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Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive October 2004: **LONG VENT**BAD NEWS FROM MY DOC.
By Audreyj on Friday, October 8, 2004 - 01:12 pm:

Hi Ladies.

As most of you know I am on a day-by-day journey with weight loss, Mrs. Heidi sent me a back (thank you) and I haven't started it yet, but I am going to this weekend....and I now have a Stephen Minister from my church who is mentoring me as well...

I went for my yearly checkup with my doc. and he said my liver enzymes from a blood test were high, and to come back in two weeks, so I went back and they were still high so he ran another test and he called me today. There are problems.

He wants me back in six weeks for a fourth blood test to check the enzymes again. I have fatty liver. I asked for the numbers and checked them on what I could find on the internet. This is when an obese person (I am 100 pounds over), over 40 and usually a woman, the liver begins breaking down. The liver is actually a filter and when a person is obese the fat becomes logged in the liver, causing "fatty liver" because the liver is not functioning properly it retains fat and metabolism slows down (great, already confirmed buy doc. I have low metabolism, obesity runs rampant in my paternal side of the family and I also have very low thyroid, I take synthroid) anyway, the liver begins to store fat instead of filtering it.

It can be corrected with diet and exercise, fat free diet, lots of fluids, etc...but it takes a long time and in the meantime, I am losing liver cells. My blood tests results indicate that I am in the very, very, early stages of liver failure.

The good news is that the liver can regenerate and if I make myself stop eating junk and get up off my fat self and exercise and drink lots and lots of fluids, it can be corrected.

I have started out the last three years with a "resolution" to lose weight and each year the holidays come around and I have failed. This is the third year in a row I tried to lose this weight and did not. This year, it was Weight Watchers and swimming in an indoor pool at a local club. I love about 24 pounds in six month and got discouraged and quit. Now, the 24 pounds in back on, of course, six months to lose it about six weeks to gain it back and now, I have another problem as well......

Very discouraging......

I also saw a woman who has a book out on a liver cleansing diet, wonder if it is a gimmick or if it works and I have Mrs. Heidi's book to start reading.....

I am just feeling so defeated. I HATE that I have to "take up the guantlet" agianst this same enemy AGAIN! I am just so, so, sick of this battle.

In 2000, after my first child was born I joined Ladies Workout Express and went through a program called "Boot Camp". I lost weight but I lost the least amount in my class and I really felt like a failure. I allowed those feelings to chase me out the door. It was so hard to watch these other women succeed in the SAME program and work twice as hard to see much, much, slower results.

Then in 2001, it was Weight Watchers. Points and all was embarrassing. It took a very long time and some of the members even asked me if I was REALLY sticking with the program...I took it personally and after 9 months losing 33 pounds, I quit.

Then, in 2002, it was stationary biking and a trampoline, THAT didn't last, kept throwing my back out because it was very hard to move aerobically without hurting myself and wound up spending a scary amount of time on Hydrocodone from the Emergency Room. Finally stopped that.

Then, 2003 back to weight watchers, gonna "try again" and failed again.

2004....moved, new house, new beginning, joined a local indoor swim club and hydroaerobics won't hurt my back and Wed. nite bible based food program, lost 24 pounds and gave up...came here, got a mentor at church, got a new book and now, doc. says liver damage......

Good thing this Board doesn't allow cussin'!!

So, *****sigh*****anybody know anything about how to cleanse the liver?????


By Boxzgrl on Friday, October 8, 2004 - 01:31 pm:

Not much liver advice but (((HUGS))).

Just a thought, have you ever thought about gastric bypass. I dont know much about it and dont even know if you can under go anesthesia with your liver problem. But I had a friend who was about 140 pounds overweight and had an extremely hard time losing weight. She had gastric bypass done and with the combination of that and the motivation to eat better and exercise from the results of the surgery, she has lost about 90 pounds.

When you have so much extra weight it really could take a lot of extra motivation to get you going because its harder to notice results as quickly as someone who is at their ideal weight and just trying to tone.

But the key to remember is you must take this one step at a time. If you've been obese since 2000 its going to take a few years to get back to a healthy weight.

More (((HUGS))) ..... I hope things work out for you in the end.

And keep us updated on your liver. Were here to support you. :)

By Emily7 on Friday, October 8, 2004 - 01:38 pm:

I also am on synthroid & am having a terrible time trying to lose weight.
I was told that the synthoid should help me lose if my levels were right, not.
e.even @ bresnan. net without the spaces, e-mail me if you want, I would love to help support you & you can do the same for me.

