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How do you prioritize your cleaning?

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive September 2004: How do you prioritize your cleaning?
By Boxzgrl on Tuesday, August 31, 2004 - 01:06 pm:

I find myself cleaning the house top to bottom everyday. I know it needs to be picked up everyday, especially with DD in the house. But everyday I am vacuuming, dusting, doing laundry, sweeping, mopping, cleaning the porch, washing dish after dish etc.... Maybe I have a bit of OCD or something? :) Sometimes I feel like my DH is working his butt off everyday and so should I. I feel good when he comes home to a freshly clean house and I know he likes it because he comments on it all the time. But I feel like I clean more than anyone else I know. I'm never showered before noon because I clean before getting my day started. DHs only house chores are the trash, doggie poo and watering the lawn but he does help out with dishes and putting away laundry if hes home early enough.

So do any of you have special days where you do certain chores? Am I a crazy clean freak??? :)

By Eve on Tuesday, August 31, 2004 - 01:22 pm:

Melissa, I feel the same way somedays. I swear, I am always doing laundry, otherwise I am swimming in it. I also change sheets every 3 days, so I know that's partially my own fault. I also straighten ALL the time. I hate when my house is messy! I recently signed up for Fly Lady emails. She seems to have a whole system to cleaning. Maybe that's worth checking into. She sets up time for yourself too!:)

By Mrsheidi on Tuesday, August 31, 2004 - 02:44 pm:

Feel the same way, and I possibly have slacked off lately. DH hasn't said anything,yet. One piece of advice I will never forget for a SAHM is...
Always do something that can't get undone. You'll feel progress that way on SOMEthing. Good for you though, working so hard on the house. I usually vacuum every 3 days (have a dog, so have to), dust every week, laundry and dishes every day, etc. I've also made it a point to never pick up after my DH. If he leaves a dish out, I leave it out so he picks it up. Sometimes, if he doesn't see it all day or longer than 24 hours, I put it on his pillow. He gets the hint. I can only pick up after myself. (For now anyway while my son is so young.) Also, studies have shown that kids do better in school if they have a clean house!!! GOOD 4 U!!

By Sunny on Tuesday, August 31, 2004 - 02:48 pm:

I live by Phyllis Diller's quote:

Cleaning your house while your kids are still growing is like shoveling the walk before it stops snowing.

I tried when I was first married to keep the house clean, but with 5 kids and a husband who is as messy as a child, I am happy if the dishes are clean, the toys are put away, the clothes are in the hamper and the trash is picked up. As a matter of fact, that has become a sort of mantra around here: 'Pick up the toys, your clothes and the trash!' :)

By Debbie on Tuesday, August 31, 2004 - 03:16 pm:

I do a major cleaning every Monday. This is the day I clean the bathrooms, do the floors, change the sheets, dust, etc. Then every other day after this I vacuum and wipe down the toilets with clorox wipes. I also do laundry every other day, so it doesn't pile up. Each morning I do clean out the dishwasher, so that it is ready for the dirty dishes that we use during the day. (I hate dirty dishes in the sink) Also, each night after I do the dinner dishes I use a swifter on the kitchen floor. There are always tons of crumbs on the floor. My dks have a playroom and almost all of their toys are in it. I only make them clean it up on Sunday night, so I can vacumm in there. I also have my dks pick up anything that is around the family room/kitchen before they go to bed each night.

By Amecmom on Tuesday, August 31, 2004 - 04:10 pm:

I'm with Debbie. I do a major cleaning once a week and maintenance cleaning every day. I wipe the bathrooms daily with clorox wipes so they are always fresh. When I do the big cleaning I make sure one or two rooms get alot of attention - baseboards detail cleaning, etc. This way, my big cleaning does not take forever, and each room gets a really throrogh going over once a month.

