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Just because my house is clean......

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive October 2004: Just because my house is clean......
By Mommyathome on Saturday, October 2, 2004 - 04:44 pm:

I just want to make a point. :)
Just because someone keeps their house very clean doesn't mean that it isn't a fun, happy, healthy place to live.
I keep my house very clean. It is not a stressful house, or an unhealthy house. We *live* here. We are comfortable here. We put out feet up on the furniture (with no shoes of course!). The kids play with play dough in the dining room.
But, we keep up on it. When we are done playing, we clean up. Everything goes back in its place.
I'm not embarrased when people stop by unexpectedly. I don't have clean off a spot on the couch for them to sit down. I don't have to make a path through a pool of toys for them to walk.
My kids will always know that they can bring friends over anytime and not be ashamed of how the house looks.
Some people choose to keep their houses clean, and some do not. But, that does not reflect on how happy/healthy/stressful/lived in/etc. the home is

By Juli4 on Saturday, October 2, 2004 - 05:23 pm:

I don't really feel as though anyone was attacking people that keep their house clean. You are no better or no worse than anyone else. Those of us with young kids (3 under 3)do not have the ability to do so while working full-time also. So I am sorry that you felt attacked. Everyone has their own way of doing things and different family dynamics.

By Vicki on Saturday, October 2, 2004 - 05:26 pm:

I'll post this here too!! :-)

Thank you mommyathome!! I hear things like that all the time and it grates on my nerves too!! You can be clean and tidy and have fun too! I don't know why that is so hard for people to understand. I would be willing to bet that even though my house is usually clean, I spend less time cleaning it than others do. The trick is just keeping up with it!!

I don't think it is a matter of people attacking those of us that keep a tidy ship as much as when people say things like "we live in our house" It implies that we don't!! I do not have a museum where people don't feel comfortable. My house is warm and cozy and inviting, it just happens to be clean and tidy too! We live here too!!

By Mommyathome on Saturday, October 2, 2004 - 05:51 pm:

Juli, I didn't say I felt attacked. :) Just wanted to make a point.
And, BTW, I have 3 small children and work at home as well.

By Tink on Saturday, October 2, 2004 - 06:12 pm:

Although I am not one of those moms that keeps her house clean all the time (Believe me, I am jealous of you!), I have felt like people haven't been fair in saying that a clean house is one that isn't comfortable for anyone. My mom ran a daycare with 8-10 kids at any time of the day or night (yeah, she's nuts! LOL) and the house was always in more than tidy condition. We were able to paint, play with clay or playdoh, run in the sprinkler or in the pool without worrying about her stressing out about the mess. I never had to worry about my friends dropping by and feeling uncomfortable because our house was a wreck. My house was smaller than most of my friends but everything was neat and clean. I loved living like that and hope that eventually I can get my act together enough to do the same for my dks.

By Mommyathome on Saturday, October 2, 2004 - 08:50 pm:

:) Thanks Tink.

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