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What would you do??? College related...

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive October 2004: What would you do??? College related...
By Conni on Monday, October 18, 2004 - 10:08 am:

Ok, this is embarrassing for me to post but here goes!

I am taking a college class from home (distance learning). When I signed up for the class I thought the videos I would watch were going to go along with the chapters in the textbook. WRONG. THey have nothing to do with the textbook. So I am literally suppose to read chapter after chapter and learn the information and then take tests... Well... I seem to either be lazy or stubborn or extrmemly ADD??? I cant learn. In fact I am now 4 chapters behind and am suppose to go take a test on those 4 chpt's this week. I am considering calling my instructor and just quitting the class. There is no way I Can pass this test and it will be the 2nd test that I will have failed in the class.

I am constantly sidetracked and not making this class priority. I am always finding that I have volunteered at 1 of 3 schools that my 3 kids attend, planning a lesson for a class we teach at church, running errands, going to appt's, at the gym, going to oldest ds football games or practices and going to middle ds soccer games and practices, and then there is kids homework, piano lessons, house to clean, dinner to cook, laundry to do, I just watched my 2 yo nephew for a week in aug. and told my sister I would watch him another week in November while she is out of town, etc, etc, etc.... Why am I trying to take classes????????????????????


Ok should I just quit or should I get an F??? Either way I am going to get an F and will have to spend the money over again later for the same class. OR should I go to my doctor and get on Concerta or something for being ADD??? ugh I simply cant learn just by reading something. I dont absorb the info. I cant focus on it and a million other things.

Thanks for letting me get this out. Thanks in advance for any advice!

By Kellyj on Monday, October 18, 2004 - 10:37 am:

I think that distance learning can be more difficult than going to class because you are "on your honor" so to speak.

I can't learn anything by just reading. If you make it more interactive, by taking notes while you read or making note cards (so you can quiz yourself when you have time) maybe that would help. You really don't even need to read the entire chapter for most classes. The summaries at the end of the chapter usually summarize most things well enough to get a C on a test. Go through the text and pick out the boldfaced words and make flashcards. Write out difficult concepts in your own words and study from those sheets, not the book.

I think that if you cannot drop the class without getting a W for withdrawl then I would hang in there and try to pass it. I would talk to the professor and see if there is anything that he can recommend to help you focus and maybe he can offer for you to retest.

I don't know what your class is in or what kind of tests you have. That influences how I study. For example, I studied much more differently for non-science multiple choice tests than for my science short answer tests. I just reread I sound like a slacker. It really does work...I pulled a 3.7 in undergrad in a science program using those techniques.

By Kellyj on Monday, October 18, 2004 - 10:39 am:

PS- Good luck :)

By Kittycat_26 on Monday, October 18, 2004 - 02:50 pm:

I've been talking internet classes from our local community college for the past year or so. They are pretty similar to your distant learning except that it is a local college.

They are difficult and do require an enormous amount of time to sit still and read the material. This does not entail the learning and teaching that each individual requires. By no means are these classes a walk in the park.

Stick it out. If either way you are out the money, it will make it easier the next time if you have to retake it. Besides, you could always get a C and that's all you need to pass. At this point, cut your losses. Take this exam without reading all of the chapters and start from this point forward. Instead of trying to read chapters that you have already been tested on, just start anew.

Good luck and I'll be thinking about you.

By Hdelfuego on Monday, October 18, 2004 - 02:58 pm:

If you're not going to do it or can't, a withdrawal on your record is a lot better than a F. What class is it? If you can't make time, it probably isn't worth stressing over. If you really want to go to school maybe wait until things cool down a little. IMHO

By Truestori on Tuesday, October 19, 2004 - 12:04 am:

I did some internet classes and found that it is much harder then actually going to class. I found that during my exams I would yell at the kids because I was so stressed I couldn't think..LOL Not fun at all. I say talk to your instructor and ask for some alternatives. Who knows he/she may let you slide and pick up where your at. Goodluck

By Conni on Tuesday, October 19, 2004 - 08:37 am:

Well, thanks for the well wishes! I got nothing done yesterday and I am in a horrible mood today. lol Great! ;)

By Mommmie on Tuesday, October 19, 2004 - 01:09 pm:

Self-paced classes take a lot of self discipline. I think a lot of people figure out what you did - it's a lot harder than it seems! What class is it? If you know you're not going to do it and it's just looming over your head, I'd withdraw to avoid the F. That'll kill your GPA.

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