By Kaye on Tuesday, August 31, 2004 - 05:00 pm:

I spend one day a week cleaning house. I even only do laundry once or twice a week. yes I am swimming in it, but I just got so tired of always doing laundry. So I make sure once a week I vacuum all floors, mop, really clean the bathrooms. I used to do a 5 minute daily in the bathroom. I do pick up the family room every day, usually right before dh gets home. It really depends. Whem my kids were little I did my cleaning a room a day, but I hated that the whole house was never clean. So then I divided it into halves, and sometimes I do this. For me it is upstairs/downstairs. But I find that once my upstairs is clean, I usually want to at least clean a little downstairs. My hubby works hard, but I volunteer hard :) When he gets home I still work, I cook dinner, i get clothes out for the kids, i pick up etc. So I try to make sure I get an hour or two each day for me, either to watch tv, scrapbook, computer, etc. When he comes home he sits, so I need my time and another time or I get resentful.

By Bellajoe on Tuesday, August 31, 2004 - 05:13 pm:

I feel like I am always cleaning and straightening, but it never actually accomplishs anything. To me, my house always looks a mess. No matter how many times i pick up the toys, they are always on the floor...does that make any sense? I try to keep the toys in one room, but that doesn't work.

I feel like i am always cleaning the kitchen, however it never actually looks clean! LOL

I do laundry every other day. Sweep the kitchen floor several times a are MESSY eaters! I should mop more often, but i hate doing it.

I vacuum every few days. I do wish my house was less messy, but I have come to terms with the fact that with 2 kids, it isn't going to be perfect.

By Boxzgrl on Tuesday, August 31, 2004 - 05:24 pm:

I'm glad i'm not the only one!

The only thing I don't clean on a regular basis are the bathrooms. Since its only me, DH, and DD its not too bad. DH knows to lift the toilet seat (LOL) and I spot clean as I go and do a thorough cleaning every 2 weeks. But thank goodness for that because i've always hated cleaning bathrooms.

Maybe i'll check out Fly Lady. :)

By Vicki on Tuesday, August 31, 2004 - 06:01 pm:

I prioritize by first killing anything that is moving and cleaning up the remains! After that, what ever is the worst looking!! LOL That is just a joke!!

In the summer, I keep the house picked up and clean the bathrooms and keep the kitchen clean, but the dusting and vaccuming only happens if it gets so bad I can't stand it, or if company is coming or if it is raining. We have to many fun things to do outside for me to worry about keeping a spotless house!

Now that school is back though I am finding myself cleaning like a freak. Once I get all the deep cleaning caught up, I usually clean the upstairs one day and the downstairs another. If it isn't too bad I can get it all done in one day. I usually work on laundry every day. I make sure everything is picked up before I go to bed and I run the dishwasher right after dinner and make sure that is unloaded before I go to bed. I HATE having to unload that thing in the morning for some reason. I like it ready to go!! It is taking me a bit to get caught up because I am also cleaning out closets and cupboards and junk drawers and all of that that didn't get dome over the summer. I figure I should be about done before school lets out again!! LOL

By Tink on Tuesday, August 31, 2004 - 09:42 pm:

I'm a Flybaby and it has made a big difference in how I feel about cleaning. I used to clean like you, Melissa, and I felt like it was never done all the way. Now I do a big cleaning once a week (thursday) and pick up toys, clothes, garbage, etc. 3 times a day (before I leave for work, when I get home and before bed). I do 2 loads of laundry each day (5 people = tons of dirty clothes and I change the sheets twice a week) and I wipe down the bathroom counters, toilet and floor every morning. DH's days off are the worst days for our home because he says he wants to spend time with me, not watch me clean. How can I argue with that? :)

By Marcia on Wednesday, September 1, 2004 - 12:26 am:

I'm with Sunny!!!!! I pretty much feel that if I make it through the day and all of the kids are fed, clean and happy, it's been a great day. The rest is gravy!! :o)
I have to do laundry every day, and several loads a day. The dishes are done a couple of times a day.
The kids enjoy using the swifter mop and duster, so they do those things a lot. They also put away their own clean clothes. I do the bathrooms as soon as I notice they need it.
I do NOT change my sheets every 3 days, but it seems like some of them I do because of accidents, etc.
I hate cleaning, and it is not a number one priority for me.

By Karen~moderator on Wednesday, September 1, 2004 - 12:32 am:

Huh?? Prioritize what? What's cleaning???

My house is a disaster Melissa, so if you want to help me prioritize my cleaning, it would be greatly appreciated!

