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Embarrassing Moments

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive August 2004: Embarrassing Moments
By Rayanne on Saturday, August 21, 2004 - 10:31 am:

This should be fun.
I was wondering what you dear kids have done to embarrass you in public?
Nothing has happened to me....yet, but I know my time will come.

By Marg on Saturday, August 21, 2004 - 10:37 am:

Too cute and funny Rayanne ~

Too many come to mind...

First one is when I was pregnant with second child and oldest dd was 3. We were in Kmart looking around and she was super shy. A man (I knew) stop and talked to us but she was so shy she lifted up my dress and hid under it, lol!

Another time Easter Sunday at church, oldest dd was 5 she stood up and turned around to talk to me and said "I'm going to throw up." And she did, all over me.

I could write a book, thanks for something fun to think about.

By Vicki on Saturday, August 21, 2004 - 10:59 am:

Dd must have been about 2 or 3 and we were going into a store and there was a black man standing by the doorway. Now, we lived in a big city at the time and she had seen tons of black people, but this is the time that it caught her eye I guess. In that loud child voice she says, Mommy, why is that man so dirty! He was dressed very well in a business casual type of outfit, so it was obvious she was talking about his skin! Thankfully he thought it was hysterical and told me not to worry about it when I was scrambling to tell him I was sorry!

By Colette on Saturday, August 21, 2004 - 11:13 am:

I dont remember how old ds was, but he was little and he would say the "f" sound for "fl" and for "tr". So my mother and I and 2 of her friends both of which are gay, took him and my oldest dd to a parade and here come the fire trucks and the flags.

He starts yelling "mummy! look at the ucken ags"
and "mummy! look at the fire ucks"
(put the letter F in front of those 3 words) I was totally mortified and he yelled it a few times because he was SO excited and happy. I will NEVER forget that parade.

By Tunnia on Saturday, August 21, 2004 - 11:31 am:

My ds has provided me with so many embarrassing moments that it's hard to pick just one...

-Last night we went out to a local seafood restaurant for dinner. We had finished eating and we were getting ready to leave when my ds got out of his seat, walked over to the table next to us and grabbed the crackers from their table. The man and woman just sat there with shocked looks on their faces while we quickly told them how sorry we were.

-Last year my ds's teacher and I were standing and talking in front of the church where he attends preschool. Next thing we know he had his pants around his ankles and he was peeing on the front lawn of the church!

-Ds and I went to my dh's work to take him out to lunch a couple of months ago. One of the women my dh works with picked ds up and was talking to him when he loudly exclaimed for all to hear, "Wow, you have really stinky breath!"

By Marg on Saturday, August 21, 2004 - 11:43 am:

These stories are just too funny:)

By Rayanne on Saturday, August 21, 2004 - 12:21 pm:

OH MY GOODNESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
These are hilarious!!!
Keep them coming!!!

By Pamt on Saturday, August 21, 2004 - 12:21 pm:

*Not something that DS did directly, but happened as a result of him. Oldest DS was 6 months old and DH had an interview for his first full-time ministry position. As part of the interview process they wanted me to stand up and tell a little bit about myself, how I supported him in ministry, etc. Breastfeeding had been well established by then and I had long since given up wearing nursing pads. Naturally I was nervous as I started talking and I could feel letdown occurring. The left side of my green silk dress was doused in milk and I spent the rest of the reception awkwardly holding a cup of punch in front of my left boob.

*My oldest DS was about 4 and my youngest was 1. I was cleaning out in the bathroom and came across my peri-care bottle from DS2's birth. I gave it to my boys to play with in the bathtub because I thought it would be a fun little toy. Oldest DS asked what it was and I matter of factly told him it was a bottle that mommies used to clean their bottoms after they had a baby. End of discussion. Later that week I went to pick my son up after his Wed. night "Mission Friends" class at church. All of his teachers were chuckling and pulled me aside. They said that during prayer request time that DS had requested prayer for me because my bottom was really hurt since giving birth to his brother. I died laughing and explained why on earth he would say such a thing.