By Audreyj on Friday, October 8, 2004 - 01:38 pm:


Yes, I am a member of AMOS which is a message board community for obese folks and many who are either working on being approved for surgery or who have already had it. I just joined up this year and I have read a lot about it but I really am scared to have surgery. Maybe I should start looking into that option, though. Thanks again. AJ

P.S. If anyone wants the address to AMOS it is

I really don't want surgery but maybe this is the time to start thinking about it.....AJ

By Ginny~moderator on Friday, October 8, 2004 - 01:44 pm:

Be very careful about the "liver cleansing" advice, and double check it with your doctor.
Also, ask your doc if he thinks it appropriate for you to go to either a weight specialist or a specialist who covers the liver (I don't know what that is). Also, given what your doctor has diagnosed, see if your insurance will pay for any programs to help with weight loss.

You have a real warning call - more serious than any you have had before - and I know you will take it seriously. Lots of good thoughts for you and some prayers.

Before you consider surgery, do a lot of reading. A lot of people have real problems after a gastric bypass or stapling procedure, and you still have to change your habits so that you only eat the right stuff.

By Melana on Friday, October 8, 2004 - 03:29 pm:

I'll echo Ginny and add in about the gastric bypass surgery. Make sure you research your Dr. to the extreme. The surgery is becoming so popular right now that there are classes that a doctor can take over the weekend! Many people are going to these kinds of doctors and either having serious complications, and one doctor I saw on a tv program ended up killing a couple of people. It can be a life saving surgery, but only if done right.

By Kolbysmom on Friday, October 8, 2004 - 03:34 pm:

I know how hard it is to lose weight. Ya know, maybe this liver problem is a blessing in disguise. As you said, it can be corrected over time. Maybe this is just the motivation you need!

You said you lost 33 lbs in 9 months. When you think about it, that's almost 4 lbs a month, 1 lb a week. That is a safe and healthy weight lose for that amount of time. You just have to think of it as long term.

I wish you the best of luck. I know it's not easy at all. As Ginny said, please think twice about gastric bypass. There are so many things that could go wrong.

By Angellew on Friday, October 8, 2004 - 04:06 pm:

{{{HUGS}}} I completely know what you are going through. You really have to hang in there and make some changes. Ginny is right!! You have been given a big warning call, and now is the time to make the move. It's never easy. But, maybe now, knowing the "bigger picture" of losing weight, will help you!

I have been struggling with my weight for the last seven or eight years myself (I'll be 40 very soon), and the problem only got worse after I had my DD (at age 37)! So, believe me, I know how you feel.

I also agree with the opinion that the surgery just isn't the way to go... yet!! The horror stories I have heard are just terrible. And then there are the "success" stories. But, even behind these success stories, when you listen to how these people have to live (with the can eat, can't eat, keep a bathroom within running distance, hernias, sagging skin... the list just goes on), I have to wonder if it's really worth it!

The women on this board are so supportive of everyone! Feel free to keep talking!!! :) And, if you would like to "chat" privately, with someone who is in the same boat, so to speak, please don't hesitate to email me at Angellew918 at

Keep strong!!!

By Kellyj on Friday, October 8, 2004 - 04:29 pm:

I'm sorry that you got bad news from your doctor but on the good side it is something that is correctable. Perhaps your doctor can refer you to a dietician? IMO it sounds like you've done pretty well on your diets in the past until you got frustrated. Your rate of weight loss was healthy.
Everytime you want to give up, just look at your kids...they need their mom to be healthy. You can do it! :)

By Cocoabutter on Friday, October 8, 2004 - 07:14 pm:

I am very sorry to hear about your liver. It must be scary.

I used to know a woman who was morbidly obese- her peak weight was 565 pounds before she had gastric bypass in 2001. The problem was, she had been suffering from depression for 12 years as a result of losing her mom, sis, and neice all together in a car accident, then her dad the following year of a heart attack, and to be responsible for 3 kids under the age of 5... She had not dealt with it except for self-medicating with anti-depressants, eating, and sleeping. She never got into therapy to help her deal with the stress in her life.