By Mrse on Wednesday, September 1, 2004 - 01:51 am:

well, what gets done first is, make a path so someone can come in the door!! Dishes, laundry, vacuming gets done everyday. My bedroom is always the last thing I clean I just try to keep up the area's that company can see, and if they open up my bedroom door and their is a mess, I say to bad, it was shut for a reason. One time, I was running around cleaning as we were getting company dh said leave it it is fine!! so I did, then when the company came in, the first thing out of his mouth was oh sorry for the mess!!! I was not impressed. The house has been actually tidy now, as I am getting more on the kids to pick up their stuff, instead of me making a thousand trips to their rooms. My biggest pet peeve is, when I have not sat down once after work, and have been cleaning cleaning cleaning, and I have 3 half grown daughters doing thier own thing and a husband who says to them, help your mother.I especially get a kick out of it when the kids say why should I clean this up it is not my mess!! If I only cleaned up my mess, I would only be on my feet a few min, because unlike the rest of my family I actually put things away when I am done with them.

By Marcia on Wednesday, September 1, 2004 - 09:13 am:

Ditto here!! My hubby says that it's not his mess, and I quickly remind him that it's sure not mine!! We have 5 kids, so most of it is theirs!!! That means he should share equally in the work!! I'm not talking about what they can do themselves, but the other stuff - dishes, laundry, etc.

By Eight_Kids on Wednesday, September 1, 2004 - 09:23 am:

I gave up trying to prioritize a long time ago. I used to make monday my cleaning day since the place is usually trashed after a weekend with 8 kids. LOL!!
Now, since dh's girls have all moved here within the last 4 years, they all have a chore to do on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays their room gets cleaned (well, not my version of clean but at least I can stand to look in their one or two days a week :)) Monday-Thursday they share the dishes and trash (this includes emptying the dishwasher, setting the table, clearing the table after dinner, and doing the dinner dishes) this way I can usually get to the other stuff throughout the week. DH helps out probably more than most since he is the stay at home parent but I of course feel like he could do more. I recently started this new thing (I got this idea off of a website...just can't remember which one) where they are allowed to leave their game boy sp's around the house but all the other stuff goes in their bedrooms. If it's left laying out, when they decide they want it back they have to do an extra chore for it! (If it's not something they're real worried about getting back the chore doesn't get done....but the item is also no longer left laying around the house....)
Sometimes it seems like they aren't doing much but when I actually think about it...just getting them to do little things really takes a load off!

By Dana on Wednesday, September 1, 2004 - 10:25 am:

It wasn't until DD started school that my house started looking clean. Something about a child right behind your cleaning to keep things looking messy, KWIM? So for those feeling like your house is ALWAYS messy, are your kids preschoolers? It does get better as the kids get older. Plus you can throw away things without the child saying "NO! not that!!!"

Mondays I do full house cleaning w/ laundry. Tues I do whatever laundry didn't get done. The rest of the week is just maintainence. Sat and Sun, I pretty much don't do anything except cook. I take the weekends off and pay for it on Monday.

By Emily7 on Wednesday, September 1, 2004 - 10:27 am:

I make my dh help on the weekends, he takes care of the kids. I get all of the major stuff done then. During the week I swifter the floor daily & mop it on Wed. I dust every other day & vacuum every day. I empty the dishwasher at the start of the day & load it all day long. I do a load when I have enough clothing. The bathrooms get cleaned on a need to be done basis during the week (deep down on the weekends)

By Conni on Wednesday, September 1, 2004 - 02:31 pm:

This is a bad week for me to reply to a cleaning post as I am keeping my 22mo nephew for 9 days while my sis and bil are in colorado. My house is a disaster!!! I have enjoyed him, but will be ready to get back into my routine (whatever that is?) I havent been to the gym all week. sniff sniff I tend to put caring for my family and exercise at the TOP of my to do list--deep cleaning comes somewhere lower on the list. lol

Years ago when I first became a sahm I was a cleaning fanatic. I seriously thought that if my house was spotless 24/7 it meant I was a good mother and wife. NOT TRUE!!

I struggle with prioritizing my deep cleaning at this point in my life. I have no problem picking up, doing light housework and laundry. Deep cleaning is really hard for me right now. I find that I actually have to be HOME in order to get it done and that doesnt happen often enough. lol

My doctor informed me about 2 yrs ago that these are the busiest yrs of a Mom's life. :) I hadnt really thought about it until he mentioned how busy my schedule is and will continue to be until these kids are raised.

