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Preterm labor signs -anyone BTDT?

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive September 2004: Preterm labor signs -anyone BTDT?
By Emdee on Friday, September 10, 2004 - 07:37 pm:

I can't tell what is going on right now with my pregnancy. I am almost 18 weeks and feel like I have been having contractions for a week now. I delivered early with dd (water broke about 33 weeks) so I am a little paranoid. Anyway, how do you know if it is contractions this early? I feel alot of tightening--weird pain at times--but the outside of my stomach doesn't always feel as tight as it feels on the inside. If they really were contractions, would my stomach be rock hard this early? Yesterday I didn't feel the tightening as much, just ALOT of very low abdomen sharp pains. But for the last few hours it feels like I am constantly tightening up. Thanks for the advice. When is it normal and when should I call the dr? I absolutely hate complaining to a dr and then be told it is normal, even though I know that is what they are there for.

By Mommyathome on Friday, September 10, 2004 - 08:04 pm:

Definitely call the Dr!!! You are paying them a LOT :)
Especially since you are only 18 weeks along. That is not good if they really are contractions. I think you should see the Dr. ASAP!!
If you were 35 + weeks and were feeling the contractions, I would feel a bit safer about it. But, where you are so early in pregnancy...just call!
And, be sure to keep us updated on how you are feeling.

By Monicamomof3 on Friday, September 10, 2004 - 09:21 pm:

You should call the Dr. to double check your concern. However, I had Braxton Hicks contractions at 20 wks with my first two and at17 wks with my third. The contractions continued and intensified as my preg. progressed. When I was about 8 months preg. I would have a contraction about every 45 min. all day long, especially at night. I also felt sharp pains in the area sort of where my ovaries are. Every pain, according to my medical provider, was normal. Supposedly, the pains are usually tendons and ligaments stretching around your growing uterous. BUT- that is what your Dr. is for. They should welcome your concerns...that is their job!

By Christylee on Friday, September 10, 2004 - 09:26 pm:

Call your doctor definately... I went into preterm labor with my son in November, he wasn't born until February. Just be on the safe side because if they are contractions they can be stopped.

BTW, just for a peace of mind, that's not what mine felt like early on but I'd call to be sure and be checked out.

By Amyj on Friday, September 10, 2004 - 09:40 pm:

I agree, you should check with your doctor. Like Monica, I had Braxton Hicks starting early, I think around 18 weeks. I was worried, but everything was fine. I did end up delivering early, 3 weeks with my first and 2 1/2 weeks early with the second. With my second, I has intense contractions for a month before she was born. I guess being in labor for a month helped everything go fast once it really started. She was born within an hour of my water breaking! Let us know what the doctor says.

By Karen~moderator on Friday, September 10, 2004 - 10:23 pm:

I had Braxton Hicks early on, but with Jeff it was *more* than that. Sounds a lot like what you are talking about. I went into labor with him at around 24 weeks. I was hospitalized for a week to stop the labor and stabilize things and went home on bedrest and meds. He was born @ 37 weeks.

Don't take chances, call your doc!

By Dana on Saturday, September 11, 2004 - 09:48 am:

I'm no help here, but I am at 18 wks also and understand how you feel about trying to figure it out. Twice now, during my 16 and 17 wks, I experienced what I "thought" might be contractions. Certainly a tightening in my abdomen. Both times mine occured while preparing dinner. I kept resting during prep time and finally just had to sit and let it stop. It was painful as well. Once it ended I was fine, but it was very scary.

Because I've been having such digestive problems, I have no clue if it was my uterus or my intestines contracting. I never did call the dr simply because I was afraid I was being foolish.

But they sure felt like the braxton hicks I experienced with DD near the end of pregnancy. As I said, I'm of no help, but I'm there with you!

By Palmbchprincess on Saturday, September 11, 2004 - 01:15 pm:

Another vote for call the Dr. I went into early labor (dialated to 1, and regular contractions) at 24 weeks, and a few other times during the end of my pregnancy. I wouldn't have known, (I didn't even feel pain for the first 12 hours of labor) unless I had been at the Dr. Since I was carrying multiples I was there every week, and constantly monitored. Go in... best to find out for certain, and that's why we pay them!!!

