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We have a spider web and spider outside our window.

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive September 2004: We have a spider web and spider outside our window.
By Marg on Friday, September 17, 2004 - 06:48 pm:

Ok, I'm a nature lover and really love the kids to understand nature and it's process.

My extra bedroom/office is on a second level due to a walkout basement. There is a spider, pretty big, but a common spider (maybe 1 inch) outside this window. He or she built a web outside this window (Anderson window) and it takes up almost all of the window. We actually watch it catch bugs in it's web, wrap them up or eat them. It is really fascinating and I could have never explained this process to dds. Every day, several times a day (we do not open the window but there is only a window topper on the window) we watch the 'spidey.' Yesterday it was gone and we all feared the worse a bird got it.

But I told dds that's natures process. So today Alyssa (4) came to me hysterically (I thought she did something or hurt something, lol) screaming 'SPIDEY!!!'

There is spidey in his web again.

No, I'm not a nut just love to watch things and how they work. I'm intrigued with nature:)

By Cat on Friday, September 17, 2004 - 07:06 pm:

We had a pretty big spider in our window well downstairs by our computer desk for quite some time. The boys named him Fang. He's been gone for about a year now and another spider has replaced him. He was fascinating, but I always told the boys if he ever got in the house he'd be dead! lol

By Janet on Saturday, September 18, 2004 - 09:57 am:

LOL Marg..I love watching spiders, too! :)
Yesterday, a co-worker brought in a HUGE praying mantis that her dd had caught to take to school, and I wanted her to keep it here so I could watch it eat! She took it home, though, and after lunch told me how "gross" it was to watch it devour a grasshopper.. I don't know, maybe I'm just weird (like you! LOL)

By Marg on Saturday, September 18, 2004 - 10:32 am:

I should tell you the storms last night wiped out the web:( We don't know if it will rebuild it's web.

I love praying mantis, but I've never seen one eat before. The first time I found one, it landed on my face. I was laying down in the grass (about 7 years old). Mom was working in her flowers and it just flew unto my face. Boy, did I scream, lol:)

By Mommyathome on Saturday, September 18, 2004 - 10:52 am:

Ahhh! I have a terrible time with spiders. They are fascinating, but I can just not bring myself to let them out of my site before squishing them. Yikes!!

By Audreyj on Saturday, September 18, 2004 - 12:34 pm:

We have a picture window that is home to two spiders. I think they each have an egg sac. They are fascinating to watch, but like you, I have told the kids that spiders are outdoor animals. We also have a raccoon who shows up in our vegetable garden occaisionally. A possum (my husband hates the possum) and a pair of hawks. We also feed birds and squirrels and we have a beagle who would be lost if he didn't have friends to bark at. By the kids know that some animals are for pets (like our darling beagle who comes in at night to get loved on) and osme animals are for the woods (we DO NOT bring in the raccoon or the possum!) LOL DH keeps encouraging the beagle to "get" the possum but that's not gonna happen! LOL The Beagle is more afraid of the possum than the possum is of the beagle! Of course, most of our critters are nocturnal so I don't have to worry about bites, they come and nibble on our veggies every once in a while at night after the dog comes in. Makes DH furious! Oh well......AJ

By Dana on Saturday, September 18, 2004 - 02:40 pm:

How fun. I would love to have that on my window.

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