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Jaw pain

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive August 2004: Jaw pain
By Tink on Tuesday, August 17, 2004 - 10:11 pm:

I let my wisdom teeth come in instead of having them taken out because I am deathly afraid of the dentist. This was about 3 years ago. When they came in, the rest of my teeth shifted a bit and now my bite is a little "off". Ever since this happened, I have been having some pain right where my jaw hinges. I have been assuming that it is TMJ but it is starting to hurt more and more and I need to go see the Dr. about it. Sometimes the pain will go down into my neck and shoulder and, the last few days, into an earache. Strangely enough, only Advil helps, Tylenol and Aleve don't touch it. Lately even 600 or 800 mg of Advil isn't helping, either. I don't actually know if it is TMJ but I am hoping it isn't since I was looking over our new insurance and TMJ is specifically not covered in any way, shape, or form. Does anyone have any experience with this or any ideas of what else it might be? TIA

By Kellyj on Tuesday, August 17, 2004 - 10:25 pm:

Do you grind your teeth while you sleep? In the past I have had severe jaw problems. I would have terrible pain that tylenol wouldn't help and at some times would not be able to open my mouth enough to even eat. When I talked to my dentist about it he asked if I was under any stress. At the time I was under immense stress (submitting applications to vet school, working at a job where the boss' wife tried to make me quit with daily mistreatment). When I quit that job and went back to college the jaw pain disappeared. It resurfaces periodically when I am extremely stressed. When I'm stressed I grind my teeth in my sleep and that is the source of the problem. I think that there are mouth guards available to correct the problem. Fortunately, my husband hears it and wakes me up when I do it now. :)

By Annie2 on Tuesday, August 17, 2004 - 11:47 pm:

I have TMJ actually it is referred to TMD now. I have had it since jr high. I was on the swim team and had to quit because my jaw locked in a swim meet while doing the breast stroke.

We think it started when my orthodontist had my dentist remove two teeth from the top and not from the bottom. I did okay with the braces but once they were off my teeth shifted. When I was 19, I had two teeth removed from the bottom and more braces, with mouth splints, etc. With a different orthodontist. I also grind my teeth at night. Not from stress, well maybe some, but to try to put my teeth in a more comfortable position.

I have two positions where my jaw is comfortable. One is where me teeth are aligned the other is when my jaw is comfortable. My jaw clicks on the right side everytime I open my mouth wide. However the TMD is on the left side. This makes sense in most cases.

I went to a study at Tufts University in Boston in 1993. They measured, x-rayed, walking test, measured everything, etc. A four hour, $400. eval.

Results: My right side is actually higher than my left. (Not seen by the naked eye...I hope!) Slightly, but the shift is there. My right shoulder, my right hip, everything. This could be the reason for my problem.

Fixing this problem is costly. In 1995, I went to another orthodontist who started me on mouth splints, monthly visits, etc. It cost me well over $1000. He even suggested I consider surgery. My case is not that severe.

I have learned to live with it. I get headaches, my jaw pops, cracks. I chew on the inside of my cheeks for jaw alignment comfort.

I strongly suggest using the night time guards against grinding your teeth. They will reduce the amount of pressure you place on your jaw and will eliminate the damage to your teeth.

I hope this helps. :)

By Feona on Wednesday, August 18, 2004 - 07:33 am:

I think you need to go to the dentist. My husband was supposed to get those teeth out. The dentist said if he didn't something would happen. I forget what.... But maybe you have cavities or infection in those teeth.

By Trina~moderator on Wednesday, August 18, 2004 - 07:37 am:

Your wisdom teeth could be impacted and/or infected. BTDT when I was 24. The pain was unbearable. First the infection had to be cleared before surgery. GO to an oral surgeon! It will continue to get worse until you get your wisdom teeth taken out. I had all four taken out at the same time. {{{HUGS}}}

By Tink on Thursday, August 19, 2004 - 09:14 pm:

Thanks for the experience. I don't think it is a problem with the teeth themselves because it comes and goes but is always worse in the fall. I have no idea if I grind my teeth because dh sleeps harder than I do and he says he hasn't ever noticed it. Amy-My situation actually sounds the most like yours. I have a "comfortable for my jaw bite" and a different bite where my teeth are aligned. My jaw pops and I can't keep it open for long periods of time. Now I am wondering about the rest of my body because I have hip and knee pain on the same side. I have made jokes about that being the side that is cursed but never thought of it really being all related. I know that the treatment for all of this is very expensive. It is getting to a point where it is affecting the rest of my life. It bothers me several days a week and as I said it is turning into pain in my neck and shoulder. Where can I find the mouth guards? My brother use to get some from a sporting goods store for sports but I can't imagine sleeping in those things...they were massive! :) Thanks for the input. I guess I really need to just pay for the trip to the Dr.

By Cocoabutter on Thursday, August 19, 2004 - 09:49 pm:

I had my wisdom teeth removed when I was 18- all four of them. They put me out. It was easy as pie. They were all going to be impacted, and my dentist saw that they were going to be a problem if they didn't come out.

I also grind my teeth at night. I never knew it until I started having unbelievable headaches. My doctor told me to see a dentist. I got a splint that I wear to bed every night. The splint, which is like a retainer, Is fitted to the upper plate of your mouth and the bottom surface is flat to allow for free movement of the bottom plate against it as you sleep. Headaches?----- GONE!


By Annie2 on Thursday, August 19, 2004 - 10:34 pm:

Most orthodontists will give a free consultation visit. It will serve you best if you get about three different opinions. Unless your case is severe, let the DR. know that treatment cost should be held at the minimum to maintain comfort and costs.
You can use the OTC mouth guards for bedtime. Follow the directions for the molding of your teeth. Then shave down the front part with a knife or scissors then file down. Use small particle sanding paper then coat lightly with vaseline. BTDT.

Cori, I also can not keep my mouth open for an extended period. It just aches. When I have my teeth cleaned I have to take several rest periods.

I know this may be TMI but I am not very good at favoring my DH in the oral way, if you catch my drift....;) However, I am medically classified with TMD, so I can bow out when the going gets tough. :)

By Tink on Friday, August 20, 2004 - 01:02 am:

LOL, Annie! Maybe our dhs can form a support group. I'll look for the mouth guards. I've got to get this taken care of. It hurts like heck!!

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