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Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive August 2004: Upstairs/downstairs
By Mommyathome on Tuesday, August 10, 2004 - 06:06 pm:

We are looking into moving to a different, larger house. However, the bedrooms are on separate floors. 2 bedrooms upstairs, and 2 downstairs.
I'm paranoid about splitting my kids up from me and DH. I like having them close to me. DH doesn't have a problem with it at all.
Does anyone have this kind of arrangement?

By Vicki on Tuesday, August 10, 2004 - 07:06 pm:

We don't right now, but did live for about a year and a half in a home where dd was upstairs and we were on the first floor. She was still young, so I used a baby monitor to keep tabs on her. I was very nervous about it at first, but I got over it and everything was fine. We did make sure that there was a ladder in the garage that went up to her window and we did not lock one of her windows just in case there ever was a fire, we could get to her. That was my biggest fear that there would be a fire in the house that would prevent us from getting to her. Once we had the ladder that would reach her window and the plan in place, I felt much better about it. I will add that the only way that anyone could have gotten to her from the outside through that unlocked window would have been to use a ladder and we had neighbors very close in the back and all around us at that house, so I felt safe leaving that one window unlocked. It was also hooked up to the security system and the alarm would have sounded if she (or anyone else) would have opened it. Once I said, after all those plans were in place, it didn't bother me that she was on a different floor!!

By Mommyathome on Tuesday, August 10, 2004 - 07:53 pm:

I didn't even think of using baby monitors....that's a good idea. This house we are looking at has all kinds of fire exits and setups. So, that is reassuring. I guess I would feel safer once we made a plan and practiced it. Fire is my biggest fear as well. But, my girls are old enough to follow a plan once we practice one.
The house we are in now has the master bedroom on one side of the house and the kids bedrooms on the other side. That made me nervous at first also, but now it doesn't even phase me. It's actually kind of nice LOL
I guess I just wanted to hear from someone that it is "OK" :) Anyway, we are just thinking about this other house. (we would just be renting wouldn't be permanent, we'd like to build in a year or two) It's so much bigger. Just tossing around the idea. Thanks for posting!

By Cat on Tuesday, August 10, 2004 - 08:09 pm:

We have a ranch with a finished basement. The boys rooms are down there and ours and another bedroom (which is a playroom for daycare) are on the main level. My boys were almost 7 and almost 9 when we moved in here two years ago. They were a bit nervous the first few days, but that was it. Both their window wells have ladders in them and they know what to do in case of a fire (drilled that into them first thing). They've also been instructed that if they can't get the window open in a fire--break it, throw a blanket over the glass and get out. I think I have an easier time with them being in the basement than on a second floor without me. I think as long as you have an evacuation plan in place that you practice everything will be fine. It's really whatever you're comfortable with. I had a friend back in Maryland that had the master bedroom on the main floor and the kids rooms were upstairs. She had a teenager and two toddlers. She liked the setup because her teenage son couldn't sneak out without going by their room! lol Good luck with whatever you decide. :)

By Mommyathome on Tuesday, August 10, 2004 - 08:17 pm:

Thanks Cat :)
This house is a ranch house with a finished basement. Not a main level and then an upstairs. 2 bedrooms on the main level and two bedrooms in the basement.
We have an unfinished basement in the house we are in now, which I hate. If it were finished I would probably feel different LOL
When we build, we would like to do just one level.
My girls both love the idea of sleeping "downstairs". They think it would be very cool. Though, that could easily change once it came right down to it!

By Joshuasmom on Tuesday, August 10, 2004 - 08:43 pm:


What age are your children? Its probably best the youngest ones are as near to you

By Melissa on Tuesday, August 10, 2004 - 08:43 pm:

I know your kids aren't old enough for this to be an issue yet, but to me kids on another floor especially a basement or lower floor equals an easy way to sneak out or to sneak others in. I know of several friends who found their DK's doing this. So for me Lexi will be staying on the same floor as us.

By Eight_Kids on Tuesday, August 10, 2004 - 09:54 pm:

We moved into a house that had the master bedroom downstairs and two bedrooms upstairs about 2 years ago. We put the 6 yo and the 17 yo in the same bedroom and the 12yo and 13yo in the other bedroom. I have yet to have any problems and have come to love the seperation!!!
Good luck!

By Dawnk777 on Tuesday, August 10, 2004 - 11:35 pm:

We live in a Cape Cod house. Parents' bedroom and Emily's room on the first floor. Sarah's bedroom upstairs. I don't think anyone could sneak anywhere in this house. It's not that big and would make too much noise.

By Mommyathome on Tuesday, August 10, 2004 - 11:56 pm:

Thanks everyone :)
I'm not concerned about anyone sneaking out! They are still to little. And, by the time they want to sneak out, we will be in a different house.
We are going to go look at the house again this week. Guess we'll just see how it goes!
But, it's good to know that others have kids on different least I know it's do-able :)

By Lauram on Wednesday, August 11, 2004 - 08:31 am:

I grew up in a three story house. We moved there when my brother was 5 and I was 7. He and I slept on the third floor and my sister slept on the second floor with my parents. She moved upstairs with us when she was about 6 (but slept in my parents bed for part of the night until she was 12!)

By Colette on Wednesday, August 11, 2004 - 12:09 pm:

We have an expanded cape. 3 bedrooms upstairs, the master bedroom is downstairs. I was very skeptical at first, but now I love it. I did use the baby monitor for a very long time when we first expanded the house.

By Mommyathome on Wednesday, August 11, 2004 - 06:59 pm:

Thanks everyone :)

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