By Pamt on Saturday, August 21, 2004 - 12:23 pm:

Colette, I have quite a few speech kids with the f/tr problem. I always tell moms we'll try to fix that one right away :)

By Cocoabutter on Saturday, August 21, 2004 - 12:35 pm:

When my son was 2 and we would go to the store, he had made a game of running from me and hiding in another aisle, and I decided to put a stop to it. (Call me paranoid.)

So I insisted that he sit in the seat of the grocery cart, which he did not like but, nonetheless, had grown accustomed to after a while. Still, he liked to stand up in the seat, and I was always telling him to sit down.

Once, we were playing a game. He would stand and I would say "sit" and he would repeat "sit" and we would go back and forth like that. But once he replaced the "s" with "sh" and there happened to be two older ladies standing right next to us!

Another time at the store when my son was 3 and had been potty trained for just a few months, he suddenly said out loud,"MOMMY, I HAVE TO GO POOP!"

By Fionadeassis on Saturday, August 21, 2004 - 03:21 pm:

When I was pregnant with Kiko, we were in Walmart shopping and Eliah pointed at a very obese woman and yelled out "That lady must be pregnant with twins!"

A friend in Vancouver was in a crowded elevator with her 3 year old son and he looked up at her and said "Mommy-I can smell your vagina!".....


Another time when I was in Walmart with Eliah(pregnant)-he said really loudly to me..."Mommy you just farted!" (yes-I really had......;)


By Rayanne on Saturday, August 21, 2004 - 06:02 pm:

Oh my goodness Fiona!!!!!! I cannot believe your friends DS said that!!!! I would be SOOOO

By Truestori on Saturday, August 21, 2004 - 10:17 pm:

This past Monday I took my son to get a hair cut at this new barber shop in town. The wait was extremely long, about 45minutes. He was great the whole time until.....This man with long hair sat down to get his crew cut on top and long hair trimmed. My son kept asking why his hair was so long. I was trying to be polite because the man was in earshot and could hear the whole conversation. I explained some people like long hair yada..yada! Well, just as I finished explaining this my 5-year-old blurts out,"Mommy, he has a looser haircut!" I could have died!

By Tink on Saturday, August 21, 2004 - 10:57 pm:

Ds's school recently changed locations and went from a house type bathroom to a school type restroom. Apparently he hadn't fully realized what a urinal was for (and wasn't for) and used it for #2! His supervisor had to fish out the poo and explain to him that it was for urinating ONLY! I found out a few days later and could only congratulate her on doing a mom's job magnificently! Of course I turned about 10 shades of red while she recounted the tale to me!

By Cocoabutter on Saturday, August 21, 2004 - 11:47 pm:

When my son was in kindergarten, he was in the boy's restroom- not the one that is inside his classroom- but the one just across the hall from his classroom where the big kids go, and where there are unrinals. The teacher wasn't very observant (he had managed to slip away from her unnoticed several times) and a third-grader had brought my son back to her room and told her that my son had been in the bathroom unrinating on the wall!

I explained to her that more often than not he goes into public restrooms with me and not his dad, so he may have been confused to see other boys in that restroom across the hall unrinating while standing up next to the wall. She said "OOOOoooohh. " I said to myself "WHEW!"

By Dana on Sunday, August 22, 2004 - 11:34 am:

Pamt, that "sore bottom" story had me laughing so hard. DD just HAD to know why I was laughing. She had to settle for "it's a mommy only joke."

For my story, after last Christmas I was out using a gift card at a book store. Mind you a few monhts earlier I was prescribed Sarafem for my severe PMS. DD is unaware of this, however was well aware of mommy's "cranky times." Also, Dr Phill was now airing at 6PM locally meaning I had it on while cooking dinner each day. As we are leaving the book store, which is dead silent, she announces with great self pride in finding such a treasure "LOOK MOMMY! Here's lots of Dr Phil books! Maybe you can find one to help you with your cranky times!" Thankfully, we were near the door for a quick escape.

