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School costs

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive September 2004: School costs
By Mrse on Thursday, September 9, 2004 - 10:42 am:

How much do you mom's end up spending to get your kids into school, supplies, school costs, ? Just wondering because it seems to be getting worse. My middle daughter who is in, grade 11, 40.00 school fee, $ 18.00 for automotive for coveralls, and saftey glasses, 2 sketch books for art plus $15.00. Then the first day of school they sent out school photo pamphlet, which they give you one week notice. Never mind all the normal supplies they needed. I know some of you are teachers, is the budgets that bad, that we have to pay all this extra money? Last year my neice was told to bring in computer paper , each student was to bring computer paper for the office, as they were low on paper???? Our school for instance spent extra money on a mural, for the gym, but did not have eneough money in the budget for paper? something is wrong here.

By Mommyathome on Thursday, September 9, 2004 - 11:33 am:

My kids are in elementary school, so we don't have that many fees.
$28 per child per month for lunch is about the only thing I can think of.
The school supplies all of the materials they need.
School clothes was our biggest expense, but it's not required of course.

By Audreyj on Thursday, September 9, 2004 - 11:47 am:

I do not know what your situation is but I will share mine with you because I am having some serious culture shock! (LOL) And still trying to adjust.

I have homeschooled my kids until this year. My seven year old begged and begged to be allowed to attend public school all summer so, we enrolled her. I really believe that if a child really wants to make an effort in a certain direction, the parent should encourage it. So, after a summer of prayer and visits to the school and "checking it out" through the county and the internet--we agreed to let her go....

Okay, I am 40, so it has been a while since I have been exposed to the school system.

I remember school starting the Monday after Labor Day, so I was thinking of getting all the paperwork and such ready over the summer.....NOPE!! School here in GA starts on August 11! Still summer time! Our class day began around 8AM or 8:30 AM WRONG AGAIN! Elementary school starts at 7:30 AM and ends at 2PM (meaning these little kids are getting up around 6:30 AM to be in class by 7:30 AM) No more "time out" now, they use "color charts" the child changes their color for misbehavior and has to miss part of recess for each color change and THEN THERE IS THE MONEY!

Now, I was prepared for school clothes (Old Navy and Target) about $150 to last til serious cold weather. School supply lists (Walmart) around $40, but now it seems I am being "hit up" for money or volunteer time or both every time I turn around!

First it was "class supply lists" for parties. We got a letter from the "class Mom" that each child was to contribute $20 for class parties for the year, well, okay, I can do that. Then they had a PTA fundraiser to sell wrapping paper (at about a 200% mark up) or candy. Okay, we can do that, we raised about $60. Spent about $30. Now, the school is having a carnival Saturday for a fundraiser and each ride, show or event costs $2 (There are about 10 events and I have 2 kids so this is probably another $40). Then there's photo day, in advance, $40 per photo package. And there will be a consignment sale and Halloween fun day in October and I am expected to help sale stuff or buy stuff. And, oh yeah, I forgot "barter" day, if your child has good behavior then once per month your child may bring in some items to "barter" with the other kids on "barter" day. Well, my daughter doesn't want to "barter" any of her stuff but she was invited to barter day because she had great behavior for the month of August (it is an honor to be asked to participate) so I told her we would make a trip to Dollar General and pick up some things for her to barter with......not to mention that my four year old daughter needs glasses, hubby needs to go to the dentist, I need to get my check up at the doc's it never seems to end.....I know this is long but I am wondering the same thing about money and about the personal costs as well....I thought letting my daughter go to public school would give me a "break" and allow me to spend more time with my younger child, homeschooling her, but for right now, the public school seems to be taking over our lives and our finances...I think public schooling is harder!

Oh well, this has turned into a vent....sorry about that.....School has only been in session a few weeks maybe all this time and money settles down after things get "rolling along" so to speak......AJ

By Mrsheidi on Thursday, September 9, 2004 - 12:13 pm:

Being a public high school teacher for 5 years in 3 different states...the school budgets are TERRIBLE. We (the teachers) had to buy our own paper and get kids to bring in any other supplies for the most part. I hated to "Nickel and Dime" the parents, but it was the only way to do labs that were fun! What was more sad, is that I had to put that the money requested was a "donation" to dissect the pigs, rats, etc. So, the kids that donated covered the costs of the kids that didn't. It just wasn't fair. (It was funny...the kids that didn't donate money always seemed to find a way to spend at least $2 every day on the snack machines though...hhhmmmm.) I was ALWAYS very grateful though. The teachers are on such limited budgets and overcrowding is yet another issue that causes budget concerns. PTA has always been SUCH a great help too. I would see if they can help raise money to subsidize some of those costs.

Above all, it sounds like it's the elective classes that need the money. The schools prioritize their money towards the core classes and usually shortchange the sad, but you can understand why? They put $ into the classes that are tested by the state which, in turn, shows how good of a school they are. Those school reports are public knowledge. That's why electives can be so shortlived, but it's those classes that inspire most kids to explore their own interests!

By Pamt on Thursday, September 9, 2004 - 01:20 pm:

My kids go to private school in 2nd and 5th grades. We spent about $50 each on school supplies, but only b/c we didn't need new backpacks this year. Our killer is the "one check" payment by which you have to pay for all field trips, special field trip shirts, class fund,($25/kid and I have no idea what this goes for!!!), class parties (which are waaay too elaborate IMHO--space walks, renting out the skating rink), etc. That was about $175 per child and must be written the first 2 weeks of school. I have no idea how parents with 4+ kids juggle it, esp. when you consider they have to pay tuition too!

