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Any fireman wives out there?

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive November 2004: Any fireman wives out there?
By Janet on Thursday, October 14, 2004 - 10:25 am:

My dh decided to join our fire department! Since we live in a teeny-tiny community, it's all volunteer, and we are in desperate need of firemen, so on the one hand I'm really proud of him. But on the other, I'm terrified! Granted, we don't have too many major things happen around here (field fires, houses, accidents)...nothing like high-rise apartments or chemical warehouses, but it's still somewhat dangerous, right? How do you handle the times your dh goes on a call?

By Emily7 on Thursday, October 14, 2004 - 10:38 am:


By Mommyathome on Thursday, October 14, 2004 - 10:54 am:

That is great of your DH to volunteer.
I'm not a firefighter wife.
Our local fire dept. is volunteer as well. We also live in a tiny community.
Our firemen don't have to stay at the firehouse while they are on call. They all have pagers and scanners at home. If there is a fire, they get paged. Will you DH have to stay at the firehouse?
Good luck to you and your DH!

By Rayanne on Thursday, October 14, 2004 - 11:25 am:

I am!!!!! Chris is a volunteer firefighter as well. He's been doing it for 9 years now. At first, I was terrified also, but you get used to it. I still do get scared, and it's only normal, but it will get easier. I promise. You can e-mail me if you want, it's in my profile. I LOVE going up to the firehouse and chatting with the other firefighters. I've met a lot of friends that way. You can bring the firefighters dinner and brownies, and it will ALL get eaten by someone. It's kind of fun also.

By Palmbchprincess on Thursday, October 14, 2004 - 11:31 am:

Nate is a firefighter/EMT. They are a close "brotherhood" on Volunteer and paid departments. I have a beautiful prayer called the Fireman's Prayer... I can send it to you if you'd like. I'll certainly keep your DH in my thoughts... and please keep us in yours... Nate is testing with a department on the coast of TX on the 30th. It would be a really great move for us!! :)

By Janet on Thursday, October 14, 2004 - 11:57 am:

I would love a copy of the prayer... could you post it here? He won't be staying at the firehouse, but will carry a pager. He'll begin his training pretty soon and then will be put into the rotation. It's the midnight calls I'm thinking of... I know I won't get any sleep as long as he's out!

By Rayanne on Thursday, October 14, 2004 - 12:19 pm:

I still don't sleep well when he is gone, but I know that they look out for eachother. He will be in good hands sweetie.

Here is a copy of a prayer that I have:

Firefighter's Creed

When I'm called to duty god
wherever flames may rage
give me strength to save a life
whatever be its age
Help me to embrace a little child
before it is too late
or save an older person from
the horror of that fate
Enable me to be alert
to hear the weakest shout
and quickly and efficiently
to put the fire out
I want to fill my calling and
to give the best in me
to guard my neighbour and
protect his property
And if according to your will
I have to lose my life
bless with your protecting hand
my children and my wife

By Palmbchprincess on Thursday, October 14, 2004 - 01:25 pm:

That's the one Rayanne. Janet, Nate did the volunteer department for the rural parts of our county, but decided to stop because he couldn't respond to the volume of calls they needed him to. He works full time as an EMT, and is TX certified as a fireman. He's testing with paid departments for a full time position. It's stressful either way, because most departments do the Kelley shift system, 24 on 48 off, so you are either stressed just during calls he responds to, or for an entire 24 hour period he's on shift. Just remember, these men and women are trained, and they do everything they can to protect themselves AND each other. They make calculated decisions before entering a burning building. The unthinkable is always possible, but you just kiss them, let them go, and have faith. It was easier for me because my dad is a police officer, and my ex-husband is a soldier. It gets easier. Most firemen will tell you most accidents happen when someone freaks out. That causes them to get disoriented and they can't find the path they came in. Trust in his ability to keep his calm, and get to know the other wives. :)

By Bea on Thursday, October 14, 2004 - 01:46 pm:


Brother when you weep for me
Remember that it was meant to be

Lay me down and when you leave
Remember I'll be at your sleeve

In every dark and choking hall
I'll be there as you slowly crawl

On every roof in driving snow
I'll hold your coat and you will know

In cellars hot with searing heat
At windows where a gate you meet

In closets where young children hide
You know I'll be there at your side

The House from which I now respond
Is overstaffed with heroes gone

Men who answered one last bell
Did the job and did it well

As firemen we understand
That death's a card dealt in our hand

A card we hope we never play
But one we hold there anyway

That card is something we ignore
As we crawl across a weakened floor

For we know that we're the only prayer
For anyone that might be there

So remember as you wipe your tears
The joy I knew throughout the years

As I did the job I loved to do
I pray that thought will see you through.

Author Unknown

By Bea on Thursday, October 14, 2004 - 01:48 pm:

Firefighter's Prayer

Our training took place on stairs
In a brick-built tower leading nowhere
With glassless windows issuing false smoke
The concrete crumbling to fine dust
With the incessant passage of rubber booted feet
Sweltering equipment to the scene of some imagined fire.
Hours over years spent on such stairs
The action of climbing them so grained into my mind
That the flutter of fear seems superficial by comparison.