I will be taking the *easy* way out I guess and hiring a cleaning lady to help me. We are swamped with other things to do besides clean all day. I am finally ok with admitting I need some help tho. LOL For awhile it bothered me to think I couldnt do it *all*.

In the Fall we not only start school we have Soccer, Piano, Football, teach a class on wed nights, I take a college class that I need to study for and do homework, I have a preschooler that I *really* enjoy spending time with, I like to volunteer at my kids schools ( for example fall carnival coming up), I enjoy going to the gym in the mornings, I want to attend the ladies bible study this yr on wednesday mornings. I could go on and on. But I'll spare you. ;)

By Tonya on Wednesday, September 1, 2004 - 03:24 pm:

My cleaning is always donet he same way. Laundry gets done every night at least a few loads and to be honest we hardly ever fold cloths only if we know someone is coming over or if I get tired of seeing full baskets which is usually every 2-3 weeks otherwise we live out of baskets as for other stuff Rich does the dishes from the night before when he gets home from work and I vaccum every night after the kids go to bed because the baby can find everything on the floor that is it for us. Timmy has to pick his room up every night before he goes to bed and the rest of the house usually stays pretty ordally. I only dust like every 3-4 months cause I hate doing it.

By Theresa_Momma on Thursday, September 2, 2004 - 02:02 am:

I hate to clean. I pick up everyday, clean the bathroom and change the sheets weekly, but besides that the house waits till I am ready. I guess I figure snice Jeremiah is only going to be a baby for so long that if I get a day off I spend the day watching him grow. DH is no help, he is just an oversized kid that leaves a trial, so I suppose my house is a mess all the time. I have learned to ignore it, sometimes you have to let things go. Now that I am back to work part time, I have let the house go. About once every two weeks my mom and I have a cleaning weekend. We clean her house and then we clean mine. She is my best friend and that is the only way I will clean, I have her to talk to and we sing to old records, like the Mama's and Papa's and even Michael Jackson(LOL)!!

By Deek on Thursday, September 2, 2004 - 08:29 am:

you are supposed to prioritize cleaning? That and cooking are never a priority..LOL..I pretty much try to keep everything picked up and once a week try to vacuum dust etc..more often if we are having company... this week I am really week I go back to work..I like to start off the school year clean and organized..

By Rayanne on Thursday, September 2, 2004 - 11:55 am:

I clean about once a week. Sometimes twice, but mostly once. I do laundry about once a week too.

You are not crazy. My house is probably filthy compared to yours though.

By Nicosmom on Thursday, September 2, 2004 - 12:19 pm:

I usually designate Sunday for cleaning day. Laundry gets done, bathroom gets cleaned. Actually I probably spread out my cleaning throughout the week. I mop sometime during the week, same with vacuuming. I guess on Sundays I top off the cleaning.

By Cocoabutter on Saturday, September 4, 2004 - 07:02 pm:

Every day the only things I make sure of is that the dishes are done (or at least soaking), stuff is picked up off the floor in the living room, dining room, and kitchen, and the laundry is sorted.

Other then that I dust, vacuum the floors, scrub the bathroom, mop the kitchen, and do the laundry ONCE A WEEK- Friday's.

I get frustrated very easily, and I HAD to slow down.

You are not OCD. I have a neighbor who is. He power washes his roof, vacuums his driveway, and mows his lawn 2-3 times a week. He makes his wife keep the kids outside to play because then they aren't messing up the inside quite so much. They don't go in unless it's raining or dark. THAT'S OCD.

By Unschoolmom on Monday, September 6, 2004 - 10:57 am:

I make sure there are clean clothes for the next day, clean dishes for the next meal and a patch of countertop to prepare meals. :) Other than that I don't have any "have to" chores and mostly just clean when I want to. Surprisingly that means I do it when I'm in the mood and end up enjoying it so now I do it more often (an hour and a half every few mornings). Still the livingroom is usually a sea of toys (toys don't count as a mess, right?)and the kitchen table is rarely bare enough to eat at.
One mom I know says that if you're house is clean you're not doing you're job as a mom. :) I take that to heart.

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