By Mommmie on Thursday, September 9, 2004 - 01:38 pm:

Our city's newspaper recently wrote an article about the outrageous amounts parents are supposed to spend on "school" supplies - ream of paper, chalk, Sharpies, window cleaner, toilet paper, paper towels, etc. and this in a majority minority, majority free lunch city district. They quoted a mom who said (in Spanish) that for her 5 kids it would cost $1,000. They interviewed some non-profit agencies that help these folks by giving them their supplies and they are just appalled. They can't afford it either. Course, the kids who do bring the stuff are covering for those who bring nothing which is why 1 child is required to bring 6 boxes of tissue.

The schools in Texas are having a terrible time financially. There is one wealthy district nearby that requires the moms to run the cafeterias at the elementary schools for free. It's all volunteer work. They have no paid cafeteria staff.

To play sports is starting to cost the older kids hundreds of dollars per sport, too. Also, it costs to park on campus.

My son attends a private school where no supplies are required. The school buys it all and gives it to the kids. They all use the exact same notebook with the school logo on it with the exact same dividers. They give them everything, pencils, paper, binders, folders, class parties, pizza, field trips (not the overnight ones). It comes out of tuition, of course, but I'm not nickle and dimed along the way.

A few years ago my son was in a religious private school (not the school he is at now which is for LD kids) and they extorted money from parents. The kids would do some art project which, of course, the child was oh so proud of and if the parent wanted to take it home, it costs $5. These were considered fundraisers. I never bought. I thought it was absurd. This is when I explained what the word extortion means.

By Dawnk777 on Thursday, September 9, 2004 - 02:31 pm:

High school student
$84 for school fees including an activity card and the yearbook
$11 for band uniform dry cleaning
$25.50 for pictures that are taken at registration
$88 for graphing calculator
$50 for general school supplies
$27. for zipped hoodie with school logo
$27 for school sweatshirt for me

We also need to shell out $100 for band trip to FL, tomorrow. Think FL will be back together by April? I think they are going to Disney World.

On registration day, we kicked out $174.50!
Then whatever we end up spending on clothes. Have bought a few things, but it's not cold yet, so we have time to buy more.

Middle school student:

$26 for registration
$21.75 for pictures, also taken at registration
$48.50 for general school supplies.

Still needs more clothes.

We go to the public school, too!

By Anonymous on Thursday, September 9, 2004 - 04:11 pm:

Our budget has been recently slashed so now we have user fees. Bus user fees, sports, most extra-curricular activities, parking fees, etc. I don't have a problem with fees for extra-curricular activities. I'd rather pay for what my kids participate in than have my property taxes go up any more. For those who qualify for free lunch, these things are also free.

as far as the fund raisers go, I do not participate in them as most of the stuff is over-priced crap.

I also live and work in the same district, so that puts me in a often difficult situation with either the school higher ups, when I say I don't support the new budgets or with neighbors if I say I do.

Because this is the internet and I do work and live in the same district, I am chosing to go anon. If this is not ok, just delete my post.

By Mrse on Thursday, September 9, 2004 - 07:09 pm:

It sure looks like, my supplies/costs are not that bad , now that I see what you other mom's are paying. I am not sure what my supplies actually were, the first trip into town was 60.00, then we went again the get the rest, but I had other stuff in the basket as well, I have not totalled it all up yet. I only had to buy for two kids ,as my oldest graduated.

By Melanie on Thursday, September 9, 2004 - 08:07 pm:

When my oldest son started K, my friend, whose daughter was also in K, and I had a conversation about being surprised over how many "opportunities" there were to give money to the school. LOL. I loved how she worded it. I haven't received the packet yet for this school year, so let me see what I remember. There was $185 for the bus per child (LOL, thanks, but I think I will make the five minute drive myself and save $370!), $15 for emergency food/water, yearbook fee, request for supplies (request, not required), field trip fee, and $250 donation per child. When I see that packet come home I just sit down with the old checkbook and get it over with. It does add up quick!

By Kate on Thursday, September 9, 2004 - 09:00 pm:

Melanie...emergency food and water??? Is this earthquake stuff? And a random $250 donation??? Pam, your expenses sound absurd too, as do the over the top parties! Yikes!

We're at a new (private) school and so far all my third grader needed was two folders, a pack of wide lined paper (for HERSELF, not the office copier or computer printers!!!) pencils, and a box of tissues. They did say if other supplies are needed they will let us know. They also offer the schoolpop program and will allow you to put the money your purchases earn toward your OWN child's tuition.

The old (private) school was famous for nickel and diming.

By Melanie on Thursday, September 9, 2004 - 09:46 pm:

Yes Kate, it is earthquake stuff. Just in case. The '89 quake that collapsed part of the SF Bay Bridge actually had it's epicenter very close to where we live. Our downtown was completely destroyed during that quake. So that one is legit. LOL. The donation is completely voluntary, of course, but that is the amount they ask for from each family.

By Kate on Thursday, September 9, 2004 - 10:48 pm:

Whew, Melanie! When I first read it I was thinking HUH? Is this in case a child forgets his snack or lunch or something? Then I recalled you're a CA girl. Stay safe out there!

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