I understand that being overweight (I could lose 60 pounds myself) is like a vicious cycle- you feel bad about yourself b/c you are fat- so eating makes you feel good, but makes you gain weight, so you feel worse about yourself and you find joy in eating... My friend said sleeping was her way of escaping the world. She also never gave up her pleasures after surgery, like sleeping and eating fatty foods- anything that her stomach could tolerate, and she refused to exercise. She lost only 160 pounds in two years after her surgery.

I found that I couldn't be her friend anymore about a year ago b/c she was so needy emotionally, and when I tried to help her see how destructive her behaviors were not only to herself (not just eating, but also her spending and her refusal to clean her house which led to someone calling Child Protective Services) but also to her family (her oldest son was in trouble with the law and her middle son, now 13, weighs around 400 pounds) she would hang up the phone. That self-destructive behavior has now resulted in her gaining what looks like most of her pre-surgery weight back.

I know this is long, but my point is that you seem to be going down a similar path. Obesity and depression go hand in hand. Perhaps before you decide what to do with your body, you should get help for your psyche. Life is full of ups and downs, disappointments and triumphs. Learn how to really deal with disappointment without quitting, and then you will be able to stick to a weight loss plan through the long haul.

By Boxzgrl on Friday, October 8, 2004 - 08:43 pm:

BTW, I wasnt recommending the surgery, I just want you to have hope in the fact that there are a lot of solutions to people who suffer from obesity. Just talk to you doctor and ask whats best, maybe someone who specializes with obesity could help you further. (((HUGS)))

By Marcia on Saturday, October 9, 2004 - 12:46 am:

Milk thistle is good for liver problems. My hubby and one of my kids take it. It's a liquid, and you just take a certain amount of drops in a glass of water or juice. It's well known for liver healing.

By Bren on Saturday, October 9, 2004 - 02:45 am:

Audreyj, hey it's Bren. I was diagnosed in 99 with liver damage after having my gallbladders removed. I also have fought my weight ALL MY LIFE. I have always been heavy. 250+ most of my adulthood. I too promise to start doing things right and never get to start them. Something always comes up or I fail myself. My daughter was born 7/04. 1and half early because of gestational diabetes. My liver enzymes had been normal up until the day they delievered my daughter.Now I can tell you, because of the diabetes , the doctor changed my diet. It was a diabetic diet. Honestly, I thought it was going to be horrible. I have never been able to stick to any diet or dietary change. after 2 weeks on the diet , I had lost over 35lbs (yes, even being pregnant). Talk with your doctor, Several that i have been to in the past 2 years have all agreed that for most "obese or morbidly obese" it's the healthiest and safest. If you want to talk more email me, I know what you are going through, Everything will be fine!!!!

By Feona on Saturday, October 9, 2004 - 06:50 am:

My sister in law went to overeatters anonymous. She did grey sheet (Which is oa boot camp.)

She was very similiar to you. The diet cured her thyroid and everything. Her body was really falling apart. She couldn't even stand for long periods of time. She wasn't even over eatting originally. Since diabetes runs rampant in her family all the carb were being stored as fat or something.... She was about 280 pounds. She is now 125 for over a year. five foot 3.

By Feona on Saturday, October 9, 2004 - 06:51 am:

ask the doctor about milk thistle. It is for alcoholics... Let me look it up for fatty liver....

By Feona on Saturday, October 9, 2004 - 06:53 am:

By Feona on Saturday, October 9, 2004 - 06:56 am:

But the milk thistle isn't going to cure you. What happened to my sister at law at her age 44. Everything was falling apart one after another. The doctors couldn't even give her medication for anything because she was such a mess physically. They said she could have died in a few years. It was only time.
Diabeties - heart attack - high blood pressure.

By Audreyj on Saturday, October 9, 2004 - 09:23 am:

Thank all of you so much for your support and your suggestions. I have printed this thread.

I also appreciate all of you who have btdt sharing your experience with me in this battle.

I am not going to give up, I am going to continue to fight this thing because I have a DH and two DDs who need me.

I's hard to describe...and I know I can not give in to this feeling because it is just an emotion and I have to "put it aside" and not get defeated. I just have this very defeated and failure-like emotion, almost like "what's the point?" I am just going to fail AGAIN!

I did print this thread and I am going to look up milk thistle and the things ya'll have suggested. I am going back to WW Tuesday (again) and I have another blood test in six weeks. But, my "heart" is just not in it-so to speak- I feel like I am just "going through the motions".

