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What type(s) of pets do you have?

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive September 2004: What type(s) of pets do you have?
By Marg on Tuesday, September 14, 2004 - 03:37 am:

I guess the reason I'm writing this is our oldest dog is not well. Duke, he doesn't eat or drink much:( Maybe he's just getting older. But the vet suspects stomach/colon cancer:( We never knew his 'true background.' We got him when he was 3. His owner (older woman who passed away and her husband who took him back to where she purchased him). We found out he had a broken hip at one point in those three years and has a pin in his hip (in cold weather he can hardly go up and down steps). We also now he was treated for stomach problems but do not know exact cause or what might be the problem:(

We have a cat named Tiger (who's very mischievious).

And we have an inside/outside dog named Dutchess. She's happy go lucky. She comes and goes inside the basement and fenced area.

We were thinking of adding another inside dog (mom's dog passed away earlier in August).

It seems like 'pure-breds' are more 'sickly' than a mixed breed.

We were thinking of maybe a Scottish terrier or a Boston terrier.

I love to get dogs from the 'pounds' but you don't always know their emotion state. We had one that we had to take back that bit our middle child when she was 4:( So it's scary, it would be different if it were just dh and I. But there are 3 dds and you never know how an animal will react at home.

I do love puppies, but then there is the training, lol.

I'm just rambling. Duke isn't feeling well right now, he threw up and I gave him some medicine. I believe it has settled him for now. I feel so bad for him. The vet can not find anything (lumps or anything). He's done bloodwork, the next step would be x-rays, etc. He said it would just get costlier for something that may not be operatible:( I love Duke, he's my buddy, he's always with me wherever I go.

By Jackie on Tuesday, September 14, 2004 - 07:00 am:

Its so hard, because pets are truely apart of our families. Ive always thought of my dogs as my other children. WE have 2 inside dogs.. A black lab mix named Chelsea who is 9 1/2 yrs old and a Golden Retriever mix named Q-tip who is 4 yrs old.. IVe only had mixed breeds, and for the most part, nothing too serious has been wrong with them. I hope Duke is feeling better soon.

By Ilovetom on Tuesday, September 14, 2004 - 07:14 am:

We had two chocolate labs- they have died now, but one was blind. It was funny we moved from the river to town- about 4 miles and they both went missing. We put up signs and had given up after about a week or so when our river neighbors called and said they were back at the old house. Amazing still to me still Baby was blind.

Now we just have Tom- who I love! LOL. He is an orange cat.

Hugs to you.

By Kernkate on Tuesday, September 14, 2004 - 07:48 am:

{{{Marg}}} so sorry. Pets are truly a part of the family.
We can't have any pets. DH and DS are highly allergic to cats dogs, mostly anything with fur. Including hamster and all the.
All we have right now is a Beta.
I always had dogs and cats growing up and I really miss not having any.

By Kittycat_26 on Tuesday, September 14, 2004 - 07:59 am:

Marg, Sorry to hear about Duke. Keep your chin up high as there is always light at the end of the tunnel. Sometimes that tunnel is just pretty long.

As for pets....we have a 8 month old boxer puppy. Of which, I feel that most times we are in over our heads with. I'm pretty sure that she rules the house and just lets us live there.

We've also just in the past month or so added a betta fish for Timmy. We are considering for Christmas actually getting a bigger tank and putting it together for him. At only 3 years old though, it's still in the thinking process.

By Marg on Tuesday, September 14, 2004 - 08:34 am:

lol Amanda, dh wants a boxer (I've always had my choice of what pets come into the house). He was looking at boxers, boston terriers and scottish terriers. He's doing the looking this time, I really don't have the time.

Our local shelter is closed for renovation and are not taking any new dogs. so once all dogs are gone there won't be any for a while.

Just looking until we find the right pet. Duke gets along with any animal. The cat loves him. Though the cat can be too playful at points of time.

We've always had dogs and cats. Dh is allergic but he likes the companionship too much;)

By Trisa on Tuesday, September 14, 2004 - 09:14 am:

We have a Bordie Collie named Boots
and 2 fish.

By Fraggle on Tuesday, September 14, 2004 - 09:24 am:

We have two lab mixes. Both were from shelters. Nellie was crazy when I got her-they think she was 1 yr. old. She is now 11 and still likes to run off when she gets a chance, but she is great with the girls. Remus, was an older puppy (maybe 6 months) and he is now 11, too. He is so easy going. I am so sorry about your dog, Duke. It is so hard to see an animal suffer. Nellie has had stomach issues ever since she came home with me. Sometimes she won't eat (usually it is hard to tell, because Remus will eat her food while she is sleeping).

