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Water Retention & Last weeks of Pregnancy

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive September 2004: Water Retention & Last weeks of Pregnancy
By Amecmom on Wednesday, September 8, 2004 - 10:33 am:

Ok, all you BTDT moms, I need some tips. I'm due in a week and am miserable. What did you do for water retention, pregnancy carpal tunnel, and getting some sleep? I'd hoped since I did not gain a lot that I wouldn't be having these problems, but here they are ...

By Karen~moderator on Wednesday, September 8, 2004 - 10:57 am:

For the water retention, watch your sodium/salt intake closely. Drink water with some lemon juice in it and try to keep your feet elevated. That's pretty much all you can do for that.

Can't help you with the sleep issue - in those last weeks, it's so hard to get comfortable.

As for the pregnancy carpal tunnel, I had no idea that was even possible until recently. Do have have it in both hands? Have you tried the carpal tunnel braces? I have carpal tunnel in both hands and wear the braces from time to time. I tend to close my fists and curl my hands towards my wrists when I sleep and that's the worst thing you can do. Many docs say wearing the braces when you sleep is the best time.

Hang in there, you're almost done!

By Tink on Wednesday, September 8, 2004 - 11:07 am:

I have no idea about the carpal tunnel but the only way I was semi-comfortable with all the swelling was to spend as much time in the pool as possible. My doc also said that the pressure from the water on all sides would help push some of the extra water out of my system and make me more comfortable when I was out of the pool. Watch your sodium intake but my retention was terrible no matter how careful I was. Asparagus and watermelon are both natural diuretics and safe to eat all day long while you are preggo. You might try both of those. For sleep, pillows, pillows, pillows. They don't make it all better but I would have 2 behind my head, one between my knees, one under my stomach and one behind my back. DH didn't have much of the bed there at the end. Good luck! It will all be worth it in a week!

By Amecmom on Wednesday, September 8, 2004 - 12:00 pm:

Thanks Karen and Cori!
I have the carpal tunnel in both hands, but my right is worse. It's so swollen... I had no idea that closing your hand and curling it toward your wrist made it worse! That's exactly how I sleep. I don't think I need to get the braces because the doc assures me this will go away.
I've been doing the pillow thing (luckily we have a king), but thanks for reminding me about asparagus and watermelon. I have both in the house and will eat a lot of both this week.

By Emily7 on Wednesday, September 8, 2004 - 01:16 pm:

I feel for you. Like Karen said drink lots of water.
I got an exercise ball & curled over it so my dh could give me a really great massage before bed every helped a little.

By Karen~moderator on Wednesday, September 8, 2004 - 03:10 pm:

Ame, when you curl your hands like that, it puts pressure on the carpal tunnel walls, compressing them, thereby putting pressure on the median nerve. Mine is much better since I'm conscious of sleeping that way. Often I deliberately put my hands under my pillow to keep them opened and my wrists straight.

Here's a basic website about carpal tunnel:
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

By Hdelfuego on Wednesday, September 8, 2004 - 03:45 pm:

If the swelling gets really bad, put cabbage leaves on them. If your feet swell for ex. put cabbage leaves all around them and put on socks. Somehow the cabbage sucks out the swelling. My doc told me about it when I was pg. It also works in your bra when your engorged after the baby comes. Warning: it stinks bc your body heat actually cooks the cabbage, but if its bad enough you'll do anything.
My arms hurt all the way from my elbow to my hand. Unfornately for me, it didn't go completely away until my dd was a couple months old.

By Amecmom on Wednesday, September 8, 2004 - 04:16 pm:

lol Holly! What a house we'll have! My parents are here to help out. I love them dearly, but they tend to cook smelly things like fish and garlic!!! I almost got knocked over by the smell when I came down today after a nap. Diapers, fish, garlic and cabbage!!
Yes, that's the kind of pain it is, from elbow to fingertips, with pins and needles and stiffness and pain. No fun.
Karen, I tried that during my nap today. I think it helped. I also put a pillow under my feet to elevate them.

By Amecmom on Friday, September 10, 2004 - 05:18 pm:

Thank you so much ladies for your advice!!!! Sleeping with my hands in the right position and a slight change in my diet have worked wonders! Also, my OB recommended lying down on my side for a little while during the day. That's also helped.

It was really bad last week with all the physical and emotional stress I was under with my sister in law's passing. I think that's why it got so bad.

By Trina~moderator on Friday, September 10, 2004 - 09:29 pm:

{{{Amecmom}}} Hang in there! You're in the home stretch now. Anxiously awaiting your birth announcement! :)

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