By Emdee on Saturday, September 11, 2004 - 03:19 pm:

Thanks everyone. They have tapered off--yesterday they were very consistent for 2-3 hours, but today they are better. I will call the dr Monday and probably go in just to be on the safe side. Since I went into labor early last time, I just wanted to be on the safe side this time around (without worrying over nothing).

By Lauram on Saturday, September 11, 2004 - 03:35 pm:

When you say consistent, were they regular? (If you timed them were they regularly spaced apart?) If so, I would call the DR NOW! Don't wait until Monday. If they were not regular call on MOnday and ask to be seen. I had prelabor from 28 weeks until I delivered at 36 weeks. I went to the hospital 13 times during that time period. Better safe than sorry. You are too early to not be vigilant about it. ALso, drink LOTS of water (I had to chug about a gallon of water at once each time it happened). That really helps.

By Audreyj on Saturday, September 11, 2004 - 11:02 pm:


I had two premies.

With my first daughter, I thought the contractions were Braxton Hicks. But they were coming every thirty minutes or so....very light. That was on Nov. 8. I rested a lot, drank lots of water, just to be safe, but I was sure they were just Braxton Hicks, then, that night, my water broke. I was in labor four days because the doc. kept running test to see if the baby's lungs were fully developed, and since my contractions were not strong, to keep the baby inside as long as possible. My first child was born on the morning of November 11.

Sweetie, I swear I am not trying to scare you but I was just so sure that I was just in "false labor" and it was the real thing!

On the positive side, my premie baby who was born with no eyebrows or eyelashes and who was allergic to breast milk and really put us through the wringer on NICU is now a beautiful, healthy, independant, (labeled "profoundly gifted" by the public school system) reading on a 7th grade level...nothing wrong with this kid's
little challenging handful.

Really, please go get checked out. Better safe than sorry. Everything turned out okay for me. But I was so sure those contractions I felt in the afternoon were "false" and then my water broke that night, I have often wondered if I had gone in right away if my baby still would have been born early....AJ

By Pamt on Saturday, September 11, 2004 - 11:20 pm:

I agree--call the doctor. That's what he/she is there for. I have no advise though. I was induced both times because my babies didn't want to come out and play :)

By Emdee on Sunday, September 12, 2004 - 08:28 am:

I hate it that it is the weekend! Last night they were there again for a few hours--I couldn't get up and move around without them starting back (at least it sure felt like contractions). But again, the outside of my stomach isn't rock hard, but the inside felt very tight. But yesterday we were out alot and I didn't feel anything, so it doesn't make sense to me. I started feeling alot of "pelvic" pain and aching last night also, but it went away every time when I would lay down. I am going to get ready for church and see how I feel. If they start again, I will probably go in today. If not, I will wait until tomorrow. If it was the week, I would have been there yesterday, but I hate going into L$D just for this if it is nothing. With my last dd, I went into ER in the middle of the night saying my water had broke (33 weeks and leaking fluid) only to have them send me home saying I was peeing, alhtough I knew for sure it wasn't pee. I then went back 4 days later when I started bleeding with the fluid and sure enough I was right. So I guess that is my worry!

By Karen~moderator on Sunday, September 12, 2004 - 11:30 am:

If your symptoms are going away when you lie down, that is your body telling you something. You need to stay off your feet as much as possible right now.

Just prior to going into early labor with Jeff, I had been up on a ladder painting our apartment, ignoring the things that were going on with my body.

Do NOTHING strenuous today, and if everything is pretty much OK, you might be OK. DO call you doc in the morning. You don't want to take needless chances!!!

By Audreyj on Sunday, September 12, 2004 - 11:45 am:

Hey again.
More BTDT. My second child was a premie as well. This time I was ready! (LOL) Not really, we are never ready for our babies to come early. But I was more knowledgeable. Anyway, I went in to the doctor's office several times. Sometimes I was right, sometimes not....but I always went in, even if it was the emergency room.

