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My birthstory-Long

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive September 2004: My birthstory-Long
By Jackie on Sunday, September 5, 2004 - 09:39 am:

Sorry this is so long...thank you if you get to the end, hope it doesnt bore anybody LOL :)

Anyways, originally I was scheduled to be induced Aug 16th..Last Wednesday Aug 12 I was experieincing contractions late in the evening..they werent really painful but very intense pressure wise. I was keeping track, and they were like every 5-7 minutes, some were 3 minutes, but not painful... But I was still scared, I mean I was worried if I was in real labor I wouldnt make it to the hospital.. I went to sleep for an hr, got up around midnight, and timed them for 2 hrs, they didnt increase, but didnt go away. I went to bed for another 3 hrs, and got up and finally told my husband.. I called the dr on call, and she said if I wasnt sure come to L&D and get checked out.
After making last minute arrangements for the kids, we left the house, but my husband insisted on stopping by his work to pick up work to do in the hospital, he figured it would/might be a long day...We dropped kids off and then ended up at hospital around 8:30...I was hooked up to the monitors, and was having contractions but not very regular...Dr checked me out and said I was only 1-2 cm, and cervix was soft. This wasnt my regular dr, as she was on vacation this week, but it was her husband who works in the same office with her.. So it wasmy 2nd choice for drs.. He said I could stay,but wouldnt induce me until that evening, wanted to see if my body would do something on its own. PLus he was running between 2 hospitals all day and wanted to wait. he said it would be a boring day for us, but just to hang out and walk and basically do "Whatever".. I was told I could have a liquid diet, which consisted of popsicles(which I dont like)and was given apple juice and some gingerale.. I do not like ginger ale, asked if I could get a sprite, and the nurse said that was fine.. I was hooked up to monitors for an hr, then let up to walk thehalls..Nothing happend..I watched more tv that day then I have all yr
The dr was at the other hospital, and the nurse kept paging him as to when he was coming back, as he had 2 patients waiting to be induced, me and another lady.. He wouldnt allow them to start the pitocin until he got back..
Aroudn 10pm he finally came and saw me... He had the RN finally get the IV set up, and then broke my water.. thats the first my water has ever had to be broken. The dr didnt say anything, but after he left I asked my husband if the water was clear, and he said he thought so.. LOL
Anyways, the dr instructed nurse to set up husband asked the dr when I would be able to get the epidural, and dr said "Whenever she wants it and is in pain!".. WOW, what a cool dr, I thought he would say when I was 3or 4 cm.. I was ok with pitocin for about 2 hrs, it was set at #2.. Dr told nurse not to put it any higher as he was off to the other hospital again, had 3 babies over there to be delivered..Around midnight I told Nurse I was ready for epi.. I wasnt in big pain, but lots of cramping and figured "What the heck, I want it now" nurse said no problem she would get the anesthesia man.. She said I could have a shot of some painkiller in my IV.. and I said ok.. she put it in, and immediatley my head started to swim, and itmade me tired.. 5 mintues later anestheisa man was there, hooking me up, it took a few tries but got it in. I didnt go completely numb but enough I felt no contractions..he said it wasnt at full level.. I thought that was pretty darn cool, it would only get better...if I only could read the future with the epi...

Anyways, I finally was able to sleep.. well as much as I could when people are constantly coming in to check things, do bloodpressure..My husband fell asleep immediately snoring away, which was so annoying..
Anyways around 4:30am I told the nurse I could feel the pressure again, so she asked anestheisa man if she could increase the epi and was able to do so.. BUT it didnt work , she checked me around that time I was only at 4cm...she said he gave her a strong dose to put in, still didnt work , but this time I was verging on tears....I was next in line for Anesthesia man to come in.. At 5:30.. I was crying, she checked me I was at 5cm....and crying alot...the nurse felt so bad for me, saying "Jackie Im so sorry.." what can I do for you etc... she was just as sweet as could be...I kept telling her how I kept feeling the pressure moving down further and further.. how I felt the urge to push.. she kept checking and I was at 8cm...I was crying so loud and hard, grabbing the sidebar.. my husband was in tears with me at this point.. he knew how I suffered with my 2nd, as I didnt get the epi at all, no time... and here I was at the hospital a wholeday ahead of now I was sweating and dizzy and she gave me a wet cold washcloth for my head....I kept my eyes closed and said again Ineed to push, Ineed somehelp PLEASE!! by then Anesthesia man was finally here, she checked and I was 10and comeplete and she could see the head(Meanwhile she told dr to get their STAT, he was in the oncall room down the hall).. anesthesia man said I could try to reset the epi, but youd have the baby out by then... I kept telling nurse "I NEED TO PUSH", and she said 'Do whatever you need to do"...I didnt even see my dr come in, as I had my eyes closed crying under the wet washcloth.. I saw him, and himand nurse helped me get my feet in the stirrup thing...meanwhile They gave me 2 shots of something in IV, didnt take the pain away, but made me tired...dr said push when you feel like it.. I pushed 4 times and he said "STOP", suctioned her mouth, and on push 5, Baby Faith entered the world.. Right before she came out I was crying in pain.. when I saw her in the drs arms, me and my husband cried in happiness.. My little baby who I waited for so long,and suffered somuch loss before her, was finally here....It was such a surreal moment for me. I swear it was as If I was looking at her from outside my body.. if that makes sense.. After 4 losses before her made things so much different...My husband helped cut the cord, they laid her on me, and we all helped rub her clean.Then the nurses took her to the warming bed, and cleaned her and weighed her....meanwhile dr was stichingme up, said I had 3rd degree tears OUCH!He got my placenta delivered..During all this we made 2 phonecalls...
My nurse was such a sweetie..s he stayed passed her shift just to be with me through the end. I guess they change shifts around 6;30 or so, her replacement came in and said "Betsy, you can go now"...Betsy replied 'No Im staying until the end.."...during the course of the night when she would come and check on me, we were chatting..about our families and all, and I told her about all my miscarriages and all that ...I felt like she really got to know me during the course of the night..
Anyways...after Baby Faith was all cleaned up, she was given to me.. I couldnt help but stare at her little face.. and the first thing I said was "Ive been waiting for you for such a long time.."...At that moment, even though she was less then an hr old... I felt as if her spirit had been with me for yrs, just waiting until be born...I remembered my 4 losses before her while holding her, and just "Felt" that she was suppose to be here, regardless of my losses... It was very emotional for me those first few moments holding her...
After the drs and nurses left, we got to be with her alone for an hr...Then they takeher to the nursery for more tests and my husband went with her.. I was left alone to doze for a bit.. Another nurse came in,and helped me clean up...She was wonderful as well.. She had a bunch of warm wash clothes for me set up, and that plastic water bottle filled with warm water, to help after using the restroom..She helped me into the bathroom, gave me a clean fresh gown, and showed me all my supplies...after peeing for what seemd liked 10 minutes LOL, she came back in and helped me clean up, and put all those pads down there... After that, I was taken to the regular room...I think the baby was in the nursery for about 2 hrs...It was ok, as it gave me time to doze on and off...
Faith entered the world healthy and beautiful Aug 13, 2004 weighing 7 pounds 8 ounces, and 19 1/2 inches long...
We were released Saturday Aug 14th around 2pm... And Ive enjoyed my miracle baby ever since.. Im so in awe of her, she is so content, and never really fusses unless shes hungry and/or having her diaper changed.