By Juju on Tuesday, September 14, 2004 - 09:30 am:

Sorry about duke. We cant have cats or dogs so we have a gerbil, fish and 2 hermit crabs. The hermit crabs are the best pets for kids so easy to care for and the kids are facinated with them. The crabs like to climb so the kids are always making new structurs out of lego for the crabitat.

By Tunnia on Tuesday, September 14, 2004 - 09:42 am:

I'm sorry to hear about your dog.

We have two cats and one dog. Both cats were strays that I bottle raise - one from 2 weeks of age and the other from 4 weeks of age. They are now 2 and 3 yo.

Our dog is a show quality, pure bred, Norfolk Terrier that we adopted three weeks ago. We have not had any problems with him health wise and his former owner, who owned him since he was a puppy, said that she had never had any problems with his health. He is 4yo.

By Marg on Tuesday, September 14, 2004 - 09:45 am:

lol, thanks ladies.

It's just so depressing with Duke.

We've had cocker spaniels (I had to put Shady to sleep he had cancer in his stomach that grew clear out to ear). I had another cocker spaniel (the one that bit Shannon, we took him back) We had another cocker spaniel from the animal shelter, he was older and died of old age. We had my grandfather's dog who died at 16 years old. Then we got Duke.

Duke has always been a picky eater, but now he is so much worse and has lost a lot of weight. You can even tell by his fur he is not healthy.

Thanks everyone, I just get down because he's not his old self.

By Boxzgrl on Tuesday, September 14, 2004 - 10:28 am:

(((HUGS))) Marg.

We have 2 dogs-
Siberian Husky (Nikki)
Husky/Shepherd Mix (Lexi)

3 cats-

2 iguanas

and Goldie Hawn the goldfish...... LOL!

We have just a bit of a zoo here! :)

By Kittycat_26 on Tuesday, September 14, 2004 - 10:36 am:

Marg, I assume you are talking about the Antietam Humaine Society being closed for renovations? If so, good for them. It's been a long time in coming. Also, there is a humaine society in Maugansville in the meantime.

Don't let my comments about Boxers turn you or your DH away from the breed. Rosie is wonderful and very very tolerant of Timmy. But high energy would be a big understatement for her. I've also found in the past couple of weeks that she is extremely protective. I no longer trust her around strangers if they approach to pet her and it is just me walking her. I think she would bite. I don't consider the protectiveness a bad thing but something that I need to constantly be aware of. She's all muscle and though she is on the small side of 40 pounds right now, she's strong.

Good luck.

By Palmbchprincess on Tuesday, September 14, 2004 - 11:21 am:

I'm sorry Duke is sick, Marg. It's always hard to lose a pet.
We have an APBT puppy, and a kitten. Nate used to have 2 Boxers, and loved them to death. Good dogs from what he says, he REALLY wants another one. Pure beds usually have pre-dispositions to certain illnesses. My parents lab, and one of their German Shepards had stomach problems. The Lab's stomach "flipped", and he died. The Shepard's stomach "flipped", but the vet managed to save him. Hip problems are common in pure breds, too. Poor breeding, and cross/in-breeding are probably to blame. Anyway, keep your chin up... I'm sure you've given Duke a great life. (((Marg)))

By Rayanne on Tuesday, September 14, 2004 - 11:51 am:


I'm so sorry. I know how you feel. We have one dog, a miniature Yorkie named Gizmo. He was our first baby. I don't know what I would without him. If he is sick, I am at the vets before you can blink.

By Jelygu on Tuesday, September 14, 2004 - 12:38 pm:

So sorry about Duke...

We have a beagle and a husky/shephard mix. Sometimes they drive me crazy, but what would I do without them?

By Nicosmom on Tuesday, September 14, 2004 - 02:11 pm:

Sorry to hear about Duke. Mixed breed dogs really do seem to have less health issues. Advice from a dog groomer, don't forget that Scottie's need regular groomings. A Boston Terrier would probably be a good breed to have with kids. Usually Cocker Spaniels are not recommended to have with children. Don't get me wrong, there are exceptions, but they tend to have attitudes.