I also have the book Mrs. Heide sent me and I am going to start on it today cause it is the weekend and I'll have some time to get started in it....

I do appreciate all of your support. I know that there is a "Let's get Fit" place here and I'll start posting there soon.

I don't know how to describe it--I just feel like I have failed before I even begin......

But that doesn't mean I am not going to begin...

Thanks again, ladies. Really. I do appreciate it.


By Karen~moderator on Saturday, October 9, 2004 - 12:11 pm:

Audrey, I may be repeating what others have posted, but IMO, you need a weight loss program and support group that deals with the emotional *whys* and *hows* of overeating and overcoming it. I know you must feel like you've hit bottom right now, but don't give up!

And, I know a 30-something man who was overweight, but not obese by any means, and he had *fatty liver*, which is pretty much attributed to heredity and diet in his case. He was just getting married, has a history of heart attacks in his family, and he made drastic changes in his diet and exercise, and his liver enzymes are back in *safe* range now.

Do this for YOU! You need it, and your family needs it. There's a reason you overeat, it's not because you're hungry all the time. It's comfort food and the trick is to find out when you need *comfort* and find a replacement for the food. I know I don't know *you* and your life, and I am certainly NOT judging, so I hope you don't take my post the wrong way. Think about something that would give you some pleasure or *instant gratification*, to take the place of food when you want to eat those chips, etc. that are tabu for you.

It didn't happen overnight, so correcting it won't happen overnight either. Just take one day at a time, feel great about yourself when you have a good *eating and *exercise* day, and use that for motivation to keep on going. And don't beat yourself up emotionally when you have a BAD day, because bad days will happen, you are only human, and we are all entitled to days like that. Concentrate on the good days, and hopefully you'll make progress.

Good luck! {{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}}

By Amecmom on Sunday, October 10, 2004 - 04:41 pm:

I'm sorry you got bad news, but I'm proud of you for trying to do something about it! Have you consulted a nutritionist? Perhaps a trained professional can put you on a diet that will work for you.
I am in no way recommending surgery, but I did see something on TV about a woman who had all but 6 feet of her intestines removed. She was able to eat as much as she wanted (unlike gastric bypass) but her body absorbed only a fraction of the calories. Unlike gastric bypass, this surgery is not reversible
As far as cleansing the liver, I have some books by "the juice lady" which have some great liver cleansing juices. As soon as I find the books, I'll post the juice combos.
Hang in there!

By Rayanne on Sunday, October 10, 2004 - 10:57 pm:

I am so sorry sweetie. I'm glad that you are going to do something though. I agree with Ame, have you talked to a noutritionost? They can really help. Good luck sweetie and please keep us posted. (((((HUGS)))))

By Brandy on Monday, October 11, 2004 - 12:30 am:

Hello there Audrey...I myself am trying to lose weight as you probably know if you read the Let's get fit board i have about 50 i could stand to lose..If you are having trouble exercising walk maybe 20 steps one way and 20 steps back that's 40 more steps than what you would of taken..I know you can do this for YOURSELF..You have to want it so bad to do it and yeah you might not be taking it off as easily as other people BUT you are taking the weight off.Also on the exercise thing again if say one day you take those extra 40 steps the next day try maybe 10 more each way or heck even 5 or do something one day for 5 minutes and work yourself up each day say work out for 5 then the next day 10 and then 15 and then so on...For the course of a week before you know it you will be at 35 minutes for the week and that's fine if you think that is enough for you stay there for the next week = ) i know you can do it i have faith in you...I BELIEVE IN YOU !!!!feel free to email me = ) mckinb060793 @ hope to talk to you soon...Brandy

By Brandy on Monday, October 11, 2004 - 12:34 am:

Hey there again i thought i would send you a link to the amazing weight watchers stories = )

By Audreyj on Monday, October 11, 2004 - 10:26 am:


Sorry I haven't gotton back, I am working for my church nursery now (love it) and I have been busy because we've had Revival.

I am still researching and learning. I have printed your threads. I have started on the book Mrs. Heidi sent me and I am trying NOT to be weary in well doing.

I keep thinking about that Bible verse, "Do not get weary in well doing, and do not faint, because you shall reap in due season." I am trying to apply that, like, if I don't let myself get discouraged and if I keep making an effort, in due season, I will reap my health back.

I will post more and I will post on the Let's Get Fit board.

I absolutely appreciate all of you.

Thank you.

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