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Friday 13th,,ugghh

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive August 2004: Friday 13th,,ugghh
By Ladypeacek on Friday, August 13, 2004 - 09:43 am:

Well unitl today i never believed in that friday the 13th silliness...well today i spent the morning WITH my kids at the hospital haveing some tests run which was hard to do. Then i had to fight them all through the grocery store. If that wasn't stressful enough for someone on bed rest when we got home one of my guinea pigs was near dead, so i had to rush him to the vets and we had to put him to sleep :( my poor piggy. Before i left to go to the vets i had to call hubby and tell him to transfer some money from one bank to the other so i could pay for this vet visit and he left to do so and got sidetracked on the way out by FOOD and forgot all about it so i had to fight the kids in the vets office for an extra 40 minutes after having my piggy taken from me. Last night we had to give our cats up to friends because of my allergies and now this. The kids are traumatized and i can feel my blood pressure boiling. My ds's birthday is Sunday and i have a cookout/party for him tomorrow and have to get my house clean. I think i might just meltdown by the end of the day. :( :( :( So now i am tired stressed and i get a call from my OB saying he has gotten my blood tests back from Monday and he has referred me to a neurologist and they are rushing an appt. and he would let the neuro explain it to me during the visit, so now i am scared on top of it! My appt is Wed so please keep me in your prayers!

By Robyn on Friday, August 13, 2004 - 09:47 am:

Sounds horrible!! My thoughts & prayers are with you.

By Melanie on Friday, August 13, 2004 - 10:18 am:

((((((HUGS)))))))) What a terrible day! I am so sorry. Hang in there, sweetie.

By Emily7 on Friday, August 13, 2004 - 10:44 am:

(((Kenna))) you have had a bad day! I will keep you & that little baby in my prayers. Try to rest, I know that is hard. When is your appointment with the neurologist?

By Pamt on Friday, August 13, 2004 - 10:44 am:

Have to ask....why on earth are you going grocery shopping and to the vet is you are on bedrest?? That's meant in the strictest "mother hen" sort of way. It is crucial to take care of yourself and this baby esp. if it is a blood pressure issue. That can get very dangerous if you push yourself. PLease hang your pride and independence at the door and grovel for help from anyone around you. DH can do the grocery shopping when he gets home and the hamster just might have to wait. Please, please take care of yourself!!! Hope today is better!

By Ladypeacek on Friday, August 13, 2004 - 01:32 pm:

i think i am just glutten for punishment...sending my dh to the store would result in hot dogs and cheetos for a week and i could never let my piggy suffer for 7 hours till dh got home, i would just die.

By Kernkate on Friday, August 13, 2004 - 07:30 pm:

{{{Kenna}}} Slow down a bit. And take care of yourself. DH could do the shopping, I bet...just give him a list.
Please worry about you and the baby right now.
Have some one help you out tomorrow with the party. I am sure anyone invited would love to help.
Take a break and put those feet up:)

By Tink on Friday, August 13, 2004 - 08:01 pm:

I've BTDT with bedrest and dks, and it really is important to stay off your feet. Drink lots of water too. It's never too much.

OK enough of sounds like you are really having the day from heck and I'm so sorry for that. Give yourself a hug from me for losing your cats and guinea pig so close together. Although, haven't you been having trouble with the cats using dd's room for a litterbox? Maybe that was a bit of a blessing in disguise. I'll be keeping you in my thoughts until you talk to the neurologist on Wednesday. Let us know what is going on as soon as you get a chance, OK?

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