I have a Chihuahua named Carmine. I got him when he was 8mo. from a 17 year old girl who spoiled him ROTTEN, even carrying him in a harness on her back..or maybe front. Then she got pregnant and needed to get rid of him. We also have a cat, Smokey and a hamster, Geo. I could not imagine not having animals. My house was always full of dogs growing up.

By Marg on Tuesday, September 14, 2004 - 02:35 pm:

Thanks ladies, every time I read this post I swell up with tears. I know in my heart it is a matter of time:( Duke is very protective of me and dks. I know if anyone came into the house he would take ahold of them. He watches how I interact with people before he takes action.

He is so obedient. He mostly lies on one of my low rocking chairs. This morning I came home from town and couldn't find him. I screaming through the house and thinking OH NO!!!

He must have gotten into our bathroom and the wind blew the door shut or something. There sat Duke and our cat in our bathroom. It was a cute sight but almost gave me a heart attack.

I think dh would like to get another dog (we've mostly had two in the house at one time) before something happens to Duke. He knows how hard it will be on me.

I will not go with another Cocker Spaniel, only our first Shady, was nice around children. But he was beaten as a pup, you could tell by his actions.

I also will not go with a dalmation (heard they can be nasty with kids also).

Scotties are cute but they look like they need a lot of grooming. Long hair around the face just makes me think a lot of grooming involved. I don't do my own grooming. Duke even needs groomed about every 2-3 months.

I will tell dh to look into boxers and boston terriers. I think boston terriers are really cute:)

Thanks once again ladies, it sounds like we have a lot in common:)

By Shellyg on Tuesday, September 14, 2004 - 03:16 pm:

Oh I am so, so sorry about your Duke. I know how they can grow to be part of you family. Heck, I cook two meals a night... One for my husband and kids, and one for my dogs! If I can help you out in any way with finding a right breed (or mixed) let me know. I run a non profit dog rescue out of Los Angeles, Ca.
I have Three doggie. All indoor.
Dutch. Almost 2 year old, 130 pound Bull Mastiff. He just had a non cancerous tumor removed from his head on Wednesday. I rescued the whole litter when they were on the way to the shelter.
Rusti..4 year old Boxer/Ridgeback... So sweet and mellow. Rules the house. Thrown away in the trash can when she was five weeks old.
Julia 3 year old long haired doxie. Rescued from another dogs mouth, he was trying to eat her, she was only two weeks old. She is the smallest 11 pounds and beats up the other two dogs.
We also have a Cat who is semi ferel, a Beta, and a HUGE turtle.
My main love was my Pit Bull Patch. This poor guy was abused in the worst way.. Tested products on! Horrible! He passed away last year at the age of 15, he was my heart and the reason I do what I do to rescue dogs.

By Marg on Tuesday, September 14, 2004 - 03:18 pm:

Shellyg~ are there any rescues near me:(

Boxers, boston terriers or scotties.

I tried the internet and they look to be pretty far away from me.


By Shellyg on Tuesday, September 14, 2004 - 03:58 pm:

Have you tried Petfinder? Punch in your zip code. Let me know if that helps.

By Marg on Tuesday, September 14, 2004 - 05:04 pm:

wow and thanks shellyg, but that is so depressing seeing all those dogs:( wish I had a bigger home!

By Dawnk777 on Wednesday, September 15, 2004 - 12:07 am:

Sorry about your dog! We had a sick dog in March. It's not easy to send them to the rainbow bridge.

In April, we adopted an Australian cattledog named Jasmine.

Just one pet at a time. That's enough to pay for and worry about!

By Cocoabutter on Wednesday, September 15, 2004 - 12:23 am:

We have a 3-yr-old yellow lab/airdale terrier mix. She is a very strong healthy gal!

I haven't seen how old Duke is. If a dog dies after a long life, then he may have been a healthy breed.

My family has always had good luck with terrier-mixes. My grandparents had a terrier/spaniel mix that lived for 14 years.

When I was a kid, we had a German Shepard that lived for 10 years. After I got married, my parents got a shepard/lab mix and he lived for 10 years but got real sick before he died.

My neighbor had a beagle that only lived for 3 years. He died mysteriously of hepatitis.

I agree mixes might be a better bet. If a certain breed is suseptible to certian diseases, then having a mix might decrease the chances of disease.

It is always real hard to say goodbye to a family member (of all species). Ask your vet what they can do to ease the impact. My grandparents' vet came to their home and put him down there. They then received a sympathy card and a single rose.

Good luck!

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