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Is it True that..

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive September 2004: Is it True that..
By Nicosmom on Thursday, September 2, 2004 - 12:57 pm:

While watching T.V. your brain activity is the same as someone who is in a coma? My english professor has said this more than once. This really disturbs me. Ds loves to watch television in the morning.

This leads me to question two. What goes on in your house with no television? I'm sure I've asked this before. Dh is addicted to t.v. when he gets home from work. I do not want this to rub off on ds. I really only watch it at night, if I have time and ds is asleep.

By Emily7 on Thursday, September 2, 2004 - 01:13 pm:

I don't know if I would believe it.
When my ds is watching Noggin he is participating with what is going on. He gets up to dance, he answers questions they ask, he has learned a lot.
Now with my dh, okay it could be true. I am very much aware of what is going on around me while watching tv. I have a 2 1/2 year old & an 8 month old I have to be.

By Mommmie on Thursday, September 2, 2004 - 01:42 pm:

Yes, I've heard this, too. It's not true if the person is playing video games. In that case the brain is very active. I would much rather have my son playing video games than watching TV or a taped movie.

My son doesn't watch a lot of TV and he has seen 1 movie in the last year. He prefers video games or computer games or internet games if he's going to do something electronic-related. He also likes to play outside and jump on the trampoline and go fishing and ride his bike and all the other typical 9-year-old boy stuff.

I don't think there's anything wrong with watching a little TV everyday. It can suck up your life like a vacuum though! When I was a SAHM and my son was an infant I was TV Queen. I was so bored and so isolated. I can see the attraction! It makes you feel connected to the world.

I got a job and the TV interest dropped off for me. I watch news and politics and I TiVo The Brady Bunch and watch them every now and then.

On Saturdays and Sundays I don't turn the TV on until the evening news. It's nice having a quiet house. I TiVo my son's 3 Sat. morning shows and he watches them throughout the week.

Everything in Moderation.

By Luvn29 on Thursday, September 2, 2004 - 01:49 pm:

I always have the t.v. on even if it isn't being watched because I need the noise. My dh works 3rd shift, so he sleeps during the day, and both kids are in school. I need the company, even if I am sitting there reading a book, or on here.

I do not see how your brain could be that inactive. It seems to me it would have to be working some with comprehending what you are watching, and keeping track of characters, and clues, and things such as that. Especially if you are watching a "whodunit". You're mind is constantly working trying to figure this and that out.

I think people go to the extreme with carrying on that television is an evil thing. My children watch tv whenever they want to, but they would rather be outside playing or playing together in their playroom or such. I see no harm in anyone watching tv as long as they are active and healthy.

In fact, we try to rent at least one movie every week or two to watch as a family in the evening. It is something we enjoy doing very much.

By Eve on Thursday, September 2, 2004 - 02:08 pm:

It's true that you are not using all of your 5 senses, but I don's see how that would be the same as being in a coma. Maybe if you are watching tv for a really long period of time, you might "space out." That's just strange. I've never heard that.

By Unschoolmom on Monday, September 6, 2004 - 11:09 am:

I think maybe you should ask your prof. for a source or study to back up his statement. my kids watch TV quite a bit, when they choose and it's rarely a passive activity. It inspires questions and play. I know with me, even with really bad shows, it can inspire a lot of thought and interests.
Even when just vegging in front of a TV it's a peaceful, restful thing to do. If my brain is in a state something like a coma, so be it. That doesn't mean it's bad.

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