And most recently, it seems even strangers know all about my pregnancy. At an inside play gym, a woman came at sat next to me. I was congratulated on my pregnancy and then informed about our planned trip to McD's and that I usually hate McD, but now it is all I can eat, and that I don't even like salads any more, and they used to be my favorite! And Taco Bell bean burritos taste good now, too. And how lucky DD is that this baby has me so "off schedule" now and she gets to eat junk food now. The list goes on about what this lady knew about me. Of course she was smiling while sharing this info with me....hmmm, maybe she was trying to warn me about the details DD gives out. This is only ONE example of stories like this. Poor DD just dosn't know what to keep "in the family."

By Bellajoe on Sunday, August 22, 2004 - 06:14 pm:

At the zoo last week, we were watching the Manatee swim around and my 3 yr old yells nice and loud several times "Mommy! I can see it's pee pees!!" OMG! Luckily the only other stranger that heard this was a woman who has a ds about the same age. She just laughed and said "usually it's mine that is saying stuff like that".

By Sue3 on Sunday, August 22, 2004 - 08:51 pm:

When DD was about one and a half we decided to take her to church with us.
Usually Dh and I took turn`s going because no day care was provided during mass.
Well , to prepare her as best as we could , we explained that people go to church to pray and to be closer to Jesus we would just keep telling her this.
The day finally arrived and we sat right up front.As the priest was walking
down the isle the organ music started to play.
It was loud .It scared my DD.So she ran down the isle past the priest screaming , NO JESUS ! NO JESUS ! I was mortified and we got some pretty nasty looks as I chased her down that long isle then out side of the church!

By Ladypeacek on Monday, August 23, 2004 - 10:45 am:

We were at water country USA ( water amusement park) and me and dd (she was 4 at the time) were up the stairs at the top of one of the big slides and in front of us was a lady a bit overweight. My daughter started to get very upset all of a sudden and she started fussing. I asked her is she was getting scared and she looked at me and said in a very LOUD voice """no...i am not scared of the slide but that lady is way to fat for this and what if she breaks it before i get my turn/""" i was gonna die..i don't think my face was ever a brighter shade of red in all my life!

By My2cuties on Monday, August 23, 2004 - 02:52 pm:

To start off...In order to get my dd to use the potty for #2 we decided to say "Wow, look at all those 'rocks' in the potty". From then on she had to go "poop some rocks" (big mistake).

Well, about 3 months ago, dh, the girls and I went to Arby's, and I had to take Katelyn to the potty before we ate. She came screaming out of the restroom, "daddy, daddy, daddy" and when she finally found him, said "I pooped some rocks" to the top of her lungs (she was proud). Everyone around her started laughing so hard and I was so embarrassed, but we just laughed it off.

By Ginny~moderator on Monday, August 23, 2004 - 04:48 pm:

The one I remember was when my oldest, about 3, was on the bus with me, and sitting across from us was a very, very dark skinned woman of color. Donald looked up at me and said "Mommy, that lady is purple."

By Andyjoy on Monday, August 23, 2004 - 05:40 pm:

I don't have kids yet, but my sister and I embarrassed my mom when we were young:

When I was 21 mo. my mom was 9 mo. pregnant with my sister. Mom was sitting in a chair at a church fellowship when I walked up, pulled up her shirt, and exclaimed "There's your belly button!" She used to do that to me at home, but she decided to stop after that!

When my sister was 4, our next door neighbor was a red-haired lady with noticable facial hair. While she and my mom were talking, my sister interrupted with, "Why do you have a mustache? I thought only dads have mustaches."

By Missbookworm on Monday, August 23, 2004 - 07:58 pm:

I guess my most recent was this one. My dd (5) and I were on our way to the store and their was this rather attractive man coming back from the beach (we live very near the beach) with his child in a jogging stroller (those 3 wheel ones)and it was sunny and warm that day and he had his shirt off and had a rather attractive six pack going on among other muscles on his body (he was older say in his 40's) not old but older and I was like mmmmmmmmm but averted my eyes cause I didn't want to be caught staring at his fine bod and my daughter tugs on my hand and I say yes honey and she points and says "Mommy look at all his muscles!" I almost DIED...I just said yes honey he does have alot of muscles and kept walking I was soooooooooo embarrassed but it was cute!!! Are they supposed to notice things like that this early?!?!?!?!? lol

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