My second child came into the world the same way, I had light contractions several times only this time when I had them, I went in....on the bright side sometimes they were able to give me medication to stop them, so my second child was not born as early as my first one. The visits that stick out in my mind were: December 23 (two days before Christmas) January 19 (My Mother-in-Law's Birthday) January 25 (two days before my birthday, wondering if my daughter would be born on my birthday) and Feb. 3. Feb. 3 sticks out in my mind because the doc. said the baby had stopped moving and there was some fear that she had died or was having complications. So, I stayed in the hospital all day, but then, that night, she started moving around again. Finally, my water broke on Feb. 9 and the baby was born Feb. 11. So both my kids were premies, and both we born on the 11th! Nov. 11 and Feb. 11. With my second daughter, I went into the doc.'s office or E.R. more times than these but these are the times it "stuck out" in my mind because of the holidays and because these were the more "serious" times that required medication to stop the contractions.

Anyway, the point I am trying to make is that BECAUSE I went in often and BECAUSE I didn't care what the doc. or staff thought, If I had pain, even a little pain, I was in the ER or the doc.'s office, my second child was not as early as my first.

Sometimes I could tell the staff/doc. thought I was over reacting and coming in too much but I didn't care. Yes, it was a little embarrassing to see the "eye roll" smile at the overprotective Mommy but it was even better to see my daughter born at 35 weeks. Now, she still had underdeveloped lungs and she needed a respirator the first 48 hours and she didn't take her first bottle (allergic to breast milk, too) until Feb. 14 (fed intravenously) and she was on morphine (1cc every three hours) but my first child was on NICU about 3 weeks and my second child was out and at home with fully developed lungs and thriving within 7 days. So, staying on top of it really did make a difference.

My uterus and bladder prolapsed with my second child and my uterus had to be removed and I had to have bladder surgery. Other than being overweight my health is fine today, but no more babies for me! I was very sad about that but I am okay with it now. I love my kids.

Anyway, I shared all of that with you because I can understand the "should I stay or should I go?" Mommy blues, the inconveinance, the copays, the higher copay at emergency, the occaisional "rolled eyes" and the combination relief/embarrassment when it turns out to be a false alarm.

But nothing, nothing, can compare with that few extra weeks you might give your little one in utereo because you were vigilant. My second child had a much easier time than my first one because with my second one, I was cautious.

Okay, enough soapbox from me. :-)


By Emdee on Sunday, September 12, 2004 - 03:37 pm:

Well, thanks for all the advice. I did end up going in after church. On the way to church and then during church I was having regular contractions as long as I was on my feet. So I took that as a sign to get it checked out. Thankfully I am not dilated any, no UTI, etc. But since I am just 18 weeks the dr said to take it easy as much as possible, come back if things get worse. Then at 24 weeks, since the baby is considered viable, we would re-evaluate things and if they were still like now I guess bedrest would be the solution. The sad thing is is that I have been taking it easy and I am still contracting, so I hope it helps, at least until the baby is viable! But anyway, thanks to all! What an emotional journey!

By Lauram on Sunday, September 12, 2004 - 03:54 pm:

Just remember, that means you need to be EXTRA vigilant until 24 weeks. If you feel ANYTHING, call the dr. Staying off your feet really does help- and drink LOTS of water- you'll feel like you are swimming in it, but it really does help. Even if it happens at 2 AM, make sure you call the dr. or just go to the ER. I usually just called the dr and met him/her in L and D at the hospital. I agree with Audrey though- there is nothing like keeping that baby in as long as you can. I made it to 36 weeks (but was in bed from 28). IT was scary, boring, awful- but so worth it in the long run.

By Dana on Monday, September 13, 2004 - 11:37 am:

Just checking in on you Emdee. Prayers sent to you.

By Emdee on Monday, September 13, 2004 - 12:57 pm:

Dana, thanks for asking--things are okay. I really don't know how you take it easy with a 16 month old at home, but we are trying! I think this is going to be a long journey to the end! I hope your back gets better and you can figure out what is going on! I am sure it is frustrating just not knowing why it is hurting.

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