By Karen~moderator on Sunday, September 5, 2004 - 09:48 am:

Oh Jackie.........warm fuzzies, goosebumps and teary eyes here!!!!!! I know what you went through to finally get her! She truly is your miracle baby.

By Sue3 on Sunday, September 5, 2004 - 09:56 am:

Thanks for sharing Jackie.I am crying right now! LOL.What a beautiful story of your miracle baby.

By Rayanne on Sunday, September 5, 2004 - 11:38 am:

What a beautiful story. Thank you so much for sharing that. I am now in tears and have goosebumps. I love to read peoples stories about the births of their children. Everyone is a miracle.

By Emily7 on Sunday, September 5, 2004 - 12:18 pm:

Thank you for sharing.

By Bea on Sunday, September 5, 2004 - 01:04 pm:

Beautiful. Thanks for letting us share in your miracle.

By Cybermommyx4 on Sunday, September 5, 2004 - 01:09 pm:

What a beautiful story, Jackie. You have certainly endured more than enough to just sit back and bask in your little miracle (BIG miracle;)) Thank you for sharing it with us!

By Jelygu on Sunday, September 5, 2004 - 05:53 pm:

What a beautiful story! Thank you for telling it :)

By Tink on Sunday, September 5, 2004 - 06:08 pm:

That was so beautiful! I am in tears while I am typing this. I went through 3 C-sections and I love to hear others' birth stories, especially when I know that there is such an incredible amount of love in it. Thank you so much for taking the time to share that with all of us.

By Amecmom on Sunday, September 5, 2004 - 09:10 pm:

Oh Jackie,
Congratulations! I am so happy you decided to share your story. God bless baby Faith!

By Audreyj on Sunday, September 5, 2004 - 09:14 pm:

Congratulations. AJ

By Cat on Sunday, September 5, 2004 - 10:03 pm:

Jackie, I'm so happy for you and your family. Thanx for sharing with us. :)

By Boxzgrl on Sunday, September 5, 2004 - 10:17 pm:

That made me tear up in happiness. Thanks for sharing such a great story! :)

By Annie2 on Sunday, September 5, 2004 - 11:01 pm:

Oh, you wrote that so beautifully. It made we weep also. Be sure to put that in her baby book. I'm thrilled for you.

By Insaneusmcwife on Monday, September 6, 2004 - 12:11 am:

Awww! Thank you for sharing your story.

By Truestori on Monday, September 6, 2004 - 01:39 am:


It is so nice to know that she is here now, so healthy and beautiful. I'm sure it is such a relief to have and hold her in your arms. What a beautiful story.

By Missymelissy on Monday, September 6, 2004 - 08:37 am:

Thank you for sharing.

By Kernkate on Monday, September 6, 2004 - 08:41 am:

Jackie, thanks so much for sharing you beautiful story.
Baby Faith is truely a miracle.

By Juju on Monday, September 6, 2004 - 11:02 am:

what a beautiful story congratulations!

By Lauram on Monday, September 6, 2004 - 04:39 pm:

Congratulations! :)

By Dawnk777 on Monday, September 6, 2004 - 07:06 pm:

Congratulations! Thanks for sharing your story!

By Marg on Monday, September 6, 2004 - 07:20 pm:

Isn't every birth a miracle! I've always wanted to work in that part of the hospital. Children are truly a gift and a blessing:)

By Robyn on Tuesday, September 7, 2004 - 09:34 am:


By Fraggle on Tuesday, September 7, 2004 - 09:41 am:

Thanks for sharing your story. I'm so glad you had such a great nurse!

By Trisa on Tuesday, September 7, 2004 - 03:19 pm:

Congrats. What a great story!

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