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Ulcerative colitis

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive August 2004: Ulcerative colitis
By Lauram on Saturday, August 21, 2004 - 08:57 pm:

I might have this. Anyone have any experience? What were your symptoms?

By Kay on Saturday, August 21, 2004 - 11:04 pm:

My dd has Crohn's Disease, which is also an Inflammatory Bowel Disease, like ulcerative colitis. In fact, the medication she is on now, Asacol, is used primarily to treat UC. I know that her symptoms have been diarrhea and abdominal cramping, even though she seems to be in remission at this time.

The only way she could be definitively diagnosed was through a colonoscopy, which she had 4 years ago when she was 10.

By Mrse on Sunday, August 22, 2004 - 06:35 am:

My dh is being watched for this, he has the diarrhea and has lost alot of wieght, you really have to watch what you eat. My friend has chrones and she can not have dairy or any seeds, seeds just kill her. Just keep a journal of what you eat and how you felt after you did eat it, and you will learn what your body can tolorate I think my friend said everyone was different. My friend said that being a member of a chrones /colitis has helped her alot, but just remmber that the disease affects everyone differently, you will not necessarily go through what some people have went through with the disease.

By Kay on Sunday, August 22, 2004 - 04:36 pm:

It certainly is different with different people - for instance, seeds cause no problems with my dd's Crohn's....but then seeds *can* irritate diverticulitis, which can often occur as a result of an IBD like UC or CD.

I've had to become a walking encyclopedia of IBD, having watched dd suffer as a child with it. I never would have guessed that some of the symptoms can also be mouth sores, aching arthritic joints, or purplish bumps appearing on the legs. Let's just say I became an expert pretty quickly, before we almost lost my little girl.

By Lauram on Sunday, August 22, 2004 - 05:06 pm:

Well, I do have arthritic pains- in fact I have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia. I also read that eye problems can come with it and I had an eye ulcer this summer. I have had SOOOO many tests in the last week: u/s of my gall bladder, 2 CT scans an endoscopy, and a hida scan. My blood work shows my total bilirubin to be low but that's about it. Protein seems to really bother me right now. I've had several "attacks" that have sent me to the ER in teh last week (3) but this has been going on for about 5 weeks. My urine was a little abnormal so as a last ditch effort yesterday in the ER they gave me some IV antibiotics (Ri...) and now I am taking Cipro which I understand covers colitis, bladder infection and diverticulitis (in case the 2 CT scans missed it). I'm starting to feel better on the antibiotics so it must be one of those. What a nightmare this has been. The last thing I need is another procedure. I go to my GI tomorrow (have to call and make an appt) but I talked to dh's uncle (GI) and he thinks it's colitis.

By Lauram on Sunday, August 22, 2004 - 05:08 pm:

Oh- and my primary symptoms are abdominal pain (it moves but right now it's pretty low and a little shooting on the sides) and diarrhea. I also took Celebrex and Glucophage which are suspicious....

By Kaye on Monday, August 23, 2004 - 02:50 am:

Laura I have UC, in general to be dxed took me just being really off kilter, not sick enough to not function, but to sick to feel like doing anything. I had pain, but on and off, I had bleeding on occasion, also the diarehha fun. My understanding is that the difference between chrons and uc is which intestine is affected. In general I took some meds for awhile, really lowered my stress level, and learned my limits. The only way to diagnos is to take a look and do biopsies. When i finally went in things looked okay, but the biopsipes came back positive.

By Feona on Monday, August 23, 2004 - 08:01 am:

Did they say to avoid dairy and wheat? (two most common allergians.) I also just read that fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue is sometimes caused by food allergies.

I would go to a rolfer for the fibromyalgia. Honestly, I was in pain with my lower back a week ago. I go to the rolfer. Gone. Like magic.

By Lauram on Monday, August 23, 2004 - 09:28 am:

I don't know what a rolfer is- but I see a rhuematologist for it. I seem to have gotten it from Lyme disease (2x) and mono (1x).

By Feona on Tuesday, August 24, 2004 - 07:15 am:

Very Deep Full body tissue massage. I mean deep tissue. Breaks the old stickness of the muscles and ligaments (to the bones) so that the pain decreases or disappears. If the muscles and ligaments are sticking to the bone for years and years the same only way, when they aren't stuck the same way the pain can go away.

This rolfer I used to go to. I think he explains it very good.

<a target="_BLANK" href="">The rolfing recipe</A>

How to find a rolfer: Only two places to find a rolfer.

<a target="_BLANK" href="
"> rolf guild</a> -
<a target="_BLANK" href="
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