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I was attacked by my in-laws dog

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive October 2004: I was attacked by my in-laws dog
By Mara on Monday, October 18, 2004 - 09:41 am:

My in-laws have a little long haired chiwawa, I know I'm not spelling that right :)
They just got the dog about 6 months ago, it was already full grown when they got it. We have always thought that it was mistreated because it has shown aggresive behavior in the past and has snapped at my dh's nephew. They bought a choke chain and a muzzle. After a week or so of using those they stopped saying that the dog was much better. I was at their house and it sat on my lap while I pet and loved on it. I figured the dog was fine. Then one day last month I went over and the dog completely freaked. It barked at my non-stop the entire time I was there, and when I went to leave it grabbed my left ankle I shook him off that leg and then he grabbed my right leg just behind the knee. I was bleeding and got a ugly scab and bruise to show for it. This is the first time the dog has actually biten anyone. I did nothing to entice him, I never even spoke a word to the dog. For some reason while I was leaving I really ticked him off. Well it's been a month and I still have a knot in the muscle of my right leg and it hurts when I touch it. Anyway I've been over there since and the dog has been fine. Except yesterday when I went over he barked again like he wanted to get a hold of me. I've been thinking, the two times that he has acted aggresive toward me has been when I'm on my period! Will this make a dog want to attack me? I thought it was an interesting thought. He lives with my MIL and FIL and she does'nt get her period of course he doesn't act like this to her.
Could this be the reason?
By the way I can completely understand how dog attacks can kill people. This was a tiny little dog and within seconds he had caused enough damage you always think that you could fight off a little dog but really it happens so fast that you can't. It's scares me to think of what a big dog could do. This little dogs name is CUJO by the way...fitting huh?

By Amy~moderator on Monday, October 18, 2004 - 10:54 am:

That's terrible! I'm so sorry about your legs. I would ask them to keep the dog in another room while you were visiting. I don't know how they could keep this dog with such aggressive behavior. And, yes, Cujo sounds VERY fitting.

By Ginny~moderator on Monday, October 18, 2004 - 11:13 am:

This is very tricky. Technically, your inlaw's homeowner's insurance should pay for medical treatment related to the bite. But, would they want their carrier to know they have a biting dog?

I urge you to see a doctor about the continuing problems. Unhappily, dog bites often are puncture wounds, which means a greater risk of infection than with a cut, and a deeper infection.

Your period could have something to do with it. I will check with my dog lover / vet tech son about that.

By Janet on Monday, October 18, 2004 - 12:02 pm:

I always heard that you shouldn't go camping during your period, as bears will attack, LOL--Don't know if that's true or not! But I am sorry about the dog--what did your in-laws say/do? Anything at all????

By Shellyg on Monday, October 18, 2004 - 12:06 pm:

Funny, I just posted about Chihuahua's under Palmbeachprincess's post. They are snappy little things by nature, not my breed of choice. He should be in another room if any company comes into the home. They guard their people and home a bit too much. Did he bite you at the door both times?

By Kay on Monday, October 18, 2004 - 12:12 pm:

Be sure to keep an eye on that wound - in some cases, cellulitis can be caused certain bacteria found in dogs' mouths. You do NOT want to delay treatment if this should occur, so it would be best to seek medical attention to make sure you don't need an antibiotic, etc.

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