And this Tuesday morning
In my heavy gear and helmet
Stairs lined by the subdued and stunned
Elegant in morning pressed clothes and fresh deodorant
Eyes eloquent in their despair for me
They shuffle down as I lumber sweating up
Each stair the rhythm of my mantra
Ah Jesus,
Ah Jesus,
Ah Jesus,

©2001, David Cochrane

By Bea on Thursday, October 14, 2004 - 01:53 pm:

A Volunteer Firefighter's Prayer

Lord I thank You for surrounding me with the most sincere
And bravest of individuals;
Grant us fortitude so that we may continue to assist one another
As we carry out our duties.

I ask that You guard my fellow Firefighters and I
Whenever and wherever we face danger.
Protect us against natural incidents, careless or evil acts of others, and,
May we be blessed with progressive leaders, exceptional training
and protective equipment; and most advanced technology that can be afforded.

May I continue to receive the generous support of my family
As I carry out this endeavor.

Lord, if you should call me to Your side while I'm in service,
Please grant my family incredible strength and understanding,
And may You also grant them comfort and the full support of the community
In their time of need.

Jim Drzewiecki

By Bea on Thursday, October 14, 2004 - 02:04 pm:


We call upon You for strength and guidance.
Look kindly upon us in our needs.
Teach us to look always to You for assistance as our fellow citizens look to us.
Give us courage, that we may impart courage to others.
Make us studious, and give us pride and joy in our work.
When the gong sounds, calling us to duty, give us speed and efficiency.
As our siren wail, ride with us through the city streets, shielding us from danger.
On the fire scene, may our officers and men always work as an honorable,
courageous and victorious team.
Walk with us through the terror of flame and explosion.
May our hearts be always ready if we should be summoned before our Eternal
Chief in the midst of our labors.
Through our ministrations to our suffering fellow men, we dedicate our lives
humbly to Your praise and glory.
In joy or sorrow, we ask only that You may be pleased with our service, that
when the Last Alarm shall have sounded for us, we may receive our eternal
assignment with you.


-Author Unknown

By Bea on Thursday, October 14, 2004 - 02:08 pm:

A Firemans Wife

A fireman's wife's job is never done.
It's not always glamorous
It's seldom fun.

As the tones go off at 6 a.m.
I hear you whisper a prayer
"Lord, please not a fire again"

This time your prayer goes unanswered.
As the dispatch comes through.
The house is afire, inside a child of 2.

As you look in my eyes.
You see the desire.
The one to save lives.
The other to put out the fire.

As I rush to get dressed.
And head to the door.
You say "I love you and be safe."
I say "Always and I love you more."

Today I got lucky.
I saved the childs life.
And I made it back.
Home to my kids and my wife.

But as I lay there in bed.
Wondering what you must feel.
Knowing the pain, must be to real.

Not knowing if you'll get it.
That dreadful call.
The one saying "he didn't make it. He took the fall"

If that day should ever come to life.
Always remember.
I love you, my fireman's wife.

Author: Jason M. Rahn

By Bea on Thursday, October 14, 2004 - 02:10 pm:

Back Home Again

The pager makes it's beeping noise,
The scanner comes to life.
You see excitement on his face
As he goes off to fight.

No matter what you're doing
Or whatever the current plan,
All you can say is "Later Hon"
As he gets those keys in hand.

You say a little prayer
That God will keep him safe,
That with all the pride and bravery
No one will make a mistake.

You know those men are Brothers
And fiercely will protect
The lives of each other and others--
They will truly give their best!

You and your "man's best friend"
Are both loyal and true.
You keep each other company
Waiting for him to return to you.

And when that front door opens
With "Honey I'm home" again,
You thank the Lord he's back OK,
Your brave and strong Fireman.

Author Unknown

By Rayanne on Thursday, October 14, 2004 - 03:07 pm:

I have the Fireman's wife poem too. I love it!!!

By Hdelfuego on Thursday, October 14, 2004 - 09:38 pm:

Rayanne, I love that poem. Have any of you seen ladder 49? It might be a little much, but it's awesome!

By Hdelfuego on Thursday, October 14, 2004 - 09:39 pm:

Not poem, prayer. I'm sorry.

By Janet on Friday, October 15, 2004 - 10:52 am:

Bea... ! I knew without checking the date to what that mantra referred. I can't tear up at work, so I'm not reading it again until later. Ah Jesus... indeed.

By Janet on Tuesday, November 16, 2004 - 12:47 pm:

We had our first midnight call two nights ago... just someone reported smelling natural gas out by the highway. DH and I got to go to the annual Christmas party (yes, already!) and he got his first paycheck...$20!! Woo-hoo! LOL I guess they pay $20 per run. The veterans got a good laugh out of that. They also teased DH because he was the last one to the firehouse when his pager went off!

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