the summer are not good for me because i'm lazy so i like to not get up too early and by the time i do and get their the are closing and then i can't go in the evenings because they open at 4pm and then within another hour i have to go to work so there's no workout time there.The only good days i have in the summer is when i don't have to work.Now during the school year i could easily go in the morning but i'm too lazy lol.. good luck with your decision and i hope you are able to do this with your family to make a healthier you = )

By Trina~moderator on Thursday, October 21, 2004 - 06:47 am:

I go to my local Jazzercise. Women of all ages, shapes and sizes go. Everyone is friendly, especially the instructors. Before kids I belonged to a gym and there were a lot of snobby, Barbie doll types. Not like that at all at Jazzercise. I love it!

By Karen~moderator on Thursday, October 21, 2004 - 07:32 am:

I used to belong to one years ago. And I used it, and loved it. Can't afford one these days.

By Hdelfuego on Thursday, October 21, 2004 - 08:28 am:

I went to the YMCA before I had dd. I went three to five times a week and worked on weight machines and the elliptical machine. I also did Ju Jit Su for a very little while (I didn't like the old beliefs) and during my pregnancy up until the 36 week I did water aerobics. I loved it and I felt great. We just don't have the extra 65 bucks a month for me and dh anymore! LOL! Plus I wouldn't want to leave Emma in their nursery. If you can do it though, you'll feel great. (Maybe not the first week).

By Jackie on Thursday, October 21, 2004 - 08:33 am:

I also go to Jazzercise, 3 mornings a week. Ive been going for over 10 yrs, and really enjoy it.

By Melanie on Thursday, October 21, 2004 - 09:19 am:

Dh and I belong to 24 hour fitness. Right now I go two days a week, when dd is at preschool. I don't like putting her in the child care there, so this way I just do long workouts 2 days/week instead of shorter workouts more often. Next year when she is in school more days, I will probably increase the amount of times I go. I love to go (for the most part, LOL). It's the one time during the week I do something totally for me.

By Mommyathome on Thursday, October 21, 2004 - 09:54 am:

I don't, but wish I did! We don't have anything of the sort around here.

By Janet on Thursday, October 21, 2004 - 11:30 am:

I belong to Curves, and love it!!! :)

By Boxzgrl on Thursday, October 21, 2004 - 11:31 am:

I've got a free gym here on base. I havn't been yet but need to take advantage of the "free".

By Tink on Thursday, October 21, 2004 - 12:03 pm:

I had a membership for 2 years and loved it! It was my me time and I went 4-5 times a week. Then I started working opposite of my dh and didn't have time or childcare. I think it can be a great investment but only if you are committed to using it.

By Insaneusmcwife on Thursday, October 21, 2004 - 01:42 pm:

I have been going to Curves for about a month and I LOVE it! They are having a 2 for 1 sign up special right now.

By Nicosmom on Thursday, October 21, 2004 - 01:58 pm:

I have had a Bally's membership since 1992. Yes I was only 13 but I was on a family membership with my aunt and uncle. My uncle said he was closing the membership last year, when he did they offered me a $9 a month plan. I couldn't beat that deal! When I'm doing well I will go 3-4 times a week. I haven't been there in probably 3 weeks, but I will keep it for as long as possible. I agree with Cori, if you are committed it can be a great investment. I don't know if I would have mine if it was over $25/month.

By Mrse on Thursday, October 21, 2004 - 08:41 pm:

This gym is for woman only, so I don't have to worry about that part of it, and I am not all that worried about the time that I would be at the gym being time taken away from my dh, or kids, because dh has his dinner, watches tv and goes to sleep, and the girls are doing their own thing. I also do not do anything except stay home and clean house, no hobbies nothing, not even coffee with the girls. I live 3 blocks from the gym , and dd wants to be my workout partner, she joined for a two year term. so all that for me is a good thing, it is like everyone else modivation, just getting up and doing it, would kind of like being part of something. Still thinking about it, might do drop in for a while, dd said if I decided to join, they take the drop in cost off the bill, so may go with that for a while,

By Dawnk777 on Thursday, October 21, 2004 - 11:07 pm:

When would I fit that into my already-filled days? I barely have had time to walk the poor dog lately! The answer is no, not at this time, although, we do have Curves, and if I did anything